The World Ends With You(MxF/FxF)

Started by PhantomVector, March 12, 2013, 04:59:36 AM

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I think I can manage one more RP and I've just started playing this game and I must say I fell in love. I don't know if its possible to win but I'm assuming it is :P

The basis of the game as I know so far is that people are chosen, or choose to participate in the game, giving up their most important possesion, like their memory or it seems a person. They must survive 7 days of missions or they are erased from reality. They must battle noise, creatures who can only be beat by two people who are partnered together. Pins give players different pysch powers, creating fire, ice, energy blasts, or melee attacks.

I post irregularily due to my overnight job with my day being spent sleeping or working. However if you're okay with this, I hope to hear from you.

So the idea I had for this RP would start at the beginning of the Reaper's Game, with the two characters meeting. They fight through life and death together to survive the game, and regain what they lost. I would love to explore what happens afterwards, you just don't forget someone you braved death, or fell in love with. But either one or both have partners who aren't exactly accepting of their story.

I'm always open to suggestions or new ideas, so if it sounds interesting, then hit me up.
For those I'm RPing with, Sorry I've been so bad with replying. I've been trying to manage my time better, but I only have time when I get home at 2am.