Stess relief. . .how do you do it?

Started by ShrowdedPoet, June 26, 2008, 09:10:30 AM

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heavybag, six beers, nudity and cartoon network.

not at the same time, mind you.
Stories are for those late hours in the night when you can't remember how you got from where you were to where you are. Stories are for eternity, when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember but the story. -Tim O'Brien

The Overlord

Quote from: Caustic on July 16, 2008, 11:02:26 PM

not at the same time, mind you.

Because that would be really weird.  :o


Quote from: The Overlord on July 16, 2008, 10:57:39 PM
Yeah but busting up a wine-sodden destitute on a street corner isn't much a challenge, it's good to have a risk factor with enemies that are actively trying to kill you. A bum might get my sympathy vote; gang bangers, orcs, or a squad of Stormtroopers never would. Nothing like return fire whizzing past your head to get you into a full-tilt burn. I like to MMO including Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies...this is the perfect time to load up the wizard or the Jedi, whip out the spell tome or lightsaber and go absolutely batshit medieval fucking loco on something. Works wonders for stress.  ;D

Haha, not this game... these ones rage and swing at you like mad men ^__^


Quote from: ShrowdedPoet on June 26, 2008, 09:10:30 AM
Ok, we all have stress and we all have our own ways of relieving it. . .so. . .what's yours.  I'll go first.

I like to drive really fast with all the windows down blaring incredibly loud angry death metal music. . .always makes me feel better.
Why would you want to eliminate that which drives you?  Sound counter-productive to me.

Sent from my BB driving 90mph down the Freeway with the windows down and the "Tyrants Blood" CD turned to, hold on need to look, max volume.

"sEx is LikE aiR..
iTs noT reaLLy tHat imPortAnt
untiL yoU're noT geTtiNg anY.."
   *******   [/td][td]
Suffering should be creative,
it should give birth to something good and lovely
 ~ Chinua Achebe


Quote from: Dawg on July 17, 2008, 12:25:29 PM
Why would you want to eliminate that which drives you?  Sound counter-productive to me.

Sent from my BB driving 90mph down the Freeway with the windows down and the "Tyrants Blood" CD turned to, hold on need to look, max volume.

*laughs*  It doesn't eliminate it. . .it only helps me cope when it gets to be too much.
Kiss the hand that beats you.
Sexuality isn't a curse, it's a gift to embrace and explore!
Ons and Offs

The Overlord

Quote from: Sabbat on July 17, 2008, 05:28:33 AM
Haha, not this game... these ones rage and swing at you like mad men ^__^

Well OK, then they're asking for it.  :)


asking for my steel toe boot across their jaw.

The Overlord

Say there wouldn't happen to be any bums with clown faces are there? Man, I would hate that...I'd go on a killing spree in that game. 8)


Actually, there are :) theres also skater girls with aerisol can flame throwers.