A World Without Heroes (Interest Check) (1 more Female Needed!)

Started by OHWceta, August 24, 2013, 11:02:06 PM

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I'm thinking we will probably start this RP by the weekend.

Both are approved. But I'll mention for annarose, that the RP takes place in new Keph city. So was she hired in Metropolis to work in New Keph? or was that an error on location?

BTW, nice choice in music Hotaru37, LOVE 3 doors down!

Speaking of themes, I've gotten mine added to my character bios if you guys haven't noticed.
Can't get enough of RPing? Check out my site, it needs members, all are welcome.


So, for the heroes using firearms; are they loaded with rubber or non-lethal rounds or are they just going to straight up murder people in a very un-hero-like manner?


Quote from: MzHyde on August 28, 2013, 12:59:43 PM
So, for the heroes using firearms; are they loaded with rubber or non-lethal rounds or are they just going to straight up murder people in a very un-hero-like manner?

I would guess they use lethal rounds, because if they use rubber bullets they would be at a severe disadvantage against the villains, who would definitely use lethal force.
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


Red is using lethal rounds. But, no shock there, I've already confirmed in his history he's a killer. I wouldn't even really call him a hero, which is why I said "(anti)hero" on his sheet. Basically, he's only a hero because he just so happens to be pursuing vengeance against the same fuckers that the other heroes are.

He might even need to be 'dealt with' down the road.

Edit: He is inspired by Rorschach from The Watchmen.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Quote from: Carlissa on August 28, 2013, 02:22:48 PM
I would guess they use lethal rounds, because if they use rubber bullets they would be at a severe disadvantage against the villains, who would definitely use lethal force.

That is why they're villains - they're evil. Heroes, real heroes, do not use lethal force. Lina has a particularly black and white view of things like murder. If a hero kills someone in her presence, she's going to see them as a villain and attack them.


Quote from: MzHyde on August 28, 2013, 02:53:01 PM
That is why they're villains - they're evil. Heroes, real heroes, do not use lethal force. Lina has a particularly black and white view of things like murder. If a hero kills someone in her presence, she's going to see them as a villain and attack them.

Well, this RP is called "A World Without Heroes" for a reason...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


It's called that because its based on things like Kickass where there are no heroes. We are playing heroes. I'm not saying everyone has to be a boyscout/girlscout like Lina, but it's kind of silly to be a good guy and slaughter people. Play it how you like, I'm just saying that if you act like a sociopath then expect to be labeled as a villain by Lina.


Quote from: MzHyde on August 28, 2013, 12:59:43 PM
So, for the heroes using firearms; are they loaded with rubber or non-lethal rounds or are they just going to straight up murder people in a very un-hero-like manner?

That's up to the heroes themselves. Forte, it depends on the enemy, against Hanzo's men he goes lethal, if he's going in to capture or interrogate an enemy he'll opt for non-lethal, same if there's a large number of civilians around.
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I do have a scene planned where Forte brutally murders a child-molestor. He gets emotional when children are harmed, so abusers are NOT tollerated.

Salahiel ALWAYS kills his enemies unless another hero stops him. He mainly uses blades but his pistols are using lethal rounds.

Quote from: TheHangedMan on August 28, 2013, 02:26:07 PM

Edit: He is inspired by Rorschach from The Watchmen.

He'll get along with Salahiel then, While Salahiel is a lot more religious in regards, I based a good portion of his attitude on Rorschach, mainly how he works in black and white and will not falter on his views regardless. (He'd risk letting thousands die to make sure the villain dies, kinda thing)

Technically the hero Vs. villain thing is really not so black-and-white.
Villains hurt people to meet their own needs, and also are likely on Hanzo's payroll.

Technically anyone who's enemies with Hanzo or the street gangs and other baddies can call themselves a hero.

Actually the whole lethal vs. non-lethal and what classifies as a hero will be a HUGE focus on the RP. The debate will likely cause arguments and rifts within alliances threatening to weaken the group when they can't overcome differences but strengthening bonds between heroes who opperate on the same mind set or can come to a respectful disagreement.

Quote from: MzHyde on August 28, 2013, 03:18:06 PM
It's called that because its based on things like Kickass where there are no heroes. We are playing heroes. I'm not saying everyone has to be a boyscout/girlscout like Lina, but it's kind of silly to be a good guy and slaughter people. Play it how you like, I'm just saying that if you act like a sociopath then expect to be labeled as a villain by Lina.

She's going to HATE Salahiel. (Then again I did mention he's not exactly easy to work with.... for anyone)

First off he is one of those religious types, thus he will not think too highly of her being lesbian. Secondly, he's pretty brutal against bad guys.
Can't get enough of RPing? Check out my site, it needs members, all are welcome.


That's why I brought it up. Just a warning. HercuLina is a HERO. A hero's hero. Wonder Woman/Superman type. She subdues, disarms, ties up or cuffs. She's the type that, when she's not punching muggers in the breadbasket, she's doing charity work or at a soup kitchen or something.


It's those differences in personality that brings diversity  to the team    ;D
Can't get enough of RPing? Check out my site, it needs members, all are welcome.


Yeah, the overly-religious thing would probably rub Phantom the wrong way.  He's not even so much thinking of things in terms of justice. He just sees the entire police force being like rotten food. It needs to be thrown out, so that 'unrotten' stuff can take its place; the message he left on the dead cops is meant to display what passes for morality with him. Once he finds out about Hanzo, though, I can see his target changing.

I will also say, he's got a certain malleable quality to him. If someone could help him separate himself from his inherently violent and vindictive nature, he might switch over to more non-lethal methods (though no matter what, some people will be beyond saving, and just need to be killed; like Hanzo). On the other hand, I could see him going off on the deep end, too... basically, he's right there, teetering on the precipice of lucidity and insanity, and depending on how the story goes, he might just stay the same, be 'redeemed', or even just go full-blown ax-crazy psychopath.

How he winds up will ultimately be decided by the stimuli he receives throughout the game.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Looks like the villains don't have to do much to cause ripples in the calm of the hero's "friendship".

Phantom sounds like a real aniti-hero should be fun to "cross swords" with him.


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


If you want something fun to do, go to TVtropes and look up all the alignments and figure out what your hero or villain falls under. HercuLina is Lawful Good, type 2.


Ahh, I love TvTropes. Red Phantom is a case of:
Pay Evil Unto Evil
He Who Fights Monsters
Well-intentioned Extremist Vigilante man
Lawful Evil (Type 2)

Probably a few others I can't think of at the moment.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



The Villains!!!   I'm wondering if I made Doomsday too far-fetched. Though I liked the idea of having a kind of "Darth Vader" guy who's so badly injured he's pretty much just armor. That and he HAD to be a junk-heep assembly of random armor parts as opposed to the usual "smooth" designs where everything actually "fits" to the character.

Birth Name: Nakamara Hanbo Hanzotori
Alias: Hikari Hanzo
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Appearance: Thin, pale, shoulder-length stringy black hair, pale blue eyes. Usually wears form-fitting clothing in a formal manner.
Sexual Orientation: Anything and Everything
Side: Villain
Skills and Talents: Extortion, Bribery, brief stint in law school helped him master all the loopholes in the system. Leading a massive gang that rules the city, he is also trained in martial arts.
Brief History: Hanzo was a talented youth, while born in Japan, Hanzo's family travelled to America when his father was offered a job at the Hexacorp technology center in New Kephler City. Hanzo surpassed all his classmates in grades but was frequently bullied, which lead him to take up martial arts. After highschool Hanzo joined his father working for Hexacorp. By now his father was the senior VP. Mysteriously the day after Nakamara (now calling himself Hikari) joined Hexcorp, the CEO was found dead in his office, leading the President to take over his position, whilst Hanzo's father was promoted to president of the company. Hanzo himself did quite well in the company and Hexcorp enjoyed success for the next two years, nearly doubling in profits. Eventually Hexcorp was offered a deal to supply the software to NASA for their satalite program as well as rights to supply the US government with a new guided missile system. The CEO refused, wishing Hexcorp to remain a peaceful company that would not participate in "war games". After a private meeting the CEO was found dead, apparently killed by the senior VP before the man comitted suicide. Two other board members testified the truth of the events (being blackmailed to support Hanzo's story) Hanzo's father sealed the weapons deal as the highest ranking member of the board surviving, he then proceeded to fill the new board of directors with friends, including Hikari. Any objectors were fired. The company name was changed to Hanzo Corp. and continued on to enjoy prosperity under the new leadership. However, on the streets gangs began growing restless, many were unemployed after being given meager payments in exchange for killing board members who opposed Hanzo and the weapons deal. While his father managed the company, Hanzo began to orchestrate a deal with the city's gangs. They would begin killing as many officers as they could, then Hanzo would hire the gangsters on as new recruits to the police force, loyal to him. As gang violence decreased property value and forced people from their homes, Hanzo would buy out the land and claim it under Hanzo Corp. then sell it back to the people after moving the gangs to a new location, claiming his areas were safer. Eventually Hanzo would replace his father as CEO of Hanzo Corp. after his father died of cancer.
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WLIDwxwsbU

Birth Name: Giren Morgan
Alias: Nihilus
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Appearance: Muscular, covered in scars, red eyes and black hair. He stands at about 6ft. 2in.
Sexual Orientation: Anything and Everything.
Side: Villain
Skills and Talents: Breaking bones, taking damage without flinching (it causes the same ammount of damage but he tunes out any pain), numerous other skills unspecified but involve his ability to fight.
Brief History: Giren had a normal family life, his father worked in the office while his mother was a child-care provider. But his entire youth troubled his famly, he was known to exhibit antisocial behavior in school, starting fires and breaking things. In highschool Giren only got worse, joining a gang and picking fights, some which he won, others which gained him many of his early scars. He spent 2 years in juvenile rehabilitation. Seemingly reformed Giren returned to school and spent his remaining two years doing well in class. It was on his 18th birthday Giren made his first kill. His girlfriend at the time grew fearful of his activities and threatened to tunr him into the police. Giren killed her but failed to hide the body before his parents caught him. After the confrontation Giren proceeded to kill them too. Giren spent the next few years moving around, squatting among apartments of the people he killed. Finally Giren was caught and taken to prison. After 5 years rotting, Hanzo offered him a deal, Giren would be freed in exchange for killing off people Hanzo needed taken care of, so Giren became a gun for hire.
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvPcineeh0Q

Birth Name: Vincent (Ven) Michael Latchley
Alias: Doomsday
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: Large frame standing almost 7 foot tall due to his armor, his body underneath is much smaller. He's covered in scars and missing a leg  from the knee down which has been replaced by a prosthetic. He formerly had brown eyes and brown hair before he was mutilated by the fire. Doomsday uses various test equipment so his armored form changes often and always remains asymetrical, like it's been thrown together from various scraps as opposed to a consistant streamlined design.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Side: Villain
Skills and Talents: Covered in bulletproof armor.  Self-taught in hand-to-hand combat, slightly enhanced strength from the machinery built into his armor.
Brief History: Vincent was your typical kid. He was a star football player in highschool and made decent grades. After graduating he worked at a small-time grocery store as cashier and eventually assistant manager. That was, until the store mysteriously caught fire one evening. Vincent tried to escape but one of the shelves collapsed, jamming the door from the outside of the manager's office with Vincent trapped inside. Doctors considered it a miracle that he survived after the building collapsed on him. With half a leg gone, Vincent lost all hope in ever going to college on a football scholarship. To make matters worse his parents were left with a large medical bill they had no means to pay off. Thinking of easing their burden Vincent thought of taking his life, but he was caught in the act by one of the nurses who had connections to Hanzo Corp. Vincent was told that if he worked for Hanzo, the payment would be given to his family, in turn Vincent would recieve free treatment from Hanzo's top doctors, unfortunately his business with Hanzo would need him to be marked as dead. And so Vincent Latchley was pronounced dead from injuries recieved in the fire, and Doomsday was born. After rehabilitation and recieving a prosthetic leg, Doomsday resumed work for Hanzo, namely in testing new weapons and other devices such as flack jackets and equipment for Hanzo's thugs. But as cops began to disappear and Hanzo began to notice a reasonable threat to his power, he turned to Doomsday needing a new kind of fighter to go against these masked vigilantes. Doomsday would track down these people using his test equipment and put a stop to them, once and for all.
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHC1CQCn51U
Can't get enough of RPing? Check out my site, it needs members, all are welcome.


It'll be interesting is Forte ever finds out that Bryan once killed a family, including the children, since he reacts violently to people who hurt children.

Also, while he doesn't use guns, he is perfectly capable of killing a person with his hands... or feet, or numerous other body parts. Lina might not get along with him very well.

I'm not sure what alignment I'd give him though.
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


Quote from: OHWceta on August 28, 2013, 12:36:31 PM
I'm thinking we will probably start this RP by the weekend.

Both are approved. But I'll mention for annarose, that the RP takes place in new Keph city. So was she hired in Metropolis to work in New Keph? or was that an error on location?

BTW, nice choice in music Hotaru37, LOVE 3 doors down!

Speaking of themes, I've gotten mine added to my character bios if you guys haven't noticed.

i never notice the typo. sorry i'll go change it. >w<
Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


1 - doomsday looks like a guy to be reckoned with
2 - Nihilus looks like a demon spawn in the other image XD - casual villain  -  demon spawn with scary ass face XD  MIB would be all over him LOL
3 - why? why Godzilla XD
4 - Hikari Hanzo -  THATS HANZO!? Damn i was expecting a gangsta man in a suit and tie with a few scars on his face. XD He ain't that badass, bet anyone could destroy him. (not going to take my chance now i said that XD)

5 - LOL more Godzilla.


Quote from: LordHarketh193 on August 28, 2013, 07:58:52 PM
3 - why? why Godzilla XD


Because Godzilla is like, my childhood man! I grew up watching his movies! Some girls had barbies, some played dress up, I watched Godzilla! I was quite the tomboy, as you could imagine...

Gojira has to be my favorite movie of all time. While I didn't see it until I was much older, I fell in love with its healthy balance of monster mayhem and the serious tones it conveyed. It's an underrated classic, in my opinion.

Quote from: LordHarketh193 on August 28, 2013, 07:58:52 PM5 - LOL more Godzilla.


...Okay, I'll stop now...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


[LOUDNESS INTENSIFIES]closed captioning provided by THM llc.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



Well when I was younger - 12 to My age now - people like scarecrow and riddler was my childhood idols. Bad idols I know but their characters just were that awesome.

Never watched Godzilla I might have to now.


Quote from: TheHangedMan on August 28, 2013, 10:58:11 PM
[LOUDNESS INTENSIFIES]closed captioning provided by THM llc.

Your comment reminded me of this:


It always bugged me how loud that sound was.

Quote from: LordHarketh193 on August 28, 2013, 11:01:11 PM

Well when I was younger - 12 to My age now - people like scarecrow and riddler was my childhood idols. Bad idols I know but their characters just were that awesome.

Ehh, as long as you didn't turn out to be a psychotic murderer, I think you're good.

Some people would say that Godzilla is a "bad idol", but I grew up on the goofier movies aimed towards children, namely Godzilla vs Gigan, Godzilla vs Megalon, and Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. In those movies Godzilla was a hero, fighting for Earth against monsters from space. I even made a small reference to these movies in my character's (UNFINISHED) profile, as the giant monster movie I mentioned that sparked her interest in robots was actually Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. It was a good movie given the state of Godzilla's character, but I didnt like it as much as the others at the time because my favorite Godzilla monster (besides Godzilla) but brutally beaten in the beginning of the movie...

Quote from: LordHarketh193 on August 28, 2013, 11:01:11 PM
Never watched Godzilla I might have to now.

I strongly suggest you start with Gojira, the original Japanese movie released in 1954. It's easily the best out of all the movies, as everything is just... so lovable! *Squeals*

It has really good special effects for the time, as well as a dark atmosphere and a strong human cast (which was uncommon in monster movies of that era). I can go on all day about Godzilla, but it's a little off topic for the thread...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".