How are dice roll games played?

Started by Zayaah, June 18, 2008, 02:08:33 AM

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 I'v seen several dice roll style games here, and it sounds interesting, but i haven't got the slightest clue of how to start. Not even the tinyest hint of comprehension. Any advice?


'System' games (some of them use cards in addition to or instead of dice, and sometimes other things) basically are used to determine the limits of what a character can do. They help to give people roles in a role playing game - someone might be a healer, a warrior, a wizard - whatever, and the game provides various rules that help decide what a character can and cannot do.

That is the thematic idea. There are a lot of different systems, some focusing on specific genres. Dungeons and Dragons and Exalted are high fantasy, the World of Darkness is modern horror, Star Wars you are probably familiar with. Those are by far the most popular, though with the possible exception of 4e D&D they're rather complex.

Others focus instead on styles. "Big Eyes Small Mouth" is anime, while GURPS is more gritty-realistic.

If you're just starting, I would probably look for a 4e D&D or BESM game, and bug someone who is running one of those to show you how. They're both simple and quick. Most systems, as a rule, get out of your way pretty quickly outside of combat and magic.


 well that interesting, but pretty " in one ear and out the other..." I'm a visual learner, i learn by seeing and doing. Unfortunately, a paragraph of " this is what it is," will do little more then confuse me.


This might help; it's specific to Dungeons and Dragons, but it's a very visual, very simple explanation of Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. You'll want to check out the Demo option, on the left.
I'm not shy. I'm silently stalking my prey.
There are two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not quite sure about the first one.


There's another discussion about system games and how they are played here:

Greetings, Xillen


 The d&d one helped a little, it told me a little how the dice are used, but i understood very little besides that, it moved kinda quickly with very little explanation of "how," only really showing the end result.

The second one had a lot of information about how games are played and how to make them, if knew more about the concept I'm sure it would be extremely helpfull, however I'm dirt new, baby new, and most of what was said went miles over my head.
  Is there a site for explanation from the ground up? A-Z?
  I'm not overly worried, if i cant figure it out it wont bother me, I'm mostly just curiouse out of the interest of what something like that would be like. I think it would be fun if only i could figure it out.


The best way to learn is probably to join a game (there are several here), explain that you're new, and a bunch of guys will happily help walk a lovely lady through the paces : )


 K, i'll look around for a game willing to take someone as new as me ^---^


Is there any specific system/setting/concept that you're looking for?


 Not really, I'm just looking to learn how to use this site's dice roll system and learn how it fits into rping. I dont really plan to do dice roll games anywhere else.


Well, if I knew what kind of setting you're looking for, how much sex you want involved, what kind of concept, etc... then I could probably link you a thread or two that might be useful for you to check out. The best way to learn is to simply join a game.


setting: I'm not really sure what you mean by this, if you mean plot setting, I'll go for anything fantasy.

I want to learn how to use the dice system in a game, how it would turn the story on the different degrees, and the different control negotiations required for different situations. More or less i want to learn what the different slots are used for, when they are used, and how they are used. The basics. 

QuoteThe best way to learn is to simply join a game.

I do want to join a game, it would be fun, however i would first like to go threw...not really a game, but a mini game, if anyone would be willing to take me threw a series of test scenarios so i can learn how to spot different action requirements and figure out what I'm to do in what situation.

I'm a quick learner, so i dont think it would be long before i would be able to practice on my own. Once i figure out the basics, it would be fairly easy to do a simple hat pull practice.


Seriously, the best way is to actually get yourself into a game. The problem with such a "mini-game" is that you still need to make an entire character for it, which might not be worth the trouble.

You shouldn't be so afraid. If the DM or an active player are willing to assist you, then you can roll right into a system game.



There are also a few dice games running at present. You could try reading those and see if they help you understand.

What it boils down to is when there is a chance of an event occuring, or not occuring, the dice can be used to see what happens.

Did I mange to hit the bad guy? Did I jump far enough to clear that gap?

The GM will tell the player the results of their action, based on whether or not the dice roll was successfull, unsuccessful, and by how much.
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Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.