Let's tell a story - a sentence at a time!

Started by Top Cat, March 16, 2013, 05:53:43 PM

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Top Cat

"You're not supposed to be here until next week," it boomed at the cowering pair.
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Mr. Quack cracked his back, pushing Bob off of himself, wincing at the shadowed figure.


Bob stared up at the great, shadowy figure ... there was something oddly familiar about him...


The shadow stepped closer , the light illuminating his physique.

Top Cat

O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Bob stared at his psychiatrists in confusion, but started to settle down just a small bit.
Fool me once shame one you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me a third time than I need some serious help. :P


If it wasn't for Svetlana, the Pelwecker-Gonzalez All-Accordion Rodeo-Ragtime Band, and my Slappy White boxed DVD set, Vladimir mused listlessly, I'd have set off for Ougadougou and dumped this crappy practice...

((Yes, Ougadougou is real... who names these places?  ??? ))
“Those who lack drama in their
lives strive to invent it.”   ― Terry Masters
"It is only when we place hurdles too high to jump
before our characters, that they learn how to fly."  --  Me
Owed/current posts
Sigs by Ritsu


Friend of mine lives in Ougadougou, Mr Quacks thought back at Vladimir, nice place.

Stella Maris

Bob couldn't help but frown, thinking that there was something going on between the other two that he was missing out on.
“Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls' pants - use it to get into their heads.”
How to Make a Star Shine my O/os


The duck quickly jumped and landed a ' roundhouse ' kick on the psychiatrist's cheat as he muttered. " But I never trust a psychiatrist named Vladimir. ".



"then suddenly ninjas"

Came out of nowhere, six of them surrounded me as another five stood around...


Busting out my Bo, I strike the first in the neck and then the second in the groin; following up, I stab a third in the breast bone.