Crown Wars (3.P DnD, Forgotten Realms) (recruitment open)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, March 29, 2013, 03:18:23 PM

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  Have I been accepted yet, Zaer?  I thought i was the third Myentar character? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Oh you are? Welcome ^^; sorry, I missed a few pages here.
Been away, now i'm back. Updated based off changes in my life.

Ons and offs!


Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: who149 on April 08, 2013, 07:29:29 PM
True, but I'm a fighter Varient. I felt all special having all these feats. Thinking "hah! These fucking Mages and shit think there so hot. With there spells. Well... I get a ton of feats. so HAH"

But now everyone gets a ton of feats, and now i'm sitting here thinking. "Well.. I guess I get a couple MORE feats then you still, even though at some point i'm going to probably end up having nothing to do with them and stuffing them in toughness or something"

I have a question. Do followers get feats? And if so, do they follow the same rules?

Sorry for stealing your thunder :P. In pathfinder feat progression is fast but I made it more faster. Of course the extra feats allow go deep into the combat feat trees to get crazy stuff (like if I use power attack I get +4 to AC and CMD for a round and when I hit I demoralize my foe with intimidate).

Anyways followers to get feats and heroic followers gain feats by classes also (as they can take PC classes like fighter to get some more feats). Feat gain by followers, heroic followers and cohort are normal pathfinder feat progression (which is every odd level). So if someone has cohort or followers using 'feat every level' please edit. Only PC's get to be this awesome.

Quote from: Kunoichi on April 08, 2013, 10:10:04 PM
I'm thinking I probably will, actually. ^^ The tentative plot idea being tossed about is that I'd be sent to you to spy on you, but that's practically the same thing as teaming up anyway, so... :P

Since I'm not a noble, I'll have to spend my own feats on things like leadership and stronghold funds, though.  But I certainly plan on doing so, assuming Zaer allows me to, and we can pool our funds together from there.

You can spend your feats for those two things although I think as a demon you get demonic minions instead :P. Also you do not get multiplier like noble does for follower numbers. But you do get extra cash to arm your minions.

Quote from: Muse on April 09, 2013, 12:59:20 AM
  Have I been accepted yet, Zaer?  I thought i was the third Myentar character?

Yes, you are! I just haven't got things updated in first page and I need expand 'chars per kingom' slot up as I am really liking idea of demonic twins working in Aryvandaar.

Quote from: kckolbe on April 09, 2013, 01:38:37 AM
Syopiir has Nicci and I if Zaer is updating.

Yup, but as said I haven't got time sit down and update things. More so as tomorrow is important project meeting with teacher and may be busy with project progress again *sigh*.

Quote from: Kolbrandr on April 08, 2013, 03:31:42 PM
Going to withdraw, wish you guys luck and hope the game goes well.

Sad see you go, you had contributed a lot  :-\.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on April 09, 2013, 11:26:04 AM
Sorry for stealing your thunder :P. In pathfinder feat progression is fast but I made it more faster. Of course the extra feats allow go deep into the combat feat trees to get crazy stuff (like if I use power attack I get +4 to AC and CMD for a round and when I hit I demoralize my foe with intimidate).

Anyways followers to get feats and heroic followers gain feats by classes also (as they can take PC classes like fighter to get some more feats). Feat gain by followers, heroic followers and cohort are normal pathfinder feat progression (which is every odd level). So if someone has cohort or followers using 'feat every level' please edit. Only PC's get to be this awesome.


I was pretty sure followers didn't get it, cohorts I now have to kill someone.... Actually If i just make one of my heroic followers my item crafter I wont have to fill up Jerions feat slots with item crafting so I think ill be okay. Ill go take care of that.
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Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on April 09, 2013, 11:26:04 AM
You can spend your feats for those two things although I think as a demon you get demonic minions instead :P. Also you do not get multiplier like noble does for follower numbers. But you do get extra cash to arm your minions.

Since I'm basing myself more around intrigue, I think I'd only get it for the cohort, actually. ^^; Any demonic minions I've got would be back in the Abyss.  Though, since Kimera will get to be a full character if he plays as my twin, I'm thinking I'll just drop Leadership, instead.  I'll take the stronghold funds feat, though, since I'm sure Pale will want to put it to good use adding extra luxuries and defenses.


Quote from: Kunoichi on April 09, 2013, 10:30:47 PM
Since I'm basing myself more around intrigue, I think I'd only get it for the cohort, actually. ^^; Any demonic minions I've got would be back in the Abyss.  Though, since Kimera will get to be a full character if he plays as my twin, I'm thinking I'll just drop Leadership, instead.  I'll take the stronghold funds feat, though, since I'm sure Pale will want to put it to good use adding extra luxuries and defenses.

A Calvary Base and Siege weapons! As it stands even without "Luxury" components I can't house anywhere near the entirety of my force. My elite followers are fun to generate. I'm naming them all after HP Lovecraft related things. I Have to ask Zaer if my Borg Queen cohort can have the half-elf favored class bonus for Tactician. Just you Me and Kimera take up 3 of 5 minds he can make part of his collective.

We will have to explore our characters relationship more because Eisheth-Zenunim is trying to lessen the lower planes presence in Arvyndaar and strengthen the bindings of the (every bit as evil) Unseelie fey. Though the Queen of Air and Darkness does have numerous demons working for her. Canonically her strongest servants are the LeShay, Hoary Hunters, and a few unique dragons. Evil will always find a way!
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Sounds like those funds will come in quite handy, then. ^^ And I'd certainly be up for exploring our characters' relationship more.  The basic proposal I gave to Zaer is that I'd be there to spy on you, having been sent to your court as a 'gift' by Malkizid.  Malky himself is a fallen Solar, deposed Arch-devil, and currently a Yugoloth Lord, from what I've read of him, so that could certainly lead to plenty of conflict.


Quote from: Kunoichi on April 09, 2013, 11:47:01 PM
Sounds like those funds will come in quite handy, then. ^^ And I'd certainly be up for exploring our characters' relationship more.  The basic proposal I gave to Zaer is that I'd be there to spy on you, having been sent to your court as a 'gift' by Malkizid.  Malky himself is a fallen Solar, deposed Arch-devil, and currently a Yugoloth Lord, from what I've read of him, so that could certainly lead to plenty of conflict.

Eisheth has nothing personal against Malkizid. She even admires him quite a bit. Just his presence and sponsorship weakens the hold her sponsors have. Both Icly and OOCly Eisheth's main problem is that there isn't much mention of the Unseelie since they lost the last war against reality. So without some Dm embellishment Eisheth is working for a faction thats not just diminishing because of the fiends but also because of their own disinterest. Though some things implied  that after the last war where the LeShay were almost able to cross over in mass, that the boundaries between Torril and Faerie were strengthened. So if they do have an active interest in the the prime and especially the pacts they made with the elves, they need intermediaries like Eisheth.

The Queen of Air and Darkness (Eisheth's patron deity) was difficult to get info on. The main sources all mention different things about her. The Wiki speaks mostly of her parentage. That she is either the daughter or Erebus, Titania, or both. Fey Feature talks about her extreme beauty and her (trope) Deadly Decadent Court  while Dragon Magazine's article paints her as a former Seelie princess who has turned into a  true eldritch abomination: Literally sentient chilling darkness and evil.

If I try to homogenize it all ... She was a beautiful and ambitious royal in the seelie court who's lust for power led her to acquire the unfathomably powerful artifact called The Black Diamond. The artifact gave her great power (She is an Intermediate deity) but also corrupter her and destroyed her body changing her into a great intangible void. Her court is a demiplane connected to the seelie court and pandemonium. Losing her body robber her of the ability to feel sensations and true emotions. She manifests a physical avatar and drives the fey who serve her further into evil and depravity. The unseelie court is a place where the intense beauty, constant orgies, and indulgence of all kinds have left it's nobles jaded cold and empty like their Queen. They all pursue most extreme and sadistic forms of art and entertainment are pushed to greater and greater limits in order to bring them some sort of sensation to enjoy. The Queen and her nobles enslave other fey, fiends, and material plane races breeding them like cattle to twist their flesh and create new races and crossbreeds. In this case the material plane is valued both to provide chattels as well as physical and emotional delights. - Again thats pretty much what I gather from trying combine all the lore I dug up.
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Zaer Darkwail

Well, thing is that Aryvandaar have bred with the fey to create stronger bloodlines but they have moved to add fiends into the mix to create fey'ri (which are called other name as 'daemon fey'). So Aryvandaar may still hold some respect to unseelie court but they have step down their interest on them (and that may be present dilemma for Eisheth's present faction and also personal relationship/worship on queen of air and darkness).

Anyways considering your expert on said matter more than me I leave the exact details how the unseelie court functions and how queen of air and darkness is established in the faerun setting. I would go with your proposal that she was former seelie princess renown for beauty but having found dark artifact changed her and she founded the 'other' court. Other elven nations may had done pacts mostly to seelie court but Aryvandaari growing 'closet corruption' in nobility led them to revere unseelie court instead among nobility while commoners may revere seelie court.

Malkizid definitely would send someone keep close eye on fey worshiper faction leader to see you do not attempt anything what would endanger his plans. He would not give much care about feys so long they stick out from his way. But if your char is helpful to his goals then the better. He gave one demons as gift but gave no chain nor collar said demon obeys only because it was told by Malkizid to do so (to a extent, as she/he would follow commands by whim).

Anyways I allow demons take landlord feat as it may be Malkizid granted resources.


My final character sheet will be ready today.

She won't have armies or powerful items of power but I plan to muck up the Dark Elves into evil and foul things universe in the long run.


So here's my Summoner, the Eidolon is going an edit since I was made aware that the Evolutions for an Eidolon are apparently not cumulative.  Thus I apparently need to choose which ones to have, which is going to weaken the thing CONSIDERABLY. >>


Hmm.  I still haven't gotten any word back on those suggestions I made for converting Lilitu over to Pathfinder, but I suppose I should get my character started, now. ^^; I'll just work based off of the suggestions I made, until told otherwise.

Hmm, first step is probably to come up with a name...

Zaer Darkwail

*general public announcement*

I will working now all night get back on you about your questions and convert plans what I had for Lilitu and other stuff. I just hope I get them all done in single post so wait patiently peeps :).


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on April 12, 2013, 03:48:55 PM
*general public announcement*

I will working now all night get back on you about your questions and convert plans what I had for Lilitu and other stuff. I just hope I get them all done in single post so wait patiently peeps :).

He is working so hard for us.... How cute
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Zaer Darkwail

Okay, edited Hathran class.

Added note regarding special followers which are monsters.

Nycaloth and Lilitu get following changes;


Same as succubus in pathfinder overall but CR grows from seven to ten (leaving you with 2 levels to play with).

Haves same attacks but add in additional 4 tentacle stinger attacks which are primary attacks and claws are secondary. Stingers do 1d4 base dmg + Str + poison (poison save DC is 12 + charisma mod and upon failing it causes 1pt wisdom dmg per round for 5 rounds).

Lilitu can fly same speed as succubi without wings (a magical supernatural flight).

Lilitu has same spell-alike abilities as succubi haves.

They have 'Mock Divinity' ability which allows cast spells like 8th level clerics and have access to Demon and Lust domains. Cleric levels stack with racial spellcasting levels (yes, I know Lilitu has 7 HD and they got 8th CL).

They have shroud alignment and also Lilitu's gift power.

Statically Lilitu has same stats as succubi does.


Nycaloths gain Daemon subtype instead their old one.

Daemons have the following traits (unless otherwise noted):

    Immunity to acid, death effects, disease, and poison.
    Resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
    Summon (Sp): Daemons share the ability to summon others of their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less powerful
    Except where otherwise noted, daemons speak Abyssal, Draconic, and Infernal.

In addition their spell-alike abilities change to;
Constant; Detect Good, See Invisibility, Desecrate (centered upon themselves)
At-Will; Animate Dead (lesser), Greater Teleport (self-only + 50lb extra package), Invisibility, Bestow Curse
1/day; Vampiric Touch, Fear

Otherwise remains similar as in MM III.

If I forgot something poke me.


Well, looks like I'm going to have to revise a lot of the character sheet I'd started on.  Though, one thing I have to wonder at is the lack of HD.  8 HD at CR 10 seems pretty out of line compared to most CR 10 monsters out there.  Shouldn't it be 10 HD?

Also, comparing the SLA list between the Succubus and Lilitu, it looks like I'll be losing at-will Sending, which would have come in pretty handy for a spy...


The Lulitu should be able to chose her own domains. I mean a standard lilitu may have demon and lust as their domains but a PC should get to chose just as a pc lilitu gets to chose her feats.

Did you edit the Za'Selutaar yet?
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Oh I'm also looking for someone to play my beefcake centaur mount. Im messaging a few people who can apply if they like it. ATM my centaur is just an follower I control

One guy really wanted to do it but he will be gone all of june and july >_<
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FC1 Lilitu don't even get Lust, for that matter.  They get Trickery. ^^; I think I'd probably pick Lust and Knowledge if I got to choose my two domains.  Knowledge gives out some very fitting domain powers for the spy concept I've got going, and Lust is perfect for a femme fatale.

If you don't find anyone else, Pale, I'd certainly be willing to roleplay your beefcake centaur mount for you.  We still haven't really had a chance for me to play the sort of follower you'd enjoy toying with, after all.



Nycaloth with Lilitu cohort


Lilitu with Nycaloth cohort

I guess with the CR of 10, it will be possible to make each Lilitu more unique by adding class levels


Is a fancy bedroom block (two bedrooms one for each) and an adjoining fancy bath suitable for the demonic duo? I haven't gone for Luxury components in anything. Your cohorts likely get their own fancy bedrooms to themselves as well though their bathing rooms will e more communal.

Kunoichi did you have a set cohort in mind? If i cant get someone to fill in the centaur could mechanically be your cohort.
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Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: PaleEnchantress on April 12, 2013, 11:02:15 PM
Did you edit the Za'Selutaar yet?

I did, I did not write and added the wild soul summon listed animals but assume they are there so long there is pathfinder equivalent for them. Already able slap fey animal template to normal summoned animals is major deal.

Quote from: Kunoichi on April 12, 2013, 10:51:19 PM
Well, looks like I'm going to have to revise a lot of the character sheet I'd started on.  Though, one thing I have to wonder at is the lack of HD.  8 HD at CR 10 seems pretty out of line compared to most CR 10 monsters out there.  Shouldn't it be 10 HD?

Also, comparing the SLA list between the Succubus and Lilitu, it looks like I'll be losing at-will Sending, which would have come in pretty handy for a spy...

Well, add sending in and upgrade HD to 8 (it is 7 btw normal succubi). Reason for the lower HD vs CR is that Lilitu gets lots of special abilities (in addition charisma based cleric casting) but they are still fragile to most foes so 2 HD less is just tax for that. Remember that monster cohort is based on HD or CR (whichever is higher). Nycaloth would be 14 HD creature and so 14th level cohort (but we use CR for monster players so it's wiser pick Nycaloth as a char and Lilitu as cohort).

Anyways I would rule that Lilitu must have Demonic or Lust domain and they get pick one domain freely their choice (so there is slight variety of the domains they get).



Quote from: PaleEnchantress on April 13, 2013, 02:26:33 AM
Is a fancy bedroom block (two bedrooms one for each) and an adjoining fancy bath suitable for the demonic duo? I haven't gone for Luxury components in anything. Your cohorts likely get their own fancy bedrooms to themselves as well though their bathing rooms will e more communal.

Kunoichi did you have a set cohort in mind? If i cant get someone to fill in the centaur could mechanically be your cohort.

Works for me. ^^ And I don't have a set cohort in mind, no.  If you'd like to build me a sexy centaur cohort, then go right ahead.

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on April 13, 2013, 04:08:21 PM
Well, add sending in and upgrade HD to 8 (it is 7 btw normal succubi). Reason for the lower HD vs CR is that Lilitu gets lots of special abilities (in addition charisma based cleric casting) but they are still fragile to most foes so 2 HD less is just tax for that. Remember that monster cohort is based on HD or CR (whichever is higher). Nycaloth would be 14 HD creature and so 14th level cohort (but we use CR for monster players so it's wiser pick Nycaloth as a char and Lilitu as cohort).

Anyways I would rule that Lilitu must have Demonic or Lust domain and they get pick one domain freely their choice (so there is slight variety of the domains they get).

Succubi have 8 HD.  And considering that I won't have the ability to wear armor unless I spend feats on it, I think I'll be pretty fragile to most foes already.  I really don't think that the HD tax is needed, because the Charisma-based Cleric casting is already balanced out by being two levels below CR, and I'll pretty much be required to take either Cleric levels or a divine casting prestige class if I want to progress it from there.