Come one, come all!

Started by jeshire, October 16, 2013, 09:02:17 PM

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Hehehe... get it? *immature giggle*

Puns aside, welcome friend! jeshire here. I know all y'all are busy doing your various things so I'll keep things short. (You can find a more in depth review of what I am and what I'm looking for in my on and offs. I'll say right now that I can only take on a limited number of partners, though my capacity for Forum RP is much greater right now than IM.

So, what am I looking for?

Shit, son, you tell me.

Currently, I would very much like plot. Character development. Adventure, maybe, but mostly a plot that extends beyond a one night stand. (It goes without saying that I can still be tempted by one night stands if they're appropriately juicy.) I'd like a story, whatever the length, where I can get into a character, preferably multiple. I've had a growing desire for a continuous, NOT smut-run story (smut-heavy, however, is no problem) and a sad lack of outlets. I want an outlet for potentially strange or abnormal characters (physically, mentally, emotionally, whatever it may be). I want sincere character interactions.

However, I'm going to turn right around and say, again, if smut is what you want and you can make it appetizing enough to me, I might still bite.

I welcome you to PM or IM me with your thoughts, if any, or just an invitation to think up something together. Variety is the keyword right now for me!

... I realize this is a horribly vague request, but I'm not picky if the writing's good, really. If you have an interest, please just talk to me and we'll see about figuring something out.  :-)