Looking for adventure rp, details inside, male needed, open to only one

Started by Chiarra, May 12, 2013, 07:21:04 PM

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Okay, so as it says in the title, this is an adventure rp set in a fantasy medieval period.  I don't have a plot worked out yet, but would be willing to work that out with the hero of the story.  One thing you need to know about this rp is it is completely open.  Anything could happen, at all.  Because of that, the choices your characters make will have consequences, for instance, if he steals and gets caught, he will be imprisoned, or he could pay the fine if he has enough money.  I would like for you to keep track of the money your character receives and spends.  Even open to using the dice rolls for fights and what not, though I myself am not very familiar with it.  Because anything could happen in this, it can start out completely different.  For instance, you can be a farmhand that gets swept into things, or you can be a knight, or a blacksmith ect.  You get the idea.  Again, not much of a plot in mind, but again, willing to work one out.  Heck, your character can even be swayed to work with the bad guys instead.  Oh, and if we do go into any of the extremes or torture, I would prefer those to go to black, because I myself am not very comfortable with it.


At least be able to reply once a day.
No God modding.
Please, no one liners.  I want this to be as detailed as possible.

Please post in here, so once we get the first post, everyone will know it's closed.  I may open it up again, but I just want to try it with only one person please.  You can even be female, so long as your character is male.

Possible plot ideas for this:

Dragons are growing in number and terrorizing the kingdom.  The King has issued an award to those who successfully bring him at least one dragon head and it's scales.  The scales of course, would be part of the reward, turning it into armor for the man who slayed it.

((all I have right now, would be willing to work out something different, or add more to this one.  Otherwise, more plots may be coming soon.))
Well, my brother has his sword, and I have my mind and a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, that's why I read so much, Jon Snow.

~Tyrion Lannister

