Rifts... with Mutants and Masterminds gameplay?

Started by Ajoxer, June 10, 2008, 11:35:45 PM

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We all know Rifts, I assume. Great game, really. Any game that has blind warrior women, long-roaming and long-lived True Atlantean vampire-hunters, vampire lords of Mexico, a gigantic godawful seacreature that has colossal tentacles that reach across the world, and PSYCHOTIC NINJA CYBORGS AND DRUG ADDICTS has got to be one hell of a game. There's just one problem... It was designed by people who thought DnD 2e was designed for complete and utter pansies. My solution? Mutants and Masterminds for the game. Utterly customizable, and capable of covering many, if not all, of the odd widgets and doodads that populate Rifts, while keeping such horrible Rifts balance issues as street rats, small time informants on the scale of your usual thug, and Mega-Juicers, fusion-powered drug addicts who can crush tanks with their bare hands being in the same party with similar experience gains, relatively reasonable, through use of the power point system. Skills, equipment, booyah.

So, whaddya think?
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