Red (Open/OOC)

Started by AmbrosiaPudding, June 05, 2013, 07:33:07 PM

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lol that's great! My son keeps asking for eggs and bacon and I'm like uhh Auntie is making chicken and he just gives me a glare  -_-
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Quote from: Krys Snape on June 06, 2013, 05:55:06 PM
lol that's great! My son keeps asking for eggs and bacon and I'm like uhh Auntie is making chicken and he just gives me a glare  -_-

My nephew said.

"Uh chicken. No! Steak! I want steak!" I looked at him, looked at my Mom who was leaving.

"How about pancakes?"


So, it's official pancakes solves everything. Mhm.

On another note, if you know anyone who might be interested please feel free to invite them.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


I'm gonna have to try that pancake trick next time my kid wants something ridiculous to eat lol

and will do *Scurries off to message people*
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Kids got it too easy these days. I remember when I was a kid. You ate what was put on the table or you didn't eat.


Quote from: Kremsonbryar on June 06, 2013, 06:01:57 PM
Kids got it too easy these days. I remember when I was a kid. You ate what was put on the table or you didn't eat.

Well I did make the mistake of asking what he wanted.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


lol I make that mistake quite often and the answers I usually get make me head tilt
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash

Sexy Firefly

Interested! I was recruitted by Krys Snape!

I was thinking Bartender and/or DJ.....Or if we need more patrons I can be one of those as well!


Quote from: Sexy Firefly on June 06, 2013, 06:51:55 PM
Interested! I was recruitted by Krys Snape!

I was thinking Bartender and/or DJ.....Or if we need more patrons I can be one of those as well!

Awesome sauce. You can do both if you'd like.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs



All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Oooo. Can I have a character for a dancer? :)


YAY! I can't wait to get started this sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun!
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Quote from: HarleyQuinn on June 06, 2013, 07:11:14 PM
Oooo. Can I have a character for a dancer? :)

Kremson and I talked a little and while we don't mind you take the role of a dancer, we'd just like to clarify that a dancer is not a stripper. In my mind it's someone in a cage or maybe even a burlesque type dancer. We don't want a smut filled roleplay so much as a literate, erotic roleplay.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


That's what I figured. I don't know if you ever seen the youtube videos of Jenyne Butterfly but that's kind of what I had in mind. But, I wasn't going for stripper.


Quote from: HarleyQuinn on June 06, 2013, 07:28:39 PM
That's what I figured. I don't know if you ever seen the youtube videos of Jenyne Butterfly but that's kind of what I had in mind. But, I wasn't going for stripper.

I'm not trying to suggest you were at all, it's just something we felt needed to be clarified the term dancer is pretty open.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Quote from: CarnageIncarnate on June 06, 2013, 07:29:27 PM
I'm not trying to suggest you were at all, it's just something we felt needed to be clarified the term dancer is pretty open.

I'm sorry if that sounded rude. I was driving and typing. Probably not the best combination to do. I'm sorry :(


Quote from: HarleyQuinn on June 06, 2013, 07:30:45 PM
I'm sorry if that sounded rude. I was driving and typing. Probably not the best combination to do. I'm sorry :(

It's not that, tone is rarely conveyed through text, I don't take anything too seriously unti it's all in caps and then it's on like donkey kong!
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs



Quote from: HarleyQuinn on June 06, 2013, 07:31:54 PM
OKay. Heh. Just kidding. ;)

Oh, I've seen the dancing you are suggesting. I can go for some of that.


Quote from: Kremsonbryar on June 06, 2013, 07:38:17 PM
Oh, I've seen the dancing you are suggesting. I can go for some of that.

I think it's artful. Nothing stripperesque about it in my opinion.

Sexy Firefly


Name: Anouska Dulco (Pet name: Anouk)

Apparent Age: 23

Real Age: 1,786

Race: Vampire

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Bartender/DJ

Blood: Likes A positive and O negative

Thoughts on other Races: Doesn't love them, Doesn't hate them, unless they start causing trouble.

Personality: Anouk could be called many things; feisty, curious, impulsive, impish, witty, adorably sexy, bull headed, subborn, cunning, and smooth talking. She also loves to learn and is a fast study when it comes to everything she does.

Background: Blank......Anouk's past is blank......She had been found after the raids, after the war had ended, the aftermath strewn around her. She had remembered running, a voice telling her not to stop, a scream behind her that she feared to look back to, but she had stopped. Anouk had stopped running, tired from the screaming, the ground hard against her barefoot, the mud sticking to the bottoms of her feet wet from blood. She had been seven, it had started as a normal day, or at least that was what she had been lead to believe, but at that age the most important thing was the new dress she had on and how the puppy seemed to love licking her toes.

Then a voice out of the darkness, a shape had swirled out of the mist and fighting, a hand pulling her out into the blazing night a light from flames. She had clung onto the figure, he seemed so kind.

Her transformation from human to vampire seemed to be less frightening then it should have been, in fact after the pain had subsided and her hunger controlled she fell into vampires quite easily. She travelled the world for some time experiencing everything she could, settling on the vast city of Chicago and the club Red.

Anouk intergrated to her new life, the past, her past, nothing but a faded memory.

Now working as a bartender and Dj for the club she could not be happier.

Name: Celia Freeman

Apparent Age: 25

Real Age: 25

Race: WereWolves

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Secretary to a C.E.O

Blood: B Positive- Tastes like strong Greek coffee.

Thoughts on other races: Prefers her own race which makes her biased, but unless trapped or antagonized she will behave in a friendly and civil manner.

Adventurous (+) --- Celia loves the thrill of something new, going to new places and seeking out new ways of entertainment.
Animated (+) --- she is the liveliest one in a crowd. She loves to have a good time and for lack of a better word be alive.
Brilliant (+/-) ---Celia is quite smart and idea oriented.
Charming (+/-) ---She has a way with people, she can be very agreeable to some, but others may find her catty or snobbish.
Conceited (-) ---Celia thinks very highly of herself it comes from being around a long time.
Impatient (-) --- She will not wait for anyone, when she wants something, it will happen immediately or she will do it herself.
Impulsive (-) --- She has this problem of doing things out of order or not to script so to speak. She lives in the moment and will make wild ideas like thinking one morning; I would like to go to New Orleans and in seconds will be in her car driving to Louisiana.
Mischievous (-) --- She loves to tease and this can turn dangerous very quickly, sometimes resulting in injury or death.
Sexual (+/-) --- It is in the way she moves, Predator like and fluid, and the way her eyes hood when talking to someone she is interested in, and her demeanor all together she exudes sex.
Uncontrollable (-) --- In Were form although she can control parts of her actions, Celia is a totally different person; she is uncontrolled and reckless, sometimes forgetting herself.

Background: Celia was a normal girl on a trip with her Fiance, in fact she was sure he was going to propose to her. Everything was magically, the day out in the woods hiking and rock climbing just nature and the two lover's. It all went south at night fall, they had loost their way and Celia being the adventurest steered them further and further away from their camp.

The moon was high when they had decided to stop and try to make camp til morning, Ted went out to look for firewood, leaving Celia alone. It was then that a rustling came from behind her and a great beast tore through the bush she had tried to run but like all stories go, she tripped over her own feet sprawling out on the ground.

She remembers the pain and then she remember's Ted and a bandage about her collarbone. They stayed together for another year, Ted growing more tense around her until the thought of her maybe trying to kill him got the better of him and he left. Now she works in a position she feels highly over qualified for and gets her only reprieve from her friends and Red.

(Looking for a Pack!)


Quote from: HarleyQuinn on June 06, 2013, 07:39:14 PM
I think it's artful. Nothing stripperesque about it in my opinion.

No, not at all. I am glad you explained what you wanted to do.


Quote from: Kremsonbryar on June 06, 2013, 07:42:18 PM
No, not at all. I am glad you explained what you wanted to do.

I can make up a cs for her :)
