Looking for an Exalted Campaign (interest check)

Started by Trilogy, June 11, 2013, 05:39:52 PM

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Since I haven't seen anyone advertising a normal Exalted game I thought I'd make an effort to drum up some interest. Maybe if enough potential players get together talking about ideas it'll ignite a creative spark in someone to be our Storyteller. While I don't feel comfortable GMing Exalted (as I've never actually played using the Exalted system) I do have a fairly decent command of the setting and would be willing to help out any prospective GM in setting up and organizing a campaign. I'm happy to play using either Second edition or the new 2.5 errata; and if people don't want to deal with that complex of a system, I also know of a pretty good modification of FATE Core intended for the Exalted setting that I could post if people were interested (I'd just have to find it first, it's somewhere on Google docs...) After all, you play Exalted for the setting, not the mechanics.

So, anyone who would be interested in an Exalted campaign- why don't you post about what sort of storyline or characters you'd be interested in, and we'll see what comes together?

Personally, I'd like to play a Changing Moon Lunar Exalted, whether in an all-Lunar game or  a mixed party, in a social/intrigue-focused game (or at least a balanced combat/social game) set in or around one of the setting's major cities outside of the Blessed Isle. A game where etiquette, seduction, and blackmail are as important as strength of arms. Alternatively, an all-Infernal villainous campaign could be interesting, being sent out on a mission to undermine some facet of creation in whatever ways we see fit.


I'd very much enjoy playing in an Exalted game.  (I'm slowly running one myself.)

I have a lot of concepts.  Solars, Lunars, Dragon Blooded, and Sidereals.  I'd rather not play a Death Night or Infernal game. 

I think my favorite concept right now is a dawn caste solar.  She's kinda small, and has trained a unit fit but small girls into an air force that rides Strix.  (Giant owls.) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Rook Seidhr

I'd be happy to run a 2.5 Exalted game of just about any kind, but NOT BY FORUM. I have sworn never to try to run another asynchronous game (forum, wiki, email or anything where not all the players are communicating at the same time). It always ends in tears and recriminations.

(EDIT: Discussion of non-forum play has been moved here.)


I don't know if that works for anyone else, but your offer is enticing to me, Riveda. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Rook Seidhr

FYI others following this thread: Muse and I are throwing around the notion of text chat at roughly midnight US Eastern Time on Wednesday nights (that's 9 PM Wednesday US Pacific, 4 AM Thursday UTC).

See also here.


If it weren't Wednesdays, I'd be so there.  Sadly, I work nights on Wednesdays generally.

But I'll keep an eye on this thread because if the night changes, or my days off change, I might try joining up.  I'm a huge Exalted fan.


I would be totally fine with a game over chat, but I work full-time weekdays so after midnight EST/EDT on any weeknight is basically impossible for me... Any way you could do earlier in the evening?

Marie Reynolds

Id be wiling to give it a shot, I think ill try and work out of my comfort zone and not play a dragon blooded.

Rook Seidhr

Quote from: KrataLightblade on June 11, 2013, 09:55:25 PM
If it weren't Wednesdays, I'd be so there.  Sadly, I work nights on Wednesdays generally.
Quote from: Trilogy on June 12, 2013, 06:17:54 AM
I work full-time weekdays so after midnight EST/EDT on any weeknight is basically impossible for me... Any way you could do earlier in the evening?
Anyone interested in this game, please PM me your schedule, what nights you'd be available and at what times. I'll try to work out what's best for all of us.

Rook Seidhr

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on June 12, 2013, 06:32:24 AM
I think ill try and work out of my comfort zone and not play a dragon blooded.
Everyone will be playing the same creature type. I am open for discussion as to what that should be. If it were up to me to choose and impose that choice on the rest of you, it would be Lunar Exalted, because I haven't run a Lunars game yet; however, I would prefer to achieve consensus.


Likewise interested if not Wednesdays. 9pm would be kinda late for me too
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I'd love to join a chat game, but that late on a weekday doesn't really work for me. Since my frame of reference is one roleplaying group I have that has eight hour-long sessions, how long do you imagine sessions might run for this game?


I'd be very interested in an Exalted game by forum, since the chat idea seems to be taking off. Perhaps one centered around the three types of Solar shard (Solar, Abyssal, and Infernal), and their Lunar mates? Or just a general Exalted game of any permutation, twist, or perfectly standard interpretation. 2.5e is kinda necessary at this juncture, I think. At the least it's the best there is for now.
"They say even the proudest spirits can be broken...with love."

-The Beldame (CORALINE by Neil Gaiman)

Rook Seidhr

Quote from: Dracorion on June 12, 2013, 05:37:37 PM
Since my frame of reference is one roleplaying group I have that has eight hour-long sessions, how long do you imagine sessions might run for this game?
4-5 hours, most likely. Especially if it starts at midnight, I don't have the stamina for more than that.


Alas. Though I love Exalted and Lunars most of all, my work shift literally starts at midnight eastern on Wednesday. And proceeds hence for eight hours. (I have just gotten off one such shift)

Rook Seidhr

People who are interested in a text chat game:
Please go here and follow the instructions (even if you have already told me via IM, PM or reply to this thread what your availability and preference are—I want to have it all in one place if possible). Time and day are still up for discussion—might be before or after midnight, Monday to Thursday.

People who are interested in a forum game:
This is your thread now, or maybe you should start a new one just to avoid confusion.

Rook Seidhr

I surely don't have a problem with that; it would be silly for me to object to whatever other games you felt like playing. I just wanted to disentangle the threads since there still seems to be a call for a forum game.


So, who other than me and Marie would be interested in a forum game?
"They say even the proudest spirits can be broken...with love."

-The Beldame (CORALINE by Neil Gaiman)


Well seeing as I am down to just two games now I might be interested in joining a forum based game.
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


Yeah, you can peg me down for interested in a forum game too.


  I'm still interested in a forum game as well. 

  Thanks for untangling things, Riveda.  That was a good idea. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Call me Shadow
My A/A


Quote from: Rajah on June 13, 2013, 12:03:36 PM
So, who other than me and Marie would be interested in a forum game?

I'd be perfectly fine with a forum game!

I am a huge Exalted fan, so... yeah.  Exalted everywhere, darnit!