Harry Potter 7th year A/U (Closed)

Started by LamentingQuill, August 20, 2013, 12:20:36 AM

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Not your fault at all Anna *hugs* meant to say I love the new avi!!!


I was not trolling. Trolling is being insulting and horrible, I was pointing out (politely I might add) that some things might be interpreted in a negative way so that Lamenting Quill could clarify things. Not once did I say anything mean or nasty about anyone.

And it's not your fault AnnaRose. If you want to blame me then feel free, but I actually only suggested that one comment might be taken to be similar to another, suggested a few ideas for possible plot and while Lamenting Quill was neither mean nor rude (until her last post blaming everything on me anyway) neither have I been. In fact I had been considering joining if Lamenting Quill had taken the comment in the same light hearted manner I intended it and responded accordingly. Apparently that was not to be the case, which is a shame, but while I regret any upset I may have caused I have said nothing I consider wrong or inappropriate.

I would very much appreciate it if someone could point out what exactly the problem is. I for one welcome constructive criticism (which is easily recognised by its suggestions on how to improve as opposed to merely pointing out faults).

And yes this particular comment may come off as mildly passive aggressive. But I can get that way if people start accusing me of being a horrid person because I thought one or two little tweaks might help get more players and someone throws a hissy fit over it. For goodness sake we're all supposed to be over 18 here, my comment should have been met with something more like "I didn't mean it that way but I see what you mean maybe I should clarify things a little." It should not have resulted in "Oh my gosh you're so horrible I quit my own request thread and publicly blame it all on you." Come on we're all meant to be mature adults.


Quote from: annarose on August 24, 2013, 07:35:17 AM
Imma sorry. QAQ
Didn't see everything till LamentingQuill PMed me.

I didn't know. I was just sharing about my OC. Could always change like the bio and stuff. Was just saying I was interested and just sharing it with everyone here. QAQ

It's my fault. m(_ _)m
Shouldn't have commented at all.

Oh honey, no. Nothing is your fault, you would have in time gotten in touch with me and we would have gotten everything all fixed up for you. I will get back with you later sweetheart, when I am feeling better, there is too much going on for me right to handle trolls.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on August 24, 2013, 09:32:29 AM
Oh honey, no. Nothing is your fault, you would have in time gotten in touch with me and we would have gotten everything all fixed up for you. I will get back with you later sweetheart, when I am feeling better, there is too much going on for me right to handle trolls.

I thought about this one. Then Poppy offered perfectly valid criticism, and you went Full Retarded. PoppyHoneymeade is not the troll you idiots think she is. Congratulations on showing your ass.
I don't play in PMs
Who wants to join an incest registry?
So anyway I guess I'm steelsmiter on fetlife now. Hit me up and tell me you're from E!