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Zombie themed survival RP

Started by Custos Morum, June 12, 2008, 05:18:23 PM

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Custos Morum

I am a BIG fan of the subgenre of Zombieflicks. Everything from Evil Dead to Dawn of the Dead.
What I had in mind was, that it would be cool roleplaying as a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic zombie setting.
The Zombies have fully taken over all of the worlds major cities. Because of the nature of zombies, no military force was enough in the end. Zombies roam the world and a small bunch of scattered groups remain, armed and on constant watch.
Group dynamics is always interesting, and the very unique circumstances that these imaginary catastrophes create is too damn intriguing to be left alone.
The hunch is, I am new to the forum, and inexperienced in organizing bigger games (More than two writers)
But does anyone at least understand me here? The RP would take place somewhere in the world, in a group with 4 people. Both lords and ladies. What happens to a group under the constant pressure? I think i could turn out very exciting.


As I mentioned in another fan, I'm a huge thread of post-apocalyptic settings. I would definatly be interested in something like this, I'm going to start trying to think of a character concept, for now, bump for zombies!


I'm in! I like Zombies, and I like Post Apocalypse stuff.


If it's a bit Resident Evil in style then i think i wouldn't mind joining up. ^^


Ooh, I do like the zombie apoc setting. There were a few attempts at such a game, but they seem to have petered out a bit.

Count me in as a player, as I don't think I'm up to doing such a thing justice as a GM (if that's what you're looking for?)
Bisexual, prefers to play female or T* characters
Ons and Offs and more!


Might be interested in this as a player. ;)
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


I haven't GM'ed a game on this board but I would be willing to try.  I used to GM a lot back in college so I think I could pick it up pretty quickly.  If you don't have a GM set up yet let me know.

I just finished rereading World War Z and The Zombie Survival Handbook; and I am eager to explore the theme a bit more. 

Question Mark

I doubt you'd be willing to accept anyone else, but if you would, count me in.

Quote from: general9991824 on June 20, 2008, 06:59:50 PM
I just finished rereading World War Z and The Zombie Survival Handbook; and I am eager to explore the theme a bit more. 

Huh, really?  I'm halfway through World War Z right now.

Custos Morum

Quote from: Question Mark on June 27, 2008, 01:51:57 AM
I doubt you'd be willing to accept anyone else, but if you would, count me in.

Huh, really?  I'm halfway through World War Z right now.

Same here. For the first time ever, a good source of "canon"


Ok, so do you think we are ready to start?  I can create a thread where everyone can describe their character which might work to get folks going. 

Sounds good?

Question Mark

It'd be easier to just use this thread.  I've found that focusing all aspects of the rp into two threads (an OOC and IC) works best.

But that's just me.


we should probably move OOC chat out of this forum and into a playing forum... I suspect the board managers would prefer only threads actively seeking players would be bumped in here, for that purpose.
Bisexual, prefers to play female or T* characters
Ons and Offs and more!

Custos Morum

But we need, at least, a name right?

Question Mark

Custos Morum

How about...
"Survivors of the Dead"


Sounds good to me.  Should we go ahead and open up a OOC threat for folks to post their characters?  And if so what category would you suggest?

Question Mark

Depends on the degree of sexuality Custos has in mind.  Hmm, Custos?

Custos Morum

Listen, I have thought about this as much as I have written. But, I mean, no ones going to have sex with a zombie right?(!) Some sexual themes will be there, I think.  But it may have to be extreme, if were going to kill zombies, you know, decapitating an' all.

Question Mark

O, trust me, I've seen sex worked into some pretty strange areas, but I wasn't referring to zombies...  (unless someone wants to commit suicide in a very unique way).

Quote from: Custos MorumWhat happens to a group under the constant pressure? I think i could turn out very exciting.

That just lent itself to mindful wonderings, is all.


I tend to err on the cautious side... perhaps put it in extreme for the violence, with the waiver that inter-player interactions can still only be extreme when agreed between the players, rather than assumed?
Bisexual, prefers to play female or T* characters
Ons and Offs and more!

Custos Morum

Yep, I think it'll  have to be put under extreme.


I <3 zombie themes.
Count me in, if you need another player.
TomSawyer's Ons and Offs

To accept sex and art together is to add to oneself, to be positive instead of negative. - William Rotsler


Sure we would love to have you.  I will create a new OOC thread in the Extreme Small Groups thread.  I figure we can post a little blurb about each of our characters and settle on a setting to start out with.  I will post again once the thread is established.


I started an OOC thread for folks to post their characters and comment about the intro I set forward.  If you have any questions or criticism please let me know by PM or post.  Thanks for your patience and lets have some fun.

The American Patriot

do you have room for one more player?
"Do you have any idea how we are talking about here? We are talking about the 'Butcher of Keiv'... The 'Cakemaker of Keiv' could kick all of our asses, and we are talking about the 'BUTCHER of Kevi'... Does that tell you anything?"

Story of the Accident...