Starwars anyone? M seeking F

Started by backlash84, March 06, 2013, 09:55:31 AM

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Hello! Welcome to my request thread. There are a few boring bits I need to get through before we get to the juicy part, so I will try and keep them brief and to the point. These are my ground rules.

Reply regularly. (I reply basically every day, multiple times unless something comes up. I would prefer daily replies, once every two days being my minimum requirement.)
Help with the plot! I am much more creative when I have someone to write WITH instead of for. :)
No one liners please, you can check out my posts to see what length I am used to. I am flexible, just please try your best. :)
If we are not compatible, say so. Its fine, honestly. :)
If you have an issue with the plot, please share. I'm fine with you being honest with me.

Now, onto the fun bit! I am looking for someone to play a twi'lek, since I have found them really interesting recently, and would like to try roleplaying opposite a non human character. As for my characters race, I am flexible. Let me know what you like and I'll work something out. :)

My character will be a wanderer of sorts, how he comes into contact with your character we can work out together before we start. He is good with a blaster, and has a slight talent with the force that makes him very charismatic and able to tell when people are lying to him. However he cannot move objects with his mind or anything like that, he is a very minor talent. I picture someone who is strong, yet compassionate. He has a bit of a white knight complex, he sees innocent people in trouble, he has to help. This could get our characters into all sorts of interesting situations. I have a few idea's as far as plot goes, but I like keeping a few surprises in store for you... so I guess there is only one way you are going to find out. :)

One last thing I would like to stress, if you have an interesting idea and want to see where it leads, let me know. I will happily put whatever plot I have going aside for a good idea. :)

PM me if interested, can't wait to hear from you!