BattleTech 3057 - Recruiting players and co-GMs for new run.

Started by Wargtass, October 27, 2013, 06:00:30 PM

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Quote from: Wargtass on November 18, 2013, 08:05:25 PM
Paladin, I actually have nothing against you using the Galahad (Glass Spider) or Puma (Adder). If you'd rather play the Marauder and later go for one of these as the salvage allows (Fortune is a dirty mistress) then I'd say go for it. The point remains as always, play what you want.
I will play the marauder and try for a glass spider in the future but now I need to go to bed I am falling asleep at the keyboard.
"Underneath the silvery moon,
Your path can still turn foul.
You'll know you've made a wretched move,
When werewolves start to howl."
Alpha Male of Southern US Pack


That roto-dome head on the Glass Spider looks really silly.


So, how about it? Any of the old (or new) PC officers want to be the one that saved Lee? You get a sworn bodyguard out of it, a good one too (she is from Liao Warrior House, after all). If not, it's cool, I can work something out with Wargtass about an NPC connection.

Also, dug up the old post, which had a link to the picture I'd used for her:
Xuē Lei Fang (Lee)
A Special Craving: Rookie Cop has a Bad Day

My Cravings & Desires: Six Ideas in Search of a GM, Solo System RPs

Avatar provided with permission by the artist, Vaesark!


Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 19, 2013, 09:45:03 AM
That roto-dome head on the Glass Spider looks really silly.

Heresy, that dome is pretty damn badass!

Sara Nilsson

If by badass you mean odd.. then yes :) I do like it though dont get me wrong, I like mechs that are a bit strange looking. Same with ships in EVE *cuddles my gila*
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


Quote from: KaylaM on November 18, 2013, 11:24:01 PM
I'm not keeping Elisa in the mk II (Ironically, one of the reasons is that we never got to sit down and figure stuff out) but certainly I'd be up for figuring out what they established and where they got to. Hell, I still need to figure why Elisa is no longer with the team.

Elisa is gone!!! :(

Oh well. Hope it wasn't something Ranna did.

For the record 7 years surviving in a merc unit like Ole Bones is a big accomplishment for everyone. 


Quote from: orderNchaos on November 19, 2013, 10:54:55 AM
For the record 7 years surviving in a merc unit like Ole Bones is a big accomplishment for everyone.

Especially when we consider our drop rate in the first game...  ::)

Just remember I was supposed to post some NPCs.  :-\


Quote from: Anathanasia on November 19, 2013, 09:53:49 AM
So, how about it? Any of the old (or new) PC officers want to be the one that saved Lee? You get a sworn bodyguard out of it, a good one too (she is from Liao Warrior House, after all). If not, it's cool, I can work something out with Wargtass about an NPC connection.

Also, dug up the old post, which had a link to the picture I'd used for her:
Xuē Lei Fang (Lee)
I'd volunteer, but my knowledge of the setting is woefully lacking compared to others.  Plus, I have no clue if Brooklyn would make it as an officer, even a green one.  But if that's okay, then I'd be up for it.
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Quote from: Anathanasia on November 19, 2013, 09:53:49 AM
So, how about it? Any of the old (or new) PC officers want to be the one that saved Lee? You get a sworn bodyguard out of it, a good one too (she is from Liao Warrior House, after all). If not, it's cool, I can work something out with Wargtass about an NPC connection.

Also, dug up the old post, which had a link to the picture I'd used for her:
Xuē Lei Fang (Lee)


PM me so we can talk about the possibility of this.


Quote from: orderNchaos on November 19, 2013, 10:54:55 AM
Elisa is gone!!! :(

Oh well. Hope it wasn't something Ranna did.

For the record 7 years surviving in a merc unit like Ole Bones is a big accomplishment for everyone.

Yeah. In the end she wasn't working out as I'd hoped and felt, well a little dull. There were a few reasons for that, but it wasn't anything you did certainly. I figured that with the reboot of the game, starting over with a new character would help things. The (draft) of the new character is further up the thread somewhere.

If you still want to figure out what the pair of them covered, then I'm up for it. Certainly it can't hurt Ranna's character development




Name: Ranna Krannok
Sex: Female
BattleMech: HCT-6S Hatchetman 
Homeworld: Outreach
Original Faction: Wolf's Dragoons

Description: Ranna brings the rumor about the spirit of redheads to it's full life.  When she's not tinkering with her HCT-6 Hatcheman Razor she's probably running five miles or sparing with the other officers in the hangar bay.  Ranna takes great pride in her body and looks, a trait she learned at an early age from her mentor.  Her red hair is never the most noticeable aspect of her features but they do draw attention to her other assets with flare.

Background: Ranna, an orphan of the battle of Crossings was brought to Outreach in 3030 at the age of five after the Dragoons evacuated Crossings.  Her family had been killed when a Combine unit used their town to stage an ambush of Natasha Kerensky's Black Widow Company.  After the battle the company found only two children living among the dead, the Combine had kept the civilians corralled in the city to limit the Dragoon's response.  Taken in by Natasha Kerensky, Ranna became a favored child of the Dragoon's after they began a policy of recruiting orphans for service following the almost complete destruction of the unit during the campaign to defend Glenmora, Harrow's Sun and Wapakoneta.  Raised by the Dragoons, Ranna learned from an early age the aspects of combat, driving mechs and living as a warrior.  Showing great aptitude for piloting and mechanics, Ranna earned her position as a mechwarrior in Delta Regiment at the age of eighteen.  Being one of the first war orphans to reach the rank of Mechwarrior, Ranna helped Natasha Kerensky train new recruits and develop new combat skills and was promoted to the rank of Lt at the age of twenty two.  Like her mentor, Ranna developed a hot temper and propensity to jump before looking which created a certain level of strife between her and Jaime Wolf.  After a bitter disagreement with Jaime Wolf on matters of a contract the Dragoons were accepting, Ranna left the Dragoons.  Her intent was to explore and gain valuable knowledge of differing combat tactics to return to the Dragoons, but the bitter sting between Wolfe and Ranna seemed to much to repair.  Ranna signed on with the Wranglers eight year ago and has proven herself to be one of the more agile, capable officers of the command structure.

Personality: Ranna is a brilliant strategist and mechwarrior but she is also has a fiery personality that rarely takes "no" for an answer.  Willing to lead from the front and run into a fight without thinking has earned her much respect and many scars but seems perfectly suited for a woman who drives a Hatchetman. 

Speciality Skills: Sharpshooter/ Natural Aptitude (Mechs) /Mech repair / Tactics

BattleMech Characteristics

Chassis: XL Engine
Weight Class:  Medium
Callsign:  Harlequin
Description: Dark grey with Brown and red tiger stripes randomly placed around the arms and legs.  The Blade of the hatchet has blood painted along the leading edge as if running down the blade.

Mydron Tornado Rotary Autocannon/5
Ammo (AC) 5
Diverse Optics ER Medium Lasers
Guardian ECM Suite
Jump Jets x 2

Modules: CASE, C3 Slave Computer,

Upgrades: Ferro-Fibrous Armor

General Armor Values:


For the record, as much as Ranna would never give up Harlequin, I was thinking it might be nice to upgrade to an Anvil or a heavier Medium or mobile Heavy.


Sara Nilsson

Quote from: orderNchaos on November 19, 2013, 05:58:49 PM
For the record, as much as Ranna would never give up Harlequin, I was thinking it might be nice to upgrade to an Anvil or a heavier Medium or mobile Heavy.


hard to imagine her in anything but a harly, but.. i say go with what your gut tells you :)
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


What Sara said.
Probably a good story behind the reason for the switch - opportunity for background expansion? - if you decide to do it.
Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


Maybe she'll just move to an Axman.  Maybe we can say that Lily left her Axman to Ranna before she left the unit!  ahahahahaha



Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


Sara Nilsson

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


Ok fixed my character sheet with the updated mech info.

Robert Johnson

Name: Robert Johnson
Sex: Male
BattleMech: Marauder MAD-5s
Homeworld: Oceana
Original Faction: Free Worlds League

Background: Robert was the joy of his parents. His mother died when he was 2 and left his father to become the personal tactics trainer for the merc group he worked for. During sorties of the mercenaries, his father would take Robert for a underwater walk in his mech. Robert eventually grew up enough to learn how to pilot his dads mech. After he turned 20 his father bought Robert his crusader and got him into the mercenary group. A few more years went by Robert was on a mission when he heard the mercenary groups base was attacked by pirates and there was no survivors. Upon returning to Oceana, Robert took one last walk to the very spot where his father took him. After that he decided to leave Oceana and the mercenary group to find the pirates who killed his father and get revenge. It took him five years to find them, on the plus side he caught a job to kill the group. During the night, the pirates partied outside under the moonlit sky. When all of a sudden a booming voice was heard,"I can feel the cold hand of death, and the end drawing near.I've seen gods of the men, and I am what they fear." Then as it finished a streak of LRMs burst from the darkness flying straight towards their mechbay. With precision aim, the missiles slammed into the ammo crates which detonated with a thunderous explosion. As the mortal pirates looked on at their precious mechs burning in the blaze, one screamed out pointing to a large figure with one glowing blue eye. Before they could run the giant's machine guns opened up and ripped through the crowd. After killing all the pirates, Robert went on to accept any merc missions he could land. Several being protection detail, long range support, and some training on is off time. He specializes in training military's in aquatic mech drops and amphibious assaults.

After joining the Merc company Old bones, the first mission went south in a big way. Roberts crusader suffered many hits and blows from that mission it wasnt in good shape and he decided to sell it to buy a new marauder 5s with some upgrades. He also sold his fathers archer to asist the company out and to help walter get his highlander back.

Personality: He is known to be studious, intelligent, highly honourable and above all calm. His intellect is applied to rapid analysis and exploitation of conditions on the battlefield and on the decisive application of force to destroy the enemy.When angered, he undergos a transformation into an uncommonly aggressive force that will devour all who oppose him. It is hard to get back on his good side if you get him mad.

Speciality Skills: Among his time on the beautiful planet he has learned Poetry, Photography, and Scuba diving.

BattleMech Characteristics

Mech Pic

MAD-5S Marauder
Callsign: SeaWolf
Description:His mech is painted light gray camoflauge and some blue stripes. On the right and left torso of the mech is a proud emblem of a wolf with flaming red fur.

Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: GM Marauder
Power Plant: GM 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Valiant Lamellor ferro-fibrous (side note: check the 3025 tech readout description, kind of reads like Marauders originally had ferro-fibrous armour)
    1 Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle
    2 Defiance 1001 ER PPCs
    2 Magna mk II Medium Lasers
    Bowie Industries (Carlisle / FC)
Communications System: Dalban Micronics
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban HiRez


Type: MAD-5S-PZ Marauder
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 2 3050
Tonnage: 75

Equipment      Mass
Internal Structure:            7.5
Engine:   300 XL         9.5
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:   16 [32]         6.0
Gyro:            3.0
Cockpit:            3.0
Armor Factor:   231          13.0
      Internal   Armor
      Structure   Value
   Head:   3   9
   Center Torso:   23   35
   Center Torso (Rear):      11
   R/L Torso:   16   24
   R/L Torso (Rear):      8
   R/L Arm:   12   24
   R/L Leg:   16   32

BV : 1980 Cost : 15,559,250
Weapons and Ammo      Location   Critical   Heat   Mass
Gauss Rifle      RT   7   1   15.0
@Gauss Rifle (16)      LT   2   0   2.0
ER PPC      RA   3   15   7.0
Medium Laser      RA   1   3   1.0
ER PPC      LA   3   15   7.0
Medium Laser      LA   1   3   1.0
"Underneath the silvery moon,
Your path can still turn foul.
You'll know you've made a wretched move,
When werewolves start to howl."
Alpha Male of Southern US Pack


*innocent grin*

Oooh. Paladin, does he run around shirtless often? >.>
Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups

Sara Nilsson

Quote from: Thorne on November 19, 2013, 08:32:16 PM
*innocent grin*

Oooh. Paladin, does he run around shirtless often? >.>

its the new male dresscode, topless with oiled up muscles.
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


He does on the ship but when out on missions he is ussually in a muscle shirt. The way your talking you would might wanna meet him in the gym or on the beach.

I asked a person to help me find more pics of him to use for each RP post.
"Underneath the silvery moon,
Your path can still turn foul.
You'll know you've made a wretched move,
When werewolves start to howl."
Alpha Male of Southern US Pack


Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


Quote from: Sara Nilsson on November 19, 2013, 08:42:14 PM
its the new male dresscode, topless with oiled up muscles.

Quote from: Thorne on November 19, 2013, 09:06:49 PM
I approve of this. ^.^

Only if said dress code is universal. Can't be discriminating against anyone here.