The Great Civil Unrest of the Mutants In Character.

Started by Batman4560, July 06, 2013, 01:29:28 PM

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NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Hallways
TAGGING: thinking
    Samuel's mind was on fire. He could think of nothing aside from that girl. It consumed him. He wanted to learn more, he needed to. That one link of minds made it to where his mind was dominated by thoughts of her ability. He looked around the empty hallway, and realized he was still close to the infirmary, he walked as quickly as he could, until finally he was standing in the infirmary doorway. His eyes locked on the girl standing up, studying every inch of her. He barely registered Jake and Karen's presence in the room.


NAME: Jessica Reynolds
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Karen Schmidt, Jake Crow, Samuel Ervin

Jessica's eyes darted between the man and the woman in front of her as she tried to put the pieces together in her head. There was the basement...and the boy in front of her now was there. And Mr. Ervin. When she tried to run away from him, he did something to her. Some kind of mental scrambling she guessed. That'd at least explain the lingering headache.

When the other woman brings up Mr. Ervin's name, Jessica feels her stomach turn. Jessica looks up weakly at the other woman. "He did this." The mere mention of his name brought back a flood of information, causing the girl to wince and grit her teeth again. When the boy in the room with her mentions the IV, she looks down at it and back at him, her eyes practically begging him to let her go. "I'm not thirsty...I just want to go back to my room. Please."

And then she saw him again, standing in the doorway and watching her with the same intensity as he did in the basement. It was enough to make her skin crawl. She froze like a deer in the headlights as she stared at him, afraid of what he might try to do to her head this time.


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION: infirmary
TAGGING: Jessica Reynolds
As soon as Samuel laid eyes upon her, his mind stop thinking of her, clarity returned to him, and finally noticed jacob and Karen. He slowly walked over to the girl. She was obviously terrified of him. Did she think he did this?
"Jessica, there's no need to be afraid, we are here to help. And I believe I know how to fix what's wrong with you, with my voice in your head?" he spoke calmly, and slowly. He had no idea exactly if her senses were operational or not.


NAME:  Karen Schmidt
ROLE IN SCHOOL:  English Teacher
TIME OF DAY:  Evening
LOCATION:  Infirmary
TAGGING:  Jake Crow, Jessica Reynolds, and Samuel Ervin

"He did this."
Karen blinked at the statement from the other girl, uttered with...fear?  Accusation?  Karen felt her protective instincts kick in, even as she noticed the girl's gaze go to Jake to plead with the other teen for freedom.  When Samuel stepped in, Karen moved swiftly, stepping between him and the girl.  "I think she understands that, Samuel," she said, her eyes and voice firm.  "I also think you need to leave.  Now," she spoke just as firmly.  The student was uncomfortable around him, perhaps even frightened.  It wasn't good.  And she wouldn't allow it.
Casca's O/O's--A work in progress


When the girl said, "He did this," Jake couldn't help but consider the idea... He really had no idea of what had occurred exactly. Did Ervin do this...? After all, Jake had just experienced The Dean exploding, threatening Jake, and putting his fist through the wall... Maybe that's how they ran things here. Maybe that was `the catch'. Maybe it even had something to do with the secret, "faculty-only" basement. He certainly couldn't discount it.
Jake grimaced at the girl's mention of wanting to go back to her room. "Yeahhh... I just don't know if you should be alone right now... At least not til you get checked out for concussion or something... You hit those stairs pretty hard." He slowly began approaching the bed. Indicating the nearby sphygmomanometer, "Would it be alright if I took your blood-pressure...?"
Jake was surprised to see Miss Schmidt step-in and speak like that to Ervin. Now he really didn't know what to think. Was she just too new, or was she just not `in' on it yet...?
One swallow does not a summer make
~ Aristotle
My ons and offs     My art gallery here on Elliquiy


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Furious at Karen Schmidt
Samuel eyes went cold at all these accusations, it made him have flashbacks of his father, when he didn't get something right that he should have. He still remembered his fathers clenched fist, and him yelling. Before Samuel realized what he was doing, he snapped at Karen with all his might. Anger, nothing else.
"If your accusing me of doing this to the girl, you are surely mistaken Miss. Schmidt! If anything it is her fault!" He points over at Jessica. "All I'm trying to do is help, and if you hadn't notice I'm the only person here who knows what the hell is going on inside that girls head!" He took a deep breath and stood closer to Karen. "So please unless you want this girl to suffer anymore than she has already."


NAME:  Karen Schmidt
ROLE IN SCHOOL:  English Teacher
TIME OF DAY:  Evening
LOCATION:  Infirmary
TAGGING:  Jake Crow, Jessica Reynolds, and Samuel Ervin

Karen saw only another child in front of her, throwing a tantrum.  She didn't back down when he stepped up to her, though he was almost able to loom over her, their heights about equivalent.  She stared determinedly at him.  "No, Samuel," she spoke in a calm, firm voice.  "The girl is frightened of you.  Any attempts you make to assist her will be for naught, for that reason alone.  You need to step down, step back, and let me take care of this.  I'll figure it out," she spoke.  "Now...please leave the room.  Your presence is dehabilitative to her well being at present, and you need to calm down as well," she said, remaining calm and authoritative.
Casca's O/O's--A work in progress


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION:  Infirmary
TAGGING: Leaving
Samuel looked at the terrified eyes of the girl, and the determined ones of Karen, his anger slowly faded away, such an emotion was uncharacteristic of him. He'll have to ponder it later. He slowly step back, his face a blank mask.
"Alright Karen you'll get your way, but don't come to me when the girl's mind collapses, because I won't offer any assistance." he stated coldly. And with that he left the infirmary. He walked the halls for few minutes, until he found himself n the courtyard. He looked up at the stars, how many were there, he wondered. Why not find out? He began counting.


NAME: Jake Crow
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Samuel Ervin, Karen Schmidt, Jessica Reynolds

Jake just stood in awe at what was transpiring before him. All he could think was that at any moment, Professor Ervin’s fist was gonna fly just as Dean Shaw’s had at Jake, or worse... And that the girl on the table may be the only other one who knew what Jake knew.
Jake felt the `black little flame’ flood back inside him, erradicating anything Miss Schmidt's hair tousle had erased before, except now it was the size of a campfire. A campfire without a proper pit. He tried to take a deep breath, but failed. He swallowed hard.
Fortunately, Ervin excused himself, diffusing the item…but not the issue.
He immediately turned back toward the girl, a little wide-eyed, held out a tentative hand and stated in a low voice, “Are you alright…”
One swallow does not a summer make
~ Aristotle
My ons and offs     My art gallery here on Elliquiy


NAME: Jessica Reynolds
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Karen Schmidt, Jake Crow

Jessica watched on with wide eyes as the two teachers argued back and forth. She wanted to jump up and scream when Mr. Ervin said this whole thing was her fault but decided not to interrupt the female teacher; she seemed to have the situation under control. The way that woman was fighting for her was amazing and reminded her a lot of her own parents.

Jessica watched on as Mr. Ervin stepped down and exited out of the room, a hint of confusion on her face. How did he know his voice was trapped in her head? And did he really know how to fix this? The girl offers up a half smile to Ms. Schmidt and thanks her. Jessica then slides her legs off the bed so that they're dangling off the floor, her eyes looking toward the floor. "I'm fine. All that's left is a dull headache." She pauses and looks up at the other two people sharing the room with her. "Can I go now?"


NAME:  Karen Schmidt
ROLE IN SCHOOL:  English Teacher
TIME OF DAY:  Evening
LOCATION:  Infirmary
TAGGING:  Jake Crow and Jessica Reynolds

Slowly relaxing her posture as Samuel left, she bit the inside of her lip, wondering if she had been too harsh on the younger teacher.  He was, after all, just a teen himself, and only trying to help.  ...But his presence had been detrimental to the girl on the bed.  Turning, she watched the teen move and took a step over.  She put a hand against the younger female's forehead softly, not feeling a fever.  At her statement and question, Karen sighed softly.  "...Let's let Jake go ahead and take your blood pressure, just in case, okay?  To make sure it's at a safe level....  And I'm sure there's some ibuprofen in here somewhere...I'll dig out a couple, and after you take that, we'll get that miserable tube out of your arm, okay?" Karen said, looking at the girl with stormy eyes and a soft smile.  She then looked to Jake and gestured for him to check her blood pressure, before moving away to find the medicine.
It took a good five minutes of searching the cabinets, but she finally found a rather large bottle of ibuprofen liqui-gels and dug out two of them, taking them to the girl, along with a small dixie cup of water.  "Here ya go," she said, before looking at Jake.  "Is her blood pressure normal?" she asked softly.
Casca's O/O's--A work in progress


NAME:Aaron Shaw
LOCATION: Front office

Shaw moved to the front office where he saw a police escorting in a young woman and he had to struggle to keep his eyes rolling. He tapped a worker on his left and whispered in his ear. "Yes there is a hole in the wall on the east wing, it seems a student lost control of his power for a moment, no harm done...just needs a new brick." The worker went off down the halls and into a door that led to the basement only to come out again with a brick. Shaw on the other hand walked up to the officers and shook their hands. "Gentlemen, I can show Kimi here to her room...thank you for getting her this far but I assure you that she is in safe hand from here on out." Watching as the men walked out the doors Shaw spoke to the girl. "Your late...that's ok. Here is a small list of your classes, you start bright and early and your room is with Jessica Reynolds, I think you two will be good for eachother. If you have any real problems feel free to come to me." He pointed to her room on a map and then walked to the door and locked it up for the night. "Good luck Kimi, I expect good things from you here."
Status: Stepping away for a while.


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION:  Front lobby
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw
After counting up to 5 million stars, Samuel grew board, and again roamed the halls, his mind to alert to sleep. He walked slowly thinking to himself, at first he started solving several mathematics equations, varying from geometry to trigonometry. But within a few minutes he soon grew bored, again. He soon found himself standing in the the front lobby, about 15 feet away from Mr. Shaw. He noticed the girl sitting on the bench, she seemed to be of Native American heritage.
He called out " Hello Aaron, quite a night it's been hasn't it?"


NAME: Jake Crow
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Karen Schmidt, Jessica Reynolds

Jake nodded at Miss Schmidt’s gesture, and moved in to take the girl’s blood pressure.
He wrapped the pad around the girl’s arm, and caught himself looking into her eyes once it was on. He caught himself, looked away and back again, and said, “Hi,” in a low voice. He took another rattled breath as the blood pressure machine did it’s thing and grimaced at the girl.
When it completed, he unstrapped it, grabbed a nearby pen-light, and said, “I just need to check your eyes.” He moved in, close to the girl’s face, shined the pen-light in her left eye, and said in a low voice, “k, can you just follow the light…?” He moved the pen-light back-and-forth and up-and-down, then switched eyes and did the same thing. At the end of it, he just stared into her eyes for a moment.
The girl thought she saw something in his eyes… Something like his pupils…`flickering’… Like they were made of liquid for a moment or something. It may have just been a trick of the pen-light shining in her eyes.
Jake caught himself again, cleared his throat and moved away.
When Miss Schmidt asked about her blood-pressure, Jake nodded and said, “Yeah, she’s good.” He grabbed a nearby water bottle, grimaced, and handed it to the girl as though to insist she drink it. “Oh, my name’s Jake by the way.”
One swallow does not a summer make
~ Aristotle
My ons and offs     My art gallery here on Elliquiy


NAME:Aaron Shaw
LOCATION: Front office
TAGGING: Samuel.

"Oh Mr. Ervin...what It truly has been a strange night...what can I do for you?" He asked as he was just about to step into his office. He did his best to not show how annoyed he was being interrupted. Shaw had plans for the night but he was constantly having to stop and talk to someone. He looked over at Kimi and then took a breath. "Ya know what...come into my office Sam and we can talk in private." Opening his door he stepped inside and waited for Samuel to follow behind.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION:  Front lobby
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw
"I must say Aaron, you really need to learn how to hide your annoyance." Samuel then walked inside. The room took the standard office layout, with several chairs lined the left wall, presumably for waiting students, or visitors. A large oak desk sat on the opposite side, covered in paper work, a computer monitor stood on the right corner of it. Samuel walked over and stood in front of the desk, electing not to sit down. "Something you wish to discuss, Aaron?" he asked with a mild tone.


NAME:Aaron Shaw
LOCATION: Front office
TAGGING: Samuel.

Aaron walked to stand behind the desk and sat down. "Please....have a seat." He then scooted himself in and started to type on the computer. "You should relax more...your just as young as I am. came here for a reason did you not? Did you need something? Have a comment you wanted to pass on to me." He didn't peel his eyes off the computer as he checked in all the various students and teachers. He was building a full profile on every member of the school and was getting excited to see all the powers he was going to see. His partners were going to be very happy.
Status: Stepping away for a while.


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION:  Front lobby
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw
Samuel could see that Aaron was a bit preoccupied, but since he couldn't see his computer screen, he could only assume  has to what. "Well, I know that you are aware of the girl in the infirmary, and I'm also sure that you aware of her gift. It seems that when she uses her ability on people, she creates a telepathic link between her and hr targets. Obviously this means that she is aware of the other persons thoughts." He paused making sure that the Dean was listening, then continued. " When I caught her at the basement, she attempted to slip away by making herself invisible to me, which in turn linked my mind to hers. This caused her to hear my thoughts, which are a hundred times faster than hers, and because of the sheer volume of information in my mind, it caused her's to collapse. So I am under the impression that her mind was assaulted by mine, on accident." He stopped to let the Dean reply before making his request.


NAME:  Rayven
LOCATION:  skipped class, in dorm room.
TAGGING:  I'm alone.
(Thinking to self)
I'm glad I didn't go to physics today. I would of missed powder puff girls on TV. Such a lame show, I'm so bored, I wonder if I'll be stuck with some lame roommate! Regardless, I will have fun....I always find a way to entertain myself.


NAME:Aaron Shaw
LOCATION: Front office
TAGGING: Samuel.

"I hear what you are saying....It seems our student needs to learn self control and this is indeed karma coming back at her and maybe even you in a way. Perhaps this is a wake up call to be a bit more understanding to your students and a bit more kind. Now, what would you like me to do about the girl?" While Aaron truly cared for the people in the school he was raised to believe in survival of the fittest. Aaron pulled his attention away from the computer and turned his body to face Samuel's with his hands folded on the desk. "If you are suggesting that I help her get better what would you have me do?"
Status: Stepping away for a while.


NAME:Jessica Reynolds
TIME OF DAY: Evening
LOCATION: Infirmary
TAGGING: Karen Schmidt, Jake Crow

Jessica sat at the edge of the bed, her chin resting in her hand as Jake fastened the armband around her arm. She only barely acknowledges him when he says "Hi" by looking at him out of the corner of her eye, the bored expression on her face hiding any thoughts or emotions. She straightens up when Ms. Schmidt brings over the painkillers and water and takes them from her, a slight smile crossing her face.

Her head recoils back slightly when Jake shines the light into her eyes but she does what he asks and follows it with her eyes. As he finishes, Jessica blinks several times as she tries to get the spots to go away. Her eyebrows furrow slightly and her head moves slightly closer to Jake as she notices something strange about his eyes. She blinks a few more times, staring back into his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of it again before chalking it up to the spots playing tricks on her eyes. Jessica suddenly becomes aware how they are both awkwardly staring into each others eyes in silence and snaps out of it, arching an eyebrow as she speaks.  "What? Is something wrong?"

Jessica lets out an exasperated sigh when Jake hands her the bottle of water. What part of "I'm not thirsty" did he not get? Still, she didn't feel like arguing, especially not over a bottle of water and she simply took it and placed it on the bed next to her. She slides off the bed as Jake introduces himself and nods to him. "Thanks for the free physical I guess. Jessica." She holds out her for Jake.

Before leaving, Jessica turns her attention toward Ms. Schmidt. "So um...what's in the basement, Ms. Schmidt? I have to know."


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw
"Well I already know how to fix her, and I don't need any special equipment, in fact the girl might've already been fixed, if not for Karen. What I need from you, is to convince Karen, and the girl, to let me fix her." Samuel wondered if Aaron would notice how he said "fix" and not "help" or "rejuvenate". But those thoughts were at the back of his mind, he was still thinking about the girls ability. He simply couldn't figure out what was causing him to think about it so much. Hopefully, once he fixed the girl, those thoughts would go away. He didn't like not being able to think straight.


NAME:Aaron Shaw
LOCATION: Front office
TAGGING: Samuel.

"Fix....Fix her? Are you implying something is wrong with my student? I don't like the way you are speaking of her. Helping her is one thing...but doing anything that could change her power's is not acceptable. Do I make myself clear?" Shaw stood up and smiled down at Samuel. It was a tactic to draw someone into a fight and even get himself hit to store more was better than slamming his head into brick walls every couple of hours. "If you do anything to hurt that young woman or change her in any way.....well you won't like it." Aaron sat down and wen't back to his computer. "You can leave now."
Status: Stepping away for a while.


NAME: Samuel Ervin
ROLE IN SCHOOL: Physics teacher
TIME OF DAY: Early evening
LOCATION:  Office (leaving)
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw
Samuel sighed inwardly, at least he tried. He couldn't force Aaron to do anything for him, he knew that much. So he decided to leave. "Very well Aaron." He had also noticed Aaron standing up, and smiled, a smile that didn't have any emotion. "If you must know Aaron, you can't taunt me into fighting you, as good at it as you may be. I know all about your power, it's strengths, and weaknesses." He then stood up and left the office, he walked to his room. When he arrived, he looked around, then opened the door, and went inside. Tonight proved that he had involved himself with some interesting characters, and he wondered, what interesting will happen next?


NAME: Ravyen
TIME OF DAY: evening
LOCATION:  outside Mr.Shaws Office
TAGGING: Aaron Shaw

(Bumping into Aaron Shaw)
((Not knowing who he is))
Hey what's the big idea! Watch where your walking Mr.
I just got here and already people are trying to run me over. Gee wiz, ... What's there to do here anyway? I've been hearing their was some kind of incident that some students were injured. Don't suppose their we any BODIES!!!! Nothing like some dramatic carnage to brighten ones day... (Starting a singing..."poor unfortunate souls")...ha ha, so for reals, where's all the action???