Wanderers on the Road

Started by guardtherealm, March 14, 2013, 11:25:19 PM

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I crawl out from the small cave I had been taking shelter in.  My whole body was on fire with the hunger.  The only blood I had were already dead animals, and their blood was foul.  Looking around, my senses are still heightened despite my terrible physical state.  I smell the animals around, smell dirt and night.  Grabbing my small satchel, I start toward the edge of the road, that I had stumbled up the day before.  But no travelers yet.  Creeping along the road, hidden by shadows, I walk without a destination, just hoping to drink.  "just one drink" I say aloud.  "one drink and I can think".  With my family dead, my lands burned.  There is nothing to return too.  But a life without purpose is a waste.  "just one drink, and you can think" I say again.  Then a smell.  Fire.  Smoke.  The burning in my body eases at the new smells.   I let my nose slowly lead me toward the smoke.  The smell grows stronger, but still no light is seen in the dark.   My feet carry me onward, the smell getting stronger. New smells are arriving.  Flowers, bread, blood..... Getting closer, a light appears faint in the distance. I slow my pace more, and take a wide path around the light, slowly getting closer to its source.....


Quote from: guardtherealm on March 14, 2013, 11:25:19 PM
I crawl out from the small cave I had been taking shelter in.  My whole body was on fire with the hunger.  The only blood I had were already dead animals, and their blood was foul.  Looking around, my senses are still heightened despite my terrible physical state.  I smell the animals around, smell dirt and night.  Grabbing my small satchel, I start toward the edge of the road, that I had stumbled up the day before.  But no travelers yet.  Creeping along the road, hidden by shadows, I walk without a destination, just hoping to drink.  "just one drink" I say aloud.  "one drink and I can think".  With my family dead, my lands burned.  There is nothing to return too.  But a life without purpose is a waste.  "just one drink, and you can think" I say again.  Then a smell.  Fire.  Smoke.  The burning in my body eases at the new smells.   I let my nose slowly lead me toward the smoke.  The smell grows stronger, but still no light is seen in the dark.   My feet carry me onward, the smell getting stronger. New smells are arriving.  Flowers, bread, blood..... Getting closer, a light appears faint in the distance. I slow my pace more, and take a wide path around the light, slowly getting closer to its source.....

Should I switch from first person?


I am sitting next to the fire trying to get warm and nibbling on the single loaf of bread I took from my family's kitchen when I made my escape tonight. I knew I had to get out of that house when father said he had agreed to marry me to that awful Lord Sinclair. he was 76, fat as a hog, and smelled of sweat and pee. I slowly slide a few mushrooms I found on the road on to a handy stick and place them over the fire to toast with a small chunk of bread. The cold wind roars around me causing my flames to dance and me to shiver and move closer to it. I look into the darkness when I hear a stick snap and call out "Hello is someone out there? I have nothing to interest you."
(No that is fine)
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


Startled by the voice coming from the other side of the fire I freeze.  I curse myself for making myself known.  Do I reply, fall back, or continue on quietly.  I decide to circle around the fire, and get a better angle on the person sitting there.  Is she alone?  I take another step, and a stick cracks under foot.  For a vampire I sure am loud, I think to myself.  Blood.   One word comes to mind.  Standing tall, I try to make myself look less dead and step from the shadows.  Her face is hidden by the light from the small fire.  The small stick in her hand quivers at the sight of me.  "Are you alone?" I ask gruffly.  My voice not accustomed to speaking aloud.  I take a few steps closer, but keep the fire between us.  I pull the hood of my cloak further over my face as the fire light burns my newly strengthened eyesite.   "Do you have any animals?"  "Where is your horse?"  Feeling weaker I stand still, and stare at the teenage girl sitting on the ground across from me.  She shivers as the wind blows through the small clearing...


I drop the stick in the fire at the sound of the voice in the dark, and my eyes widen as a tall figure steps into my firelight. "oh...err...I have no animals or a horse. I actually walked here." I look around nervously "uh where is your horse, or did you walk here as well?" the things that I learned in my schooling kick in and I lean back with a smile so you can see I am harmless. "If you are hungry you are more then welcome to the little I have" I reach down to grab my remaining bread and slice my finger on my small blade by accident. "oh bother just take a seat while I try to clean this if you please" I look around my small area for other intruders and then lifting my skirt slightly I tear of one of the ruffles on my petticoat. 
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


Primal vampire instincts kick in at the sight of the blood.  I pounce with a speed I didn't know was possible, grab the girl and bring her throat to my mouth.   A brief glimpse reality flashes across my ravaged mind for a moment, and I fall backwards kicking away from the girl, who is lying frozen with fear on the ground.  "I am hungry.  I need blood... I feel wea.."  I trail off, my mind is a pulsing at the smell of her fresh blood.  My wife, my daughters, would I drain them of their life for my own... She is a stranger, I think to myself.  All alone, no one will know she is gone.  My body ignores any rational thought that may still exist.  It lifts off the ground and starts slowly walking towards the girl.  The cut on her hand bleeds through the fabric torn from her clothes.  "I am sorry" I say, as I fight against the primal urge that is pulling me towards her.  I do not move with the speed from earlier, I am weak from that initial burst at the sight of her blood, and something deep down is trying to keep me from draining her dry...


Looks up at you with wide frightened eyes. "if it would help you I would allow you to take a small drink, but please try not to kill me." I lean forward pulling the hair away from my neck and accidentally spreading blood over it as well. "don't worry I would rather take my chances with you then ever be found by my Father's men." reaches a shaking hand out to you and tries to look reassuring as well.
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


I take you by the hand, and lower myself to your level.  Looking you in the eyes.  They are scared, but strong.  You do not pull away, and I slid a hand across your stomach, grabbing you by the small of your back, and bury my teeth into your neck.  Blood explodes into my throat, and my body rejoices at the heavenly life source flowing into me. Both my hands grab you around the waste and pull your neck into me, and I drink deeply.  Too deeply, and you start to push back against me, but I am too strong.  Your blood too sweet.  I keep drinking you, and feel your pulse slow as i take all of the blood I can into my now strengthening body.  Blood pours from your neck and covers half of your body.  One hand hold the back of your head, the other is holding your body against mine.  I pull away from you and your body is limp.  Starting to feel cold, and your eyes have lost the glisten I noticed earlier.  No breathe escapes your now blood red lips.  Dead.  I killed the girl.  After she offered to save me.  I am a beast.  Then I remember the night I was turned.  The band of vampires flew through my small keep and ravaged everyone.  I remember my last breathe drawing from my lips, and the two vampires feeding on me cut themselves with an obsidian blade.  Then let their blood flow into my mouth as I was dying.  They laughed.  They laughed, because I would die then awake to my world ruined, unable to live as I once had. 

I bite into my forarm and let the blood flow into the girls mouth.  The bite marks on my arm heal over, and she is not yet alive.  But then her eyes look alive. She is staring at me.....


I open my eyes feeling a little hazy and stare up into a blood covered monster. I try and back up letting out an ear piercing scream. After a few moments I regain my composure and look at you. "Did you get enough? are you still thirsty? If you are still thirsty you could take me with you. I promise not to be a bother really. I wont eat to much and I will be a companion of sorts. I am of age of course to be out I am going to turn 20 in a few days."
I look hopefully up at you as I do not like traveling alone and you seem just big enough and scary enough to keep me safe on the roads. I wait patiently for an answer as I try to clean up my campsite somewhat.
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


You are rushing around acting as if all is well.  Little do you know that you are now a monster like me.  Only 19 and now doomed to a life of blood lust, and uncertainty.  "Stop, stop cleaning.  You died while I was feeding on you."  I sit on the ground feeling light headed from the over indulgence of your blood.  You still go about trying to make yourself presentable and picking up random things around camp.  "It may be best if you stick with me now.  My thirst will return, but now yours will as well."  You are half ignoring me, not wanting to believe what I am saying. I get angry "Look at me!"...


I turn and glare at you, "you are wrong I could not be like you I am going to be twenty and then I shall be on my own to make my own way. I couldn't possible be a blood thirsty monster now I don't feel any diffrent. Are you sure your not just mistaken? Yes yes that must be it your mistaken." I nod and go about my cleaning trying to convince myself that I feel fine and that my throat is not burning in thirst. I then go to get my bedroll and turn to glare at you "I am going to sleep and if you have no bedroll of your own you shall freeze in the night." I lay down wrapped in my blanket and promptly burst into tears.
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


Not knowing what to say or how to make you understand, I start to tell you of the night my keep was attacked.  You lay there silently sobbing, listening to the horrors I experienced only a short while ago.  I tell of how the band took my wife and daughters from me.  Took my men and burned my farmlands.  Only 4 men and 2 women perpetrated all of this madness in one night.  They dashed about with inhuman strength and agility, only caring for their own blood thirst and desire for evil.  I told you how when I awoke I was the only one left living, and they had let me die just before giving me their blood and turning me into one of them.  Then I tell you of how I drank to long from you, and then gave you my blood to make you one of me, but alive again. 
"I am truly sorry my dear, you are the first human I have drank from.  I was near death, and you made me strong again."  I looked at you laying there in your blood spattered dress.  "I will care for you.  It is my duty.  I feel that we are bonded now.  I made you what you are, and now must care for you as though you are part of me."  I walk over and sit down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.  "It will be ok dear.   You and I will figure this out together, we will not become like those who slaughtered my family.  We will learn together, and over time make a life for ourselves.  Cry if you must, but believe the words I am telling you."  You turn your head to me, and I see you have been crying tears of blood.  I would try and wipe them away, but we dont have a clean spot of fabric between the two of us.  "You must clean yourself.  A young lady such as yourself, does not deserve to look so ragged"  I take your hand and sit you up.  "What are you feeling?"


"A little bit of shame and sadness for my lost life, but I do have clean cloths for myself in my bag and I might have a clean shirt that would fit you. I kinda grabbed all of the clean cloths from the laundry on my way out. I reach over and pull a bag towards myself pulling out a fresh dress for myself and a shirt for you. I also have some soap to clean up with if you don't mind smelling like lilacs and we can find water." I look down at my hands, "I am sure together we can learn to not be the monsters who created you, and if it helps I do forgive you for my own death. I know it was most likely not intentional." I smile slightly and hold out my blood covered hand, "I am Liliana and who might you be?"
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


"I am Lor.. ahh I should get use to dropping the lord part.  Call me James. "  I take your small blood covered hand in mine and see the hope in your eyes. "Your family will be looking for you.  If you value your life, we should put as much distance between us and your fathers lands as we can.  I know your father and he is not a prudent man.  The band of vampires may also still be around, and we would do well to not be her if they decide to strike your families keep." I realize the mistake in talking of harm to your family.  "The vampires were heading south, away from here. I am sure they are long gone, and you father should be recieving word of my castle falling shortly.  Come, I slept near a stream last night, not far from here.  We will clean ourselves, and prepare for the coming daylight, and leave as soon as the sun sets tomorrow.  We will stick close to the roads at night, and do our best to keep our thirst to a managable level.  Sunrise is only a few hours off."  I drop your hand, grab your small bag and start off towards the stream.  You stand there processing everything..


"Wait if you know my father then you know he intended to marry me off to Lord Sinclair. wait your walking to fast James." you keep pulling ahead of me, as I am hampered by all of my layers, and with a huff I throw a dirt clod at your head. "Wait up you."
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


"Listen Liliana, time is running out and we cannot be caught in the sun.  Believe me I felt if for a few moments, and I wish it upon no one.  Yes your father was an idiot selling you off to Sinclair, you were smart to run.  A smart, young girl like you can take this world if she tries."  I see you struggling to catch up to me with all your layers.  I walk over to you lift the one layer of your dress quickly, grab the underlayers and rip them away with lightening speed.  You are left standing there in a flat falling dress.  "There now you can move quicker, use my knife to lose some of the length.  Oh and lose the shoes, your body will heal anything that hurt you, and honestly you wont feel much of anything anyways."


Stands in shock for a moment before kicking off her shoes and lifting her skirts to run after you. "I will trim my skirt when we rest." Walks next to you admiring the scenery and and the feel of the ground under my feet. "Where are we going anyway? You never did tell me that" continues walking and listening to the owls burning up with curiosity and the wish to talk about anything. "Are we there yet?"
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
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There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


"I married my wife when she was your age, I was already 30, she talked just as much" I quicken my pace. "Right now we are headed to a stream, then to a small cave I slept in night before finding you.  Then I think we strike towards the coastal cities.  They are bustling with people of all sorts, and we will be able to blend in and find blood easier."  The blood has made me strong, and I feel amazing.  I also feel good to have a companion to share the experience with.  Yes, I feel bad, but she is lovely and although she talks a lot she will help make this easier, as long as I can keep her alive.   Our pace has picked up considerably, and I smell the fresh water and hear is bubbling.  I stop and turn towards you. "I want you to feel your new senses.  Do you smell the water or hear it.?  We are close now.  Only a few more minutes.


(How are you feeling this is going? I'm up for any changes or anything you feel let me know.)


I sniff the air, "oh yes I can hear and smell it." start towards the water. Well if you got married at 30 how old are you now? how did you two meet? was it arranged? Oh oh did you love her?" I am happy to have a companion as well even if he turned me into a monster like him. in the right light he is very handsome in the wrong light just cute. My mind begins to wonder to my youth and my home before my mother passed away in childbirth. When Papa was still his friendly self and did not view me as a means to make more money by selling me to the highest bidder. I Begin to wonder about the character of my new companion as well. Was he a drinker before he was turned? if he had a daughter would he have sold her into a bad marriage to make money.
{I think it is going well how do you think it is going?}
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=168435.0
Ideas: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=177456.msg8429651#msg8429651
Fort: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=169154.0
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


(I am enjoying myself)

"it was an arranged marriage, our fathers struck a deal on land, Her father became my father liege and that was it.  However we fell madly in love over the first year and had two beautiful daughters.  One was 12 the other 17.  The older was growing into a strong woman, and had suiters coming to pay her visit weekly.  She would have had her pick of the realm.  But now, she gets nothing." I see the pain in you now, see you missing home slightly.  "Are you sure you want to leave? If your father loves you he will create a life for you.  I can promise I am a just and honest man.  Yes I have killed others in battle, and lived a rowdy youth, but I will care for you if you stay.  But if you must go and return home I will help you with that as well. Now here is the spring, lets us clean ourselves and then we can make the tough decisions."  I strip my shirt of showing my strong and scarred torso.  Deciding its better to keep my pants on in front of the young lady, I step into the water and begin cleaning the blood and grime off....


I strip down to my camisole and drawers and begin washing as well pulling out a small bar of lilac scented soap and bend over to wash my hair as well as the golden curls are now quite matted with blood I then look over self conscious of my wet sheered cloths and smile softly, "here is the soap be sure to wash up well with out shame. I will go to the other side of that tree to put on try cloths and trim my skirts." I then step out of the water my wet cloths clinging to me and go to the trees to change and put my hair up again like a proper lady.
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
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Fort: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=169154.0
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


Standing in the water, I cannot help but stare at your figure under your wet clothes.  I catch myself and grab the soap and turn quickly away blushing.  What am I a teenage boy, I think to myself.  "Fine, go and get ready, we should be getting to our cover soon. The cave is just over the bank there and in the only rock outcropping once you are on top."  I begin to lather the soap and wash my face and matted dark gold hair.  I lift my head and look your direction to catch one last glimpse of your figure, then you step over the bank above me, and dissapear.  I smile, and am glad that my human desires have not left me.  Then drop my whole body into the cold water and feel more alive that I ever have.  My shirt is ruined, I grab my ruined shirt and  towards the cave, where I figure you have gone.  I call out "Lilian, are you there? I am about to crest the hill and dont want to startle you."  I continue walking without hearing any noises coming from you, and crest the hill.


I am hiding behind a tree watching the cavern as a man goes through it with a torch cussing to himself. I hear you on the path and pull you next to me whispering so only you can hear me. "that is my father's man when I heard footsteps I dropped my bloody cloths and ran for the trees. He seems to be looking for the animal that ravaged me." I giggle softly, "he doesn't want to go back to my father with out some dead animal that can be blamed for his meal ticket dying. What are we going to do I can go out to get in the cave until he leaves and I doubt there is a bear or wolf in that cave."
A&A: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=191520.new#new updated 12/24/15
Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=168435.0
Ideas: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=177456.msg8429651#msg8429651
Fort: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=169154.0
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


"the only thing in that cave are few old bones, and the remains of some bloodied meat I had eaten.  I do not think it will be enough to satisfy a man such as your father, but this man here may believe it to be a wolves den, and that the few remains are yours."  I watch the brutish man kick dirt around and then the man enters the cave and walks back out with a bloody stump of meat.  He smells it, and turns away disgusted.  I look at you, and you are smiling at this.  She's a little devil I think to myself, I'll have to keep an eye on her.  I turn my attention back to the brute.  He doesn't seem satisfied and widens his search around the caverns entrance.  If he comes closer we will be seen.  I make a snap decision and dart from our hiding place, and take the man down before he has a moment to react.  I rip out his throat with my teeth, and bask in the taste of his warm blood.  I look over my shoulder to see you now standing there watching me.