Re: Zombie Apocalypse (Interest check! Still open!)

Started by Usani, June 04, 2013, 09:34:26 PM

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I just started watching The Walking Dead and I have to say I really like it!

So, I'm looking to start a group rp, all OC's.  Preferably an even number of people 8 (4 F's and 4 M's) at the most including me!  I think I'm gonna ask for character sheets to make things more interesting. Also, since I've never ran a group story I am looking for a GM!

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Name:Lisa Tarence
Age: 22
Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Status: Single
History: She was raised in a beautiful home with amazing parents and 2 sisters.  She came out to her family when she was 17 and they supported her completely!  After that day she became so much more closer to her family then ever before.
But, when the Apocalypse first started she lost her whole family and her fiance Amy.  After that day she swore to protect anyone that stuck by her no matter what!  Lisa was never much of a fighter or a violent person for that matter until all of this happened.  Now, she sleeps with a gun next to her every single night.  She may be the one to protect people but she is not one to trust others so easily, a lot of the times you can catch her by herself usually lost in her thoughts.  Lisa also had a best friend named Georgina who was very close friends with both her and Amy.  Before the outbreak they both Lisa and Gigi have not seen eachother in months and now she hasn't heard a word from her and is assuming she became infected and is dead.

Lisa use to be a police officer, she loved her job more then anything else.  She was considered a workaholic when she wasn't with her family or Amy.  Although Lisa was never a violent person, being a police officer would call for it if necessary but luckily it never called for her to ever use her gun except once.  Now Lisa always carries a Smith and Wesson model 10 with her at all times.  She got this gun from her father as a gift after she graduated from the Police Academy. 

When Lisa lost everyone she loved she couldn't help but feel completely guilty and angry with herself.  When the virus brokeout in Boston, she was away on a trip in Florida.  She heard about the breakout on the news and was on the first Redeye back home.  When she went to her parents house to check on them she found both her parents and Amy dead with gun shots to the head.  She found a not written by her mom that said they had no other choice, that they were sorry that they didn't wait for her to say their goodbyes but they couldn't live in a world so deadly.  From this day forward she blames herself and wonders that maybe if she took them with her they would still be alive today.

She now promises that whoever she comes across she vows to protect them as best as she can even if that means putting herself in harms danger to help. 

Question Mark

I'm always down for a zompoc!  Couple of questions.

  • Does this take place in the Walking Dead 'verse?  If not, what is the milieu and backstory?  Or is that up to the GM?
  • What sort of situation are are our characters going to find themselves in at the beginning?  Or is that also up to the GM?
  • Speaking of the GM, I'd be willing to run this game, although I tend to be more serious and story focused in my games.  If you mean for this to be a smut game, I wouldn't be the right dude for the job.


The backstory is up to the GM and in the beginning of the story I wanna say it'll take place about a month or so after everything has happened.  You are more then welcome to be the GM of this story and yes it is story focused more then smut.


count me in, from pittsburgh pa, Zombie capital of the world, so one could say i have the infection running in my blood!
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Lol Nice!  If you could make a Bio as soon as you can!  :)


bout to hit the hay for the night, but ill get one up in the am, i did one like this a few months ago that fell through but i played a military kid on home from leave if thats ok? also your character is pretty awsome, why be a lesbian ;) lol
also what city/state/country this taking place in?
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


That's completely fine it's your character!  And I may make her bisexual im not completely sure yet.  And the location will be up to the GM.


Hey! I love the Walking Dead. It's just. Well awesome haha. I hope this is okay.

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Name: Jameson Smith

Age: 21

Sexual Preference: Typically she says straight

Status: Single

History: Raised by a strict military Father and a flamboyant stepmother Jameson grew up taking archery classes and then at the same time ballet and gymnastics. Having no brother’s or sisters Jameson never wanted for attention though she always wondered about her real mother and who she was. Her father never spoke of her. When the apocalypse happened Jameson almost got stuck going down by a military squadrant. Her father got her out though leaving her an assault pack here wasn’t much in n over his shoulder. Though there wasn’t much in it. His prized desert eagle, a box of .45 rounds and six M.R.E’s. Jameson doesn’t know what happened to her father but she has a pretty good idea.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs

Question Mark

I guess I'll be the GM then!  I have a couple of ideas that I'll expand upon tomorrow (sooo tired...), but for the moment, I should mention location.

This game will take place in Boston.  At least, that's where it'll start.  I'll have more on the morrow.



Love me a good zombie apocalypse, I'm in. Can have a bio up soon. :)


I have a character I can already use :3 An old favorite zombie survivor of mine. She goes by the name of Vegas :3
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


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Name: Georgina 'Gigi' Williams
Age: 24
Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Status: Single
History: Gigi grew up happy enough, born in the backwoods of Texas in a reasonable sized house with a large, supportive family... albeit an almost zealotic Christian one. On her sixteenth birthday when they saw her kissing her best friend her otherwise loving father had her packed away to a convent to 'help her find her way'. Though even at her most dire moments she couldn't hate her family for doing what they, in misguided love, believed was right. It didn't take her long to walk away from the life that was chosen for her and set up what would effectively be last six years of her life, apocalypse or no. She's a drifter... and has only ever been known as one, she has yet to return to her family home, perhaps afraid of what she'll find there... Even through the outbreak her need to survive has been indomitable, and while she'll save who she can, she has no qualms letting people go who can't keep up or don't want to.

She has few 'friends' really, mostly contacts gathered over her extensive years drifting on her old Triumph motorcycle. And it is near Boston that she heard, by chance, on the radio about the outbreaks, gunning it for that nearest civilisation with abandon in her boundless need to survive. She's certain of many things, but the one big question in her mind is whether or not she wants to go back to Texas... a question she's tried to answer for some years. A question it may even be too late to ask herself anymore.

(Feel free to tell me if I need to make changes, and apologies if I'm jumping the gun by ninja'ing my character sheet on you poor folks. :3)


Quote from: Xanthaine on June 05, 2013, 07:25:45 AM
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Name: Georgina 'Gigi' Williams
Age: 24
Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Status: Single
History: Gigi grew up happy enough, born in the backwoods of Texas in a reasonable sized house with a large, supportive family... albeit an almost zealotic Christian one. On her sixteenth birthday when they saw her kissing her best friend her otherwise loving father had her packed away to a convent to 'help her find her way'. Though even at her most dire moments she couldn't hate her family for doing what they, in misguided love, believed was right. It didn't take her long to walk away from the life that was chosen for her and set up what would effectively be last six years of her life, apocalypse or no. She's a drifter... and has only ever been known as one, she has yet to return to her family home, perhaps afraid of what she'll find there...

(Feel free to tell me if I need to make changes, and apologies if I'm jumping the gun by ninja'ing my character sheet on you poor folks. :3)

I like her, I was hoping someone would use her pic as a character.  :)


Quote from: Usani on June 05, 2013, 08:49:43 AM
I like her, I was hoping someone would use her pic as a character.  :)

Well, haay to oblige. :-D


Quote from: Xanthaine on June 05, 2013, 08:54:29 AM
Well, haay to oblige. :-D

I would love to maybe work something out with my character and yours if you're willing.  ;)


Willing? *wicked grin*

Oh yes... willing... eager...

Hungry... :-P


Name:Erik Carter
Age: 24
Sexual Preference: Straight
Status: Single
History: Growing up in a household where his mother and father were complete computer geeks, it is no surprise to know that Erik was playing a Super Nintendo when he was just 3 years old. Most of his life, in fact, can be safely said to have occurred in front of a TV with a controller in his hands.

Around the time he hit highschool, he had a realization. Moved away from playing games, and started working on making them.  He also began to take better care of his body, ditching the typical junk food and soda for healthier eating, and exercise.

When he went to college, his healthy tendencies continued, fueled by his powerful intellect. He also took up kendo and joined a rifle club, finding these activities physically and mentally rewarding.

When the apocalypse came, ironically enough, Erik was in the middle of fleshing out an indie computer game based around surviving a zombie apocalypse, with a few of his college friends.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



Name: Christopher Shepherd

Age: 24 ( his birthday will be a week after the breakout)

Sexual preference: straight / bi curious (will entertain a shemale more then a man)

History: Chris was born a military brat to a drunken sailor and a low street hooker.  One wild night while his father was young and drunk he made some bad choices and soon enough Chris was born.  As a child he was left on his fathers apartment step mearly days prior to his father, who was a Commander to a seal team, was about to ship out.  His father wasn't mean, however he was strict, and growing up a navy brat he learned all he could about the navy and certainly the seals.  While in a small "play group" a.k.a. day care, he met a girl who he grew fond of.  Their parents were respective Seal brothers and soon the two young kids had a lasting friendship.

When Chris was 14, sadly his fathers life was lost saving a fellow platoon member and something inside Chris snapped.  He forsaken everything hell bent on become as good as his father to take apersonal vengence on the ass holes that stole all he had.  Sadly this pulled him away from his schooling, his entertainment, and above all his friends.  He ignored everyone as all he did was train and learn military tactics.  Within months he had an early acceptance letter to train as a navy seal and three months before graduating highschool he shipped off to boot camp. 

years pass, women pass quicker, and the wars drag on but he found himself where he wished to be.  Finally able to return home on leave from so many years of dedicated duty he found himself caught up in the mix.  Recieving his call to active duty he began to pack and ready himself for all out caos.  Sadly however he never made his way on the 6 hour trip to the base.  What he did find however was he was waking from a horrible wreck.  He found he was strapped into his four door jeep wrangler as he remembered swirving and wrecking.

This is where Chris will start.

“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Name: Kaylen O’Neill
Age: 27
Sexual Preference: Straight
Occupation: Cop
Personality: Despite his numerous move references, laid-back attitude and sometimes sarcastic sense of humour, Kaylen is a stand-up guy who will put his life on the line to protect others. Although he is an open-minded and respectful individual, if he thinks an idea is crazy he’ll let you know it.

History: Born and raised in New York City, Kaylen’s only dream was to join the NYPD. Gifted with an eidetic memory Kaylen aced the entry exams and became a patrol officer when he was 21, where he remained for 3 years until switching to an investigative squad. He recently made detective but was shot in the shoulder during the line of duty and has spent the last few months of his injury leave in Boston. He was about to head back to New York when the world went to hell.


“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Whoo people. Plus I'd just like to add Chreestafer. Your avatar makes me giggle and makes me want to draw it on a sticky note.
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Hola, Chrees.  Also, howdy, Finn.  :-)
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!

Frank Reshman

A zombie apocalypse RP, you say? That sounds swell!

Name:John Walker
Age: 23
Sexual Preference: Straight
Status: Single
History: From an early age, John liked working with his hands.  He was a practical thinker, and enjoyed taking things apart and attempting to put them back together.  Many a TV remote had met their fate to his tinkering.  Over time, he honed his craft and began to understand how things worked and, more importantly, WHY they worked how they did. When the infection started to spread, he tried his best to save his friends and family, but one by one they all managed to succumb to the deadly disease.  With everyone he knew either dead or turned, he set out from his little town with nothing but his toolbelt, his rifle, and a chip on his shoulder.


*Claps excitedly* Yay!  I'm so glad people are joining!  ;D