Dragonlance: Prelude to War [PFRPG] (interest check)

Started by Andi, April 22, 2013, 11:47:45 PM

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This game will use the Pathfinder RPG system; I will post specific character creation rules if and when I get the impression there is an interest in this game. Nota bene: This is before the events of the War of the Lance. As such, no healing magic exists in the world; no spontaneous casters exist in the world; no divine magic is available (although classes that use divine magic may be played. They may or may not obtain their magical abilities in gameplay.)

It is the spring of the year 348. Dark clouds gather in the east; rumors of armies massing, battles fought. Trade across Taman Busuk, already tenuous, ceases. the minotaurs of Mithas and Kothas, already known for their tendency towards maritime brigandry, close the shipping routes around the Blood Sea Isles. The coastal Knights, fearful of their income, begin confiscating ships in an attempt to bolster their naval strength and reopen trade routes. At the same time, quietly, cadet branches of their families and their retainers are evacuated. One such ship is the "Swiftmane," bound from Port o'Call to Crossing, on the far side of the Schallsea Straits. From there, its passengers are to spread throughout Abanasinia, settle down, build new lives from themselves, and wait for the storm out of the east to pass...

Character generation:

25-point buy; no half-orcs or planetouched (Tiefling, Aasimar, the Elemental races). halflings cannot take "Craven" as alternate racial feature, and may take "Wanderlust" without losing "Fearless."

Start at level 1; backgrounds need not be long, but certain isolationist races (elves, I'm looking at you) need a good reason to be turning up on a Solamnic refugee ship.

Optional rules: Armor as DR and Vitality/Wounds systems are in use; there are no divine spellcasters nor spontaneous spellcasters. Healing is severely restricted. (Note that bards, druids and clerics do exist in-world - they lack their divine powers, however).

Starting Wealth: Assume you rolled maximum

Traits: Pick two

Gods: There are no active pantheons in the world. No god has answered a prayer in several human generations.

I plan on taking between four and six players. Right now, I'd like to see character concepts, rather than complete sheets - give me an idea of who your character is, what he does. I'd also like an idea of how much sex you would like to see. This being Elliquiy, I should note that the focus of the game is not intended to be sex.


Would a player need to be familiar with Dragonlance to play in this campaign?


Not at all. In point of fact, I do not expect that to factor hugely (other than the location names will be familiar) for quite some time.


And I am willing to bet there is information available if you need it.

Also! Interested. I have a fighter I could throw into this.
Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


While I've heard of Dragonlance I'm completely unfamiliar with it. The only problem I see with that is backstory creation.

Otherwise I'm interested.


Looking at low levels, so backstory is not /that/ much of a problem. Just think of a reason why a character might be trying to escape from a 12th-century Germany or France ruled by the Teutonic Order on the verge of war - locations can be adjusted as needed. The rumors are of assorted ogres, giants, hobgoblins... "normal" evil troops (no orcs - there are no such on Krynn).


Afraid my memories of history class are a bit fuzzy heh.

Character generation rules? Or did you want to wait for more people to show interest?


Mostly, need to be more awake to be certain that I don't miss anything relevant. To make the history reference a little less painful, the technology level in Solamnia (the nation the Swiftmane is departing) is roughly what you see depicted in A Game of Thrones. The nobility (knights) follow a very rigid code of honor, by the letter if not in spirit; there is a lot of corruption in the upper echelons, although some knights remain true to the spirit of their Oath and Measure. In effect, the land is a theocracy, with the place of God being taken by literal adherence to these standards. The peasants are largely serfs; citizens of the cities are free men, but generally disdained by the knighthood (Kraemerseelen - merchants' souls). Don't focus too much on Solamnia, however - it is highly unlikely your character will see its soil again any time soon :)


  Andi, so you're telling a story in the war of the lance, but an alternate version? 

  That sounds interesting.   
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Muse, that's the plan. How far you guys are getting involved in the events of the war... well, that remains to be seen, no?


Willing to bet that characters don't have to be from that area - and depending on what kind of character, might not be - not everything is found within Solamnia's borders, after all. ^.~
IIRC, available races in the DL setting are humans, half-elves, elves, dwarves, kender (blech), gnomes and .. half-ogres? Centaur and minotaur might also be on the list, but that's GM-call, and I don't know anything about either.

Elves might be hard, they've closed their borders entirely. Iirc, you have the Silvanesti taking the position that 'outsiders = universally bad', and the Qualinesti taking the position, 'humans = universally bad'. I know exactly sod all about the Kagonesti, other than 'wild elf'.
I don't know about the dwarves - I've not seen very many in the setting, and most of them seem to be considered 'weird' in some fashion by dwarvish society. There seem to be mountain dwarves and hill dwarves, and other than that, I know very little.
Kender... kender are like cockroaches. They turn up everywhere, and getting rid of them is usually entirely more difficult than it ought to be.
Gnomish adventurers are like dwarven adventurers, as far as I know - they're either looking for something, or they're considered 'weird' by normal standards, and the ones that survive are either very lucky, or their inventions actually /work/.

If it would help, I can see what sort of specific information I can run down and post some links?
Half-elves and half-ogres seem to get it from all sides, and I've not seen too many of either.
Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups



With this limited scope? Ah hell, I'll put them together... :)

Updated the initial post.


  Could I play a gnome of mount nevermind?  Perhaps using the alchemist class?  Or perhaps just a more old school class with a particularly gnomish bent? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


What about a human Expert? Focusing on healing, and healing support skills, seems to me with magic limited being able to use herbs and doing surgical treatments with overall healing would be useful?

I know its a NPC class but under the setting it makes more sense than a cleric since magic is not there, if it appears later I can always take some levels in Cleric.


On the subject of Monk: I knew I forgot something in the writeup. I'll consider a monk submission once the basic skill groups are filled.

On the subject of Expert: You might also consider a "heathen" cleric, following some false god or principle or another while investing the skill points in herbal lore and healing rather than Know(Religion). Alternatively, the Master class from the War of the Lance sourcebook could easily be adapted to Pathfinder as well. Or, if you want to do it as you suggested, I would have no quarrel with that.


Well I was thinking of keeping it simple but she will be a good healer but never said she might not pick up another class there are options.


Quote from: RubySlippers on April 24, 2013, 07:32:07 PM
What about a human Expert? Focusing on healing, and healing support skills, seems to me with magic limited being able to use herbs and doing surgical treatments with overall healing would be useful?

I know its a NPC class but under the setting it makes more sense than a cleric since magic is not there, if it appears later I can always take some levels in Cleric.

There's also chirurgeon alchemist (can make heal pots, basically), or any class with Sacred Touch trait. Alchemists would be interesting as they don't "Cast" spells.

I'm thinking Rogue, myself. Catfolk?


The chirurgeon also would not have access to the Cure series of spells or related class features. There is no magical healing available.


Just to make sure, no divine nor spontaneous means that sorcerers are out as well, right?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.



Now, catfolk... I am sure somewhere on Krynn, they exist. What one might have lost on Ansalon, I have no idea... that would require quite a bit of backstory, and is probably not compatible with level 1.


No problem, I just like their racial archetype. Hyooman rogue it is.


So what exactly is the general background of those on the ship?