Am i the only one?

Started by Koto0005, May 28, 2013, 10:29:50 AM

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Nope. I'm often the same, I try to at least respond in reasonable fashion. If not I feel so bad.

Am I the only one has to wear socks and have blankets on no matter the time of year when going to bed?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


It seems like it! I don't wear socks in the summer, but I must have a blanket! Unless it's over 115 at night, which is not too often here.

Am I the only one that dislikes conversing on IM's since you feel rushed most of the time?
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I hate it too...

Am I the only one who enjoys the feel of their own legs?


Definitely not. I enjoy the feel of your own legs as well ;)

Am I the only one spending too much money on the Steam summer sale?
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Yes you are cause I don't even know what that is....

Am I the only one excited I was approved?


I don't think so, I'm waiting and hoping to be approved as well.

Am I the only one around here who wakes up in ridiculously early hours during weekends because of the heat?
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God, no. I slept from 1pm to 6:33pm then went 12:30am and woke up at 6:330am.

Am I the only one on a mission to purchase the complete series of Sailor Moon?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


Maybe, I don't watch that show but others might.

Am I the only one that intentionally sleeps in the shower.


Probably not. I lay and relax in the shower, though.

Am I the only one who recently found out that Bananas are a berry?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


No, I just found out about thirty seconds ago

Am I the only one that is so out of the loop when it comes to gossip that in order to be told the latest happenings they have to hear about five other things


Haha, no. That's so true for me as well

Am the only one who knows that the movie World War Z had a 300 Million budget?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.



Am I the only one that isn't up to date with the latest movies?


Absolutely not.

Am I the only one who remembers the taco bell dog?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


Oh I had forgotten all about that

Am I the only one who will listen to Gangnam Style, Fallout boy and Frank Sinatra in the same hour?


No, I have done so before, thanks richard cheese. XD

Am I the only one to accidentally type an entire response in caps lock?
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Nope I do that all the time

Am I the only one that loves when a typo spells another word?


Yes you are the only one...usually my predictive text and auto correct makes me look like an illiterate.

Am I the only one that likes satin sheets?

Daoine Sidhe

Nope.  Love satin.  I used to have a set of black satin sheets.  They were so comfy!  Then the washing machine ate them.  Damn thing.

Anyway... am I the only one who rambles on about things the are unimportant?
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No I do that all the time.

Am I the only one who's thirsty right now?


i'm thirsty too...

am i the only one suffering from a heartbreak...............
Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


Kinda, I think I just got over it last week

Am I the only one who suddenly feels hungry has a strange obsession with food?


God, no! I had some tonsils removed on the fourth and I'm like dying for some actual food. I kind of lost my appetite, though.

Am I the only one who has the ridiculous habit of forgetting words in my sentences, writing words or orally? 
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


I think everyone does from time to time.

Am I the only one who makes up words when the right one eludes me?


I do as well. I try to make the words I come up with sound educated. XD

Am I the only one who eats the crust before the pizza?
......And I Can't Pretend It Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me.


Nope, especially when it's stuffed. My personal favorite is with Philadelphia cheese.

Am I the only one who gets really upset when finding out le crush has a bf?
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