The Feylorien College (Magic, bdsm, NC, freeform, Open! Live Game!)

Started by NicciKotor, March 27, 2013, 07:52:10 PM

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You didn't list weaknesses like I asked. And why aren't any of the rest of you making character sheets yet?
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Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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James can be more easily controlled through Summoning magic than usual since his powers are tied so closely with Nature. He is an embodiment of Nature, in a way. In addition, as it is said, his powers are out of control, it is difficult for him to find a narrow focus.Modify message

Weaknesses were added.

Antipaladin of Calista

Hmm, Im going back and fourth between two pictures for my character. I try to use a picture for inspiration. That said which do you guys think is better for this?

The first is the pic. above. I like it because it not only depicts the character using magic, but has a number of details that give me ideas for what he likes and dislikes. (Example: The thing in his right hand is an italian biscotti. So he could like that particular type of treat, but judging by his face's rounded features that still maintain some sharpness it could be believed that maybe he just likes sweets in general which has a lot of fun ideas in of itself.)

So whats the problem with it? Well the pic kind of seems over the top or too flash. His outfit would be fine if he didnt have the cape, I also think the gloves could stand to go. The roses would be fine as well if it weren't for the bat ears on his hat.

The second picture is another really good example of the little things having a big impact. Given that the school lets the boys wear basically anything they want, it speaks volumes that he would wear a suit and tie. That suggests a desire for order which clearly would make him a dom. The thing that throws that off is that he has long hair. Sure you could say its just his style, but I see something more along the lines of a sign of how committed he is to things he gets involved in. Maybe he doesn't have time to cut it because he is always practicing. Thanks to his light frame maybe he keeps his hair long so that he can disguise as a girl and spy on them?

My problem with the second is that it is so plain. There really aren't many things that stand out about it and it leaves it seeming lacking were the other has too much.

So what do you all think? The first or second pic. I'm working on sheets for both, but I'd love to hear some opinions.


 Name: Dr. Larry Johnson
Gender: male
Age: 45
Physical appearance: 5ft11, Blue eyes with brown hair. Usually in a business suit, Glasses.
Position: teacher of magical history
Sexuality: heterosexual
Magical abilities: none
Weaknesses: no magical abilities. Can easily be distracted by a nice pair of legs or breasts. Has a tendency to ramble off topic and not actually teaches class.
Personality: absent-minded professor type although when angered he is perfectly willing to use physical and sexual punishments against disobedient students. Can be bribed for better grades.
Ons/offs: See preferences or pm me.
Legman Looking for Ladies (M for F)
A/A. Updated January 2025. O/Os


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Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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Antipaladin of Calista

Gender: male
Physical appearance:
Magical abilities:

Just for reference.


Still nothing? I need more then one playable character here.
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Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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Sorry Nicci, my other RP suddenly picks up so I'm afraid I have to pull out from this game. My spare time isn't enough to have 2 games at the same time >w<


ebadger pointed this awesome idea for a game out to me.  I'd love to play a virginal but deeply slutty and submissive student.  What do you guys think?

Name: Lilith (Lily) Jenkins
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Height: 5"4"
Weight: 110 lb
Sexuality: Virginal

Illusion and misdirection
Empathy and reading of emotions
Light and lightning

Position: First year student

Bio: Lillith or Lily as she is known was left on the door step of an old magical family with only a name on a small silver charm.  She was taken in by the old, childless couple and grew up spoiled and protected.  She was obviously magically powerful but unfocused and naive.  Lily took to her magic with great innate skill and even showed natural talent in magical dueling.  This was balanced by an almost psychotic curiosity and a seeming ability to get into trouble and jinx things where ever she went.  Her adoptive parents both died recently of mysterious circumstances and the executor of the estate, a mysterious wizard and attorney bundled her off to school

Lily is curious and inherently deeply sexual in a naive way.  She tends to disregard danger and boundaries both with other people or in situations.

Anything but scat, some watersports ok
Deeply submissive, minor and major body modifications, mind control, loss of virginity all a plus

Lily is highly affected by mind control and magic that affects the body.  Mentally she is deeply submissive to authority figures.
She is a jinx and tends to cause trouble anywhere she goes.  Things she touches break or misfire which usually requires that she be sternly punished.


Hm. Looks like I have enough to start now, as long as Sethala stops being sick and makes a char any time soon. In any case, I need a roll call to see whom is still alive or has turned into a flesh eating zombie. I'll give them 24 hours before starting things off.
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Give me toys and anime figures and I'll let you spank me as often as you want!

Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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Legman Looking for Ladies (M for F)
A/A. Updated January 2025. O/Os


Name: Infernia Temidis
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Orientation: Lesbian

Magic: Infernia is skilled in fire, both in the real sense of heat and flame, and also in the fires of passion and lust.  She is able to control any sort of fire, from a small candle to a raging bonfire, although anything larger than a bonfire is difficult to control fully.  She can also create magical fire from nothing, allowing it to burn without fuel as long as she concentrates.  Beyond directly controlling fire, she can control a person's emotions to an extent, mostly in the realm of lust and arousal.  A few touches will make anyone nearly beg for sex.

Weaknesses: Like with any fire, Infernia is weak to water.  The more wet she is, the less power she has until she can dry off.  She doesn't need to make any special gestures to create fire, so she can do so while bound, though directing it more than a few inches away from herself is impossible without moving her hands.  Infernia needs to concentrate to use any spells however, and any sufficient distraction will be enough to prevent her from using any magic.

Personality: Infernia is a very dominating woman, and ever since coming to this college, has made a habit of grabbing other girls, finding a quiet room where she can tie them up, and then sexually tormenting them.  Most of the time she'll use her magic to make them crave sex, teasing and denying them for a while before finally raping them into unconsciousness.  On very rare occasions, she'll take someone as a personal slave for a longer time, using her lust magic and a chastity belt to keep her on edge for long periods of time.

Player ons: Bondage, orgasm control/denial, a previous victim getting revenge.
Player offs: Gore, death, futa, and anything belonging in a toilet.


Might make a character for this

I was thinking of maybe a last year student that has changed because of a magical accident. She's kept as a play-pet by one of the teachers.


Antipaladin of Calista

Name: Leon Oliver
Gender: male
Age: 20
-Height: 6' 2"
-Weight: 155lbs
Sexuality: Straight


Position: Third year student (prefect/student president)

Weaknesses: While adept in the use of mind and body controlling spells Leon lacks in his ability to make offensive spells function properly. Despite trying everything, including conjuring a familiar (I.E. his 'pet' rabbit) he still cannot control those types of spells correctly and has had to invest his time into Counter-spells to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He is also very self absorbed and is easily swayed with repetitive complements.

Personality: Self absorbed, over dramatic, and a king Henry complex. Yep, we're about don here. Leon is manipulative and cruel when he wants to be. He doesn't often take people under his wing, preferring for someone else to teach the basics. So how is it he is one of the most popular students in school? He has a secret that makes him desirable to everyone. Some spell or hex that draws other's eyes to him. He might treat them as being lesser, but there is somehow a feeling of domination that he exudes causing others to feel a strange desire to submit to him.

Bio: Leon was raised as a wizard should, and then some. His father was an inventor and investor, making and selling things to muggles (people without magic) that they couldn't get enough of. Things like voice activated lights, candy, and cigarets. Most of what he made was mundane to magic users, but marvels to those without magic. As such Leon always had certain expectations to live up to. However he always felt gimped, like he didn't get everything he deserved. This was mostly due in part to the fact that until his first year at Feylorien College he had been unattractive and unpopular, mostly due to his attitude towards others and his blow average appearance in a world of magic users who could make themselves look however they wished. Finally he made a breakthrough and figured out how to make a potion that would fix his problem, at least the appearance part. He made the brew and it was a massive success, certain literal success in the massive part. He grew several inches and most of his features changes to the point of not looking like his parents. Think a massive plastic surgery procedure, but with magic. On his first day to College he knew it had worked and started his revenge on the world for doubting his beauty before. Now he has certain obsessions that he is willing to break rules to keep. He wants order and control and does what it takes to get it.

Antipaladin of Calista

Quote from: Kimera on April 07, 2013, 10:02:47 AM
Might make a character for this

I was thinking of maybe a last year student that has changed because of a magical accident. She's kept as a play-pet by one of the teachers.


That sounds really interesting, but what kind of 'magical accident'? Did change physically or did her mind get changed?


Quote from: Kimera on April 07, 2013, 10:02:47 AM
Might make a character for this

I was thinking of maybe a last year student that has changed because of a magical accident. She's kept as a play-pet by one of the teachers.


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Give me toys and anime figures and I'll let you spank me as often as you want!

Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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Is this still active and looking for members? Albeit not necessarily students but maybe a school mascot of some kind that regularly gets loose?


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Give me toys and anime figures and I'll let you spank me as often as you want!

Discord: NicciKotor#8672

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Quote from: Antipaladin of Calista on April 07, 2013, 01:44:21 PM
That sounds really interesting, but what kind of 'magical accident'? Did change physically or did her mind get changed?

Some sort of transmutation spell or potion, turning her both physically and mentally. She still knows part of her studies, but nothing of her previous life and knows nothing from the outside world beyond the school.

I'm toying with the idea of a kind of slime girl, but made up out of the raw elements of magic perhaps?

Her weakness would be her core. It can be removed from her body and is currently in possession of one of the teachers. The one wielding her core has total control over her. It might be interesting if another student would be able to get his/her hands on it

Antipaladin of Calista

Quote from: Kimera on April 07, 2013, 03:37:11 PM
Some sort of transmutation spell or potion, turning her both physically and mentally. She still knows part of her studies, but nothing of her previous life and knows nothing from the outside world beyond the school.

I'm toying with the idea of a kind of slime girl, but made up out of the raw elements of magic perhaps?

Her weakness would be her core. It can be removed from her body and is currently in possession of one of the teachers. The one wielding her core has total control over her. It might be interesting if another student would be able to get his/her hands on it

In Leon's voice: "A slime girl made of pure magic energy? Well I suppose as long as her core is a precious gem I might consider acquiring it. It might make a nice necklace."
