Offensive Usernames

Started by Greenthorn, June 13, 2008, 12:28:12 PM

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Captain Maltese

Why stop at sexualized names? How about Snotface and Pisspants?

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

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I think Pussy Licker could have joined as Cunning Linguist or something of that sort. It's not that hard to make a name tasteful and clever while still retaining the original meaning.

As for Captain Cockface...I'm stumped on that one.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


Captain Cockadoodledoo

Captain PenileImplantOnaChin



Captain MaleMember, Captain Chickenface...even Captain Dick might have been okay, since Dick is an actual first name; whereas, I doubt anyone has "Cockface Jones" on their birth certificate.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


I'm with the prudes on this tricky area. I think that adding an explanatory note in the rules or when creating account might be useful that says something to the effect of:

Full membership is restricted to those who have displayed such an acceptable level of maturity. Please understand that when selecting your username you are sending potential signals that may be used to judge your level of maturity.

It doesn't specify any rules on usernames, but does provide a not so subtle hint for new members to consider when creating their handle :)
Happiness is a choice!

Ons and Offs:


*joins the prude club as well* I was thinking on this earlier this week but thought it was just me. I think it was int he moment that I read Elvi asking Exploded Condom if she really wanted to be known as Condom. The names do give me the wrong idea about a lot of them and I'm more than likely going to not agree to play with someone called Cockface. Nor would I probably join the site if I saw that, for it would question maturity for me. *goes back to her lurking in ooc things*
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Ons and Offs:


*nods* Hannibal's way of putting it is a good way to word it. I don't disagree that some usernames are inappropriate... it's when people start talking about the oh-so-subjective O-word *nods to topic subject* that I get nervous.


I'm with Trieste on this one...along the lines of what Hannibal said up above. Some names are shockers, to say the least, and apparently Captain Cockface was underage (correct?) which goes a long way to explaining that one. Hannibals little clause would work best and satisfy the demands of all parties. It won't fully prevent such 'offensive' names in the future, but it might steer a few away from using such names.

My On and Offs
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If you go that way, you might apply it to the avatars as well?


That is already in the rules Xillen:

Content and Decency Rules - Specific rules about what may be posted:

Racy avatars are allowed, but at worst, it can be highly suggestive. No genitals allowed, nothing that could be too obviously seen as porn from a distance. There are a lot of parents on this site, and people who browse in public places. Please respect that.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Ah, ok, must've missed that. My bad.


Quote from: Xillen on June 13, 2008, 03:02:21 PM
Exploding Condom renamed herself, if I'm not mistaken, to ExCo...

Ahhhh... she should have renamed herself Holy Condom.
O/O   A/A


Quote from: Stattick on June 14, 2008, 01:08:14 PM
Ahhhh... she should have renamed herself Holy Condom.

That name seriously amuses me..


Quote from: Seraph on June 14, 2008, 02:20:15 PM
That name seriously amuses me..

The halo is a guiding light... And it's winged, for her pleasure.  :D
O/O   A/A

Cherri Tart

ok, chiming in here.  Let's forget about the rating for a moment.  I'm sorry, but if i come across a cap. c**kface, i'm most likely not going to bother trying to have a conversation or get to know them - am i a prude? no.  am i a snob? no.  Do i think that such a name its a HUGE show of immatturity?  yes.  honestly, it's a total turn off.  it's crude.  There's a difference between sexy and crude.  Just a thought for all those interested in using such names - most likely a lot of people will associate you with your name and push you into the 'don't bother' file. 

you were never able to keep me breathing as the water rises up again

O/O, Cherri Flavored


Yeah, I suppose you're right, Cherri. If I came across someone named Cuntbag McCreamsalot or another equivalent female name, I wouldn't give them the time of day unless/until they proved that they could carry on a mature conversation, either in one of the boxes or in a game with someone else. I'd still be polite to them, but that's about it.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


I'm not bothered at all by these usernames.  I don't care what you call yourself if you're willing to accept people's reactions.

In fact, it's terribly kind of them to let me know straight off that I won't be interested in playing with them.  I wish it was that easy with everyone!


Can I just mention a couple of things about what has been/is being said in this thread.

Firstly, that this is NOT an excuse to use foul language so please, stop the 'c' words and 'f' words and any other slang terms for genitalia or sexual acts.
If we are talking about signs of maturity, then perhaps we should lead by example?

Secondly, I am not really happy about a members name being used as an example in this topic and then laughed about in the manner that it has been done.
Exploding Condom, has shown maturity and has changed her name, so is it actually mature to rub her nose in it and continue to use this as an example AND start discussing what SHE should have done?

Finally my take on user names.
I hate having to address people who have user names that don't 'mean anything', how can I relate to XSV129hjK or 1234567890, or the like, the answer is simple, I can't.
I hate addressing people with names that are some sort of slang be it crude, obscene or simply i4u2.
I hate reading huge long user names that are a sentence all run into one like iwanttobeyourswillyoubemine.

The solution, as I see it.
Explain that we do not tend to use real names on this site and that our user name is what we are called, then 'suggest' that those signing up should use something that they would prefer to be known as while they are here.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


1. Sorry, it was mildly amusing. Any names I mentioned were ones that I have actually seen on other sites, except for those two variations of Captain.

2. Yes, it is fitting. Regardless of what she's done since then, she still signed up with a vulgar name. That gives us every right to discuss it in the midst of a larger discussion on inappropriate names in general.

As for your take on names, I agree for the most part. Clear, concise names are much easier to relate to. I suppose that when someone finds out that their desired name has already been taken, or that someone already has a very similar name, they feel discouraged and just come up with a half-assed alternative; on the other hand, they may be coming from sites where usernames like "Xxbl0ndzGurl0nf1re99xX" are the norm, so they are used to being surrounded by annoyingly nonsensical nomenclature.


For me, names with no capitalization add to the effect that Elvi mentioned. It makes them seem meek or inconsequential. I know this has nothing to do with it being offensive though. I've just noticed that a lot of the new members of younger ages have had those sort of names.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


When i first saw "ExplodedCondom" i laughed my ass off. I thought it was pretty clever and funny.

Am I the only one that thought it was funny? :o


You know...bodily fluids do not squick me (using Sherona's word) but the thought of bodily fluids exploding from latex...does haha


All I can say is

...I've gotten some great ideas for baby names from this thread!  ;D



Quote from: Nathan on June 15, 2008, 02:12:13 PM
All I can say is

...I've gotten some great ideas for baby names from this thread!  ;D

Now that's just ridiculous!

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


What's wrong with names with numbers in them?