Rapture Academy: Private Education (Extreme, system based)

Started by Angie, October 23, 2013, 02:48:04 PM

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Good evening, my lovely children. And welcome to Rapture Academy. Do mind the tentacles, their owner is sleeping, and he does not like to be woken. Come along, let me give you the tour. Here, we offer the finest in general and specialized education,  from athletics and art to mythology and witchcraft. Yes, I said witchcraft. Don't touch that chalk on the wall, or you'll be visited by a most unpleasant specter. Students are encouraged to explore themselves, and explore their friends and-oh dear, I told you not to step on the tentacles. Well, it IS feeding time...

Humorous intro aside, welcome to Rapture. Rapture Academy is a d6 system focusing on social interaction between the lovely students and staff of Rapture. There's a nearby college town as well, but for the most part, Rapture is where all the action (sexy or otherwise) takes place.

And here's the rulebook!

Now I won't lie, while the intro was ripped wholeheartedly from the Munchkin Monster Manual, it's just a taste of what Rapture offers. Lovecraftian horrors? You can play the distant descendant of one. Demons? Summoned for fun. Ghosts? House Obsidere has so many they outnumber the girls. And should you hear someone yelling "IT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE!" rest assured, it's only Tuesday. Rape from your fellow classmates is the LEAST of your worries.

To put it simply, Rapture is a system built to mirror every hentai ever made ever, allowing for all of what you find in those hentais and more. All are welcome, no one is turned away. So come take a look, if you so dare...

EDIT: Before anyone asks "Can I play X?", read the rulebook. If you can figure out what combination of Merits and Flaws can pull it off, DO IT. "No one is turned away" is literal.

EDIT 2: House Rules! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sgHi0TF30xaWu7FUmynchw2hYogAeZaEvUk9WIjw5bc/pub
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That is actually quite a good question. I'm going to be generous and say that initial equipment is exempt from rolls of Risk. However, if you want to start with anything that has a risk of greater then 3, message me so we can work something out.
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Laughing Hyena

I'll happily being my talents to this as well. As before I feel drawn to the sweet embrace of magic and it's power perversions.


I like this idea, Looking through the rule book at the moment. Seems like It'd be easy to do, though the variables are many.  :D


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Looks like Sarah has some competition. And also..oh dear. Sarah can make your Desire a whopping 1, since she has a tentacle...

Character Name: Sarah (last name unknown)

Gender: Futa
Orientation: Bisexual (prefers ladies)
House: Nothum
Virtue: 2
Desire: 4
Allure: 4
Gossip: 2
Manipulative: 2
Sweet Talk: 6
Vamp/Pose: 4
Force: 2
Athletics: 1 (Swimming)
Endure: 3
Size: 3
Study: 6
Investigate: 4
Machines: 1
Occult: 8
Subject: 5 (Art [Art&Design])
Threat: 3
Chastise: 3
Dirty Talk: 2
Influence: 4
Wealth: 2
Elusive: 1
Sneak: 1
Infiltrate: 1
Subterfuge: 1
Slip Away: 1

Fetishes: + Big Tits (2 or larger), + Oral (receiving), + Anal, + Exhibitionism

Merits: Magic (7), Eureka (1), Tentacles (3), Inhuman Spawn (1, insect larvae), Altered Genetalia (taken twice) (Monster Cock, Tentacocks, Locking, Stimulating) (2) (14 points in total)

Flaws: Compulsive Masterbation (2), Denial (Exhibitionism, 1), Polite (1), (-4 in total)

Figure: Height: 5'4", Slim Build, Big Breasts

Equipment: Spellbook and some magical components (Spellbook only contains the spells she already knows), ordinary clothes.

Spells Known: Counterspell, Ward, Levitate, Open Conduit

Brief History: Sarah's parents were...not around. Not that they didn't love her, but after giving birth, Sarah's mother went more or less insane and tried to summon a demon, only for her to become possessed. Her father, invoking his Old One heritage, tried to stop his wife's rampage, only for the both of them to disappear...somewhere. As such, Ophelia's is Sarah's only real home. Her mother left her an arcane tome, which she studied endlessly, eventually learning several of the spells her mother knew as a mortal.

So, she's got an insect like taint from her old one father, and magical acumen from her mother. She tries to keep her tentacle under wraps, at least, but she can't hide the rest of her body. And to make it worse, her inhuman nature is slowly corrupting her. It is unclear if she will corrupt further then her current mentality, especially if she is able to start impregnating people with her...eggs.
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Laughing Hyena

Character Name: Madison Sage

Gender:Male  Force:2  Threat:4
Orientation:Straight  Athletics:1  Chastise:5
House:Saturn  Endure:4  Dirty Talk:1
Virtue:3  Restrain:1  Influence:5
Desire:3  Size:2  Wealth:3

Allure:3  Study:5  Elusive:2
Gossip:3  Investigate:5  Sneak:1
Manipulative:1  Machines:1  Infiltrate:1
Sweet Talk:4  Occult:8  Subterfuge:4
Vamp/Pose:3  Subject:2  Slip Away:2

+Power Perversion, +Submissive Women, ++Shy Women, +Small Breasts, +Large Breasts, +Cock Worship (Receiving), ---Being Dominated, --Rimjobs, --Futa

Merits: Insatiable (1), Mysterious (4), Magic (7)

Flaws: Enemies (1), Dark Secret (1)

Figure: Lean, Flexible and Tall

Cash: $300

Equipment: Arcane Tome, Magical Ingredients, Handcuffs, Smartphone

Known Spells

Levitate, Ward, Counterspell, Teleport

Madison Sage was born half dead as his parents told him one day. They told him that he was lucky to be alive for he nearly was throttled by his own umbilical cord. They didn't know why misfortune followed him like a lost puppy but it never left him even when he was freed of the womb. The world was a terrible place was he would soon find out for the small and weak were easy prey for those physically stronger then him. All the while he suffered it quietly comforted by his own mind which had a tendency to play out unique fantasies. Fantasies of friends, fantasies of being liked and adored by his fellows. The world of adults didn't look promising either with disaster after disaster with horrible infighting from those in power. It made him have fantasies of having tangible power.

One day when he was young upon searching the attic for holiday decorations it was then he came across a rather ominous book. It had been locked away in an old rotted chest. Oddly enough the book was undamaged if only dusty. Sneaking it into his room he read over it. He didn't know initially how to read it but eventually thanks to modern day technology he managed to decipher a small portion of it. It told of ancient powers, forbidden rites and magic. The images and imagination that flooded his mind compelled him to study it. However nothing came of it... not until much later in his young life.

During the tenth year of schooling however all that changed when the breaking point came when he finally had the nerve to stand up to his tormentors like his parents had urged him to do. He was standing up to them because they tormented him over having a crush upon a young girl of his age right in front of him away from the eyes of adults. Reality quickly ensued to dash him again. They cut him, beat on him to an inch of his life whilst no one intervened. The girl ran for her life. As they added salt into the wounds that was when his sheer anger and rage broke through and a taste of true power came. In a blind fury everything changed. Now they were the ones to feel powerless and he reveled in it afterwards. In the end their body's were whole but their minds were shattered. It would take years to psychologically recover from what he did to them.

With his ability to control real magic fully aroused he knew he had to learn more of it and control it. Further study revealed much from the tomb however this was incomplete as it was merely the second volume of an unknown number. During these last years of education and social life his life has turned into a one eighty as he is much more confident and as a result more popular. Within schooling he has found many a lover and through these interactions has learned how to listen and interact better. Most importantly he has learned how to truly send a woman to heaven.

He has taken great lengths to hide his gift knowing that others won't understand in this modern age. Indeed he wishes to enjoy his newfound position of power and will cultivate it and more so guard it dearly now that he has a taste for it. Backed by subtle workings of magic and an eagerness to attend to those he beds it did not take long for House Saturn to present an invitation to this unique individual. He has yet to find the others even after being accepted into a prestigious school by controlling the whims of fortune through his magic. Now accepted into the house of Saturn he makes good use of the resources it has.

Revenge against those who'd prey upon those like him. (Threat)
Humiliate those who'd reject him because of status. (Threat)
To obtain more knowledge and power over his unique gift. (Study)
To obtain the Grimoires and learn their secrets. (Study)
Graduate from the Academy. (Study)


Character Name: Inaba Kubo

Gender: Male

Orientation: straight

House: None

Virtue: 1, Desire: 5

Allure: 2, Gossip: 1, Manipulative: 10, Sweet Talk: 1, Vamp/Pose: 1

Force: 6, Athletics: 1 (Running), Endure: 10, Restrain: 8, Size: 1

Study: 3, Investigate: 4, Machines: 1, Occult: 1, Subject: 5


Threat: 1, Chastise: 1, Dirty Talk: 7, Influence: 1, Wealth: 1

Elusive: 3, Sneak: 6, Infiltrate: 2, Subterfuge:6, Slip Away: 1


Altered Genitalia: Hyper-locking+stimulating (1+1)
Inhuman Spawn (2)
Eureka (1)
Bloodhound (1)

compulsive masturbation (2)
ugly (1)
Crush (1 )
Phobia (2 )
Enemies (1 )
Dark Secret (1 )


Kubo is as low as a student can get. A short, ugly boy with an awkward demeanor, he is bullied alot as a kid and the trend continues when he joined Rapture Academy. The moment he came into  Rapture Academy, he falls madly in love with one of his senior, a lovely redhead name Scarlet. While Scarlet herself does not seem to care about Kubo's infatuation, her friends decided it would be fun to toy with the boy's feelings. They sent him letters, pretending to be Scarlet. The letters made him believe that Scarlet returned his feelings. Through trickeries, the girls asked him to come naked into the sport shed. Believing he was finally about to have sex with Scarlet, Kubo complied, only to find that it is a trick and that a group of girls were there waiting for him with a camera.

The naked picture of Kubo is then spread around the campus,  making him the butt of many jokes. Kubo was thoroughly embarassed and went into severe depression as people began mocking his admittedly small penis. They called him 'Kubo the Micro'. As if this was not bad enough, Scarlet's boyfriend, a big stud from house Mars, decided to abuse the boy daily, often beating him up for daring to think he can get with Scarlet. Even Scarlet said that Kubo is disgusting and that she'd never date such a puny man. Since Kubo is not in any house, no one stood up for him.

His salvation came when he found a book with a ritual to trade his cock with a demon's cock, something he plans on using for revenge. Kubo managed to force a house Nothum student to perform the ritual for him, since he doesn't know anything about magic. Now, the boy possesses a mighty 13 inch jet black cock that seems to be able to create incredible pleasure for a woman. His first victim? The very girl who who helped him with the ritual. Kubo raped her for an entire weekend, using her every hole to try out his new cock. The new cock is amazing, not only is it huge, it seems to be tireless and always ready for a fuck. The only downside is that his sexdrive is now going so crazy, Kubo would often be overwhelmed by the need for sex and is forced to constantly masturbate.

Now he will have his revenge, on all the girls who made fun of him, on all the teachers who didn't stand up for him, and especially, to Scarlet.


Holy hell. I wish I could jump up and say "there's no way you can have that 10 Manipulative!" but...the math checks out.

Are you sure you want to play this character, Godfang? Odds are ten to one, you may become every dom's target after a few weeks.
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i took very few merits and used most of the bonus on abilities XD  and yes, i do. He would be sneaky about this however, at least in the begining. I have some very evil plans with him. mwahahaha. And i'm sure he'll get in trouble for it (especially being a vagabond with no house) but who knows, he might gain some allies in the other players (or enemies, or targets)


actually i did make some mistakes. It costs 2 points to raise an ability to be over (attribute+2). I'll edit it in a bit


Quote from: Angiejuusan on October 23, 2013, 04:44:06 PM
Looks like Sarah has some competition. And also..oh dear. Sarah can make your Desire a whopping 1, since she has a tentacle...

Fetishes: + Big Tits (2 or larger), + Oral (receiving), + Anal, + Exhibitionism

Merits: Magic (7), Eureka (1), Tentacles (3), Inhuman Spawn (1, insect larvae), Altered Genetalia (taken twice) (Monster Cock, Tentacocks, Locking, Stimulating) (2) (14 points in total)

Flaws: Compulsive Masterbation (2), Denial (Exhibitionism, 1), Polite (1), (-4 in total)

Looking at that, I have this odd feeling Sarah is going to come across Katerina after failing a CM roll, haha.


I'm interested in joining this game, too. ^^ I'm almost done with my character sheet, but since I haven't completely familiarized myself with the system yet, when I post it up, I'd like it if someone more knowledgeable could look it over and point out if I've made any mistakes, or if there are any unusual rules interactions I should be aware of.


Sorry I'm late, Angiejuusan.

Character Name: Suzume Miyazaki

Gender: Futanari
Orientation: Lesbian
House: Unhoused
Virtue: 4
Desire: 2
Allure: 1
Gossip: 1
Manipulative: 1
Sweet Talk: 1
Vamp/Pose: 2
Force: 2
Athletics: 1
Endure: 1
Restrain: 1
Size: 1 (height), 1 (build), 3 (breasts)
Study: 6
Investigate: 6
Machines: 7
Occult: 1
Subject: 6 (Design & Technology)
Threat: 1
Chastise: 1
Dirty Talk: 1
Influence: 1
Wealth: 2
Elusive: 5
Infiltrate: 6
Subterfuge: 1
Slip Away: 5

Fetishes: + Brains, ++ Lesbian, + Romance, +Older Woman, ++ Discipline

Merits: Mad Scientist (6), Eureka (6), Looks Great In Glasses (2), Adorable (5)

Flaws: Unlucky (2), Polite (1)

Figure: Lithe, 5'2", Absurd Breasts

Equipment: Tools, Components, Glasses


Quote from: Yugishogun on October 23, 2013, 08:53:19 PM
Merits: Mad Scientist (6), Eureka (6), Looks Great In Glasses (2), Adorable (5)

Keep in mind, you only pay full price for the most expensive Merit in a given category: that line should be Mad Scientist (6), Eureka (1), Looks Great in Glasses (1), Adorable (5).


Quote from: apostateCourier on October 23, 2013, 09:09:03 PM
Keep in mind, you only pay full price for the most expensive Merit in a given category: that line should be Mad Scientist (6), Eureka (1), Looks Great in Glasses (1), Adorable (5).

Due to lacking a house, scientist and adorable are reduced by one. My flaws also give extra merit points.



Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
House: House Pluto (experimental service android)

Allure: 4
Gossip: 1
Manipulative: 1
Sweet Talk: 6
Vamp/Pose: 6 (+2 in school uniform)

Force: 8 (+2 Fighting rolls)
Athletics: 5 (Wrestling)
Endure: 10
Restrain: 10 (+6 Tentacles)
Size: 1(6) (1/1/4)

Study: 4
Investigate: 1
Machines: 7
Occult: 1
Subject: 4 (Design and Technology)

Threat: 3 (+1 Intimidation)
Chastise: 5
Dirty Talk: 4
Influence: 1
Wealth: 1

Elusive: 1
Sneak: 2
Infiltrate: 1
Subterfuge: 1
Slip Away: 1

Fetishes: +++Bukkake, ++Exhibitionism, +++Group Sex, ++Impregnation, ++Monsters, +++Prostitution, ++Strangers, ++Tentacles (giving and receiving)

Merits: Incredible Size (1),  Looks Great in Uniform (1), Tentacles (6 tentacles) (1, 1, 5), Undead (Robot) (1), Venom (Unconsciousness) (1), Well Trained (7)

Flaws: Crush (Suzume Miyazaki) (1), Denial (Impregnation) (1), Denial (Monsters) (1), Drone Mentality (3), Expectation (Three Laws of Robotics) (1), Owned (2), Polite (1), Reputation (Slut) (1), Unlucky (2)

Figure: 5'8", Lithe, Frighteningly-Large Breasts (that might double as soft and squeezable anti-tank missiles)

Handcuffs x5 ($50)


Quote from: Yugishogun on October 23, 2013, 09:14:02 PM
Due to lacking a house, scientist and adorable are reduced by one. My flaws also give extra merit points.
I was just saying that you were overpaying, not that you hadn't paid enough.  So, that line would be: Eureka (6), Mad Scientist (1), Looks Great in Glasses (1), Adorable (4).


Actually, Eureka would be (5), thanks to the discount. ^^; You'd have enough points leftover to pick up, say, Looks Great in Uniform and Approachable, if you wanted, Yugi.

Also, given your character's Mad Scientist merit and the fact that my character's an android, I imagine some rather interesting times in our characters' futures. ;)


Of course I'm still interested, but looking at the characters that we have so far, I'm rethinking who I might want to play as. It seems we have a lot of unhoused characters, for whatever reason.


Quote from: Kunoichi on October 23, 2013, 09:34:01 PM
Actually, Eureka would be (5), thanks to the discount. ^^; You'd have enough points leftover to pick up, say, Looks Great in Uniform and Approachable, if you wanted, Yugi.

Also, given your character's Mad Scientist merit and the fact that my character's an android, I imagine some rather interesting times in our characters' futures. ;)

Mad Scientist costs 6 as well, so giving one the discount makes the other the most expensive at 6.


i can easily switch him somewhere else, i just thought it would be suitable for a 'bullied' character to not be part of a fraternity


Quote from: apostateCourier on October 23, 2013, 09:40:49 PM
Mad Scientist costs 6 as well, so giving one the discount makes the other the most expensive at 6.

Actually, there's an example given that says otherwise:

QuoteExample: A Daedelus girl wants to take Magic (6), Bloodhound (5) and Eureka (6). The two cheapest Merits cost 1 point, so she only has to purchase Magic (6) (she could of course purchase Eureka for full prices instead, as they're tied, but it doesn't matter.) As a member of house Daedelus she can and does take a -2 discount. Magic only costs her 4pts, then, and the other two Merits bring the total cost to 6.


Yugi's math works out. This character is actually a port over from Godfang's Bible Black game, we checked, and she worked out over there, so she works out over here.
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Alright then, I guess I was just confused then.  There's some odd math going on with these rules, but it's a tabletop RPG ruleset there's always going to be some screwy math. :P