Looking for a GM/partner (M for sub F)

Started by CirclMastr, February 13, 2013, 11:49:05 PM

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Hey all,

I'm a big fan of games and RPGs, and there are few things I like more than an ongoing RPG with sexual elements.  So that's what I'd like: a writing partner to basically act as GM for a game involving both plot and porn.  It doesn't have to be a statted system game; we can do a freeform 'campaign' in a game setting, I have no problem with that.  Just as long as it isn't dropped without warning, I'm pretty easy to please.

My Ons/Offs are linked in my sig below, please feel free to PM me if you're interested.  So what games am I into?

1. Shadowrun - Easily my favorite tabletop game.  Either 3rd or 4th edition, if you can run a Shadowrun game with intrigue and sex, I will love you forever!

2. Pathfinder/D&D - I prefer Pathfinder if we use stats, and I have never bothered to learn much about official D&D settings like Forgotten Realms, so this would pretty much cover any medieval fantasy theme.  Could be a lone wanderer, could be someone with a party of (female) companions.  It's hard to go wrong with sword and sorcery mixed with sexy elves and nymphs and whatnot.

3. Mutants & Masterminds - Superhero genre!  Whether it's set in a Marvel/DC universe or has all original characters, anything goes.  Bonus points if you think you can handle a hero (or villain) with the ability to time travel.

4. Star Wars - D6 system if we use stats.  I love Star Wars but one-shots don't really interest me.  My favorite eras are Rebellion and KOTOR 2 (I love that game), but I don't mind being flexible.  Who doesn't love Twi'lek slave girls?

5. Fallout - Do you like post-apocalyptic wastelands?  I know I do, and Fallout does it better than most.  I especially like New Vegas, so bonus points for something related to that!  This would almost certainly be freeform, though if you're brave there's an RPG system from the Fallout 2 days.

If any of these strike your fancy, or if you have a different sort of campaign idea, I look forward to hearing it!
Ons & offs - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=8373.0
Statistics are like a bikini; what they reveal is significant, but what they conceal is even more important.


Ons & offs - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=8373.0
Statistics are like a bikini; what they reveal is significant, but what they conceal is even more important.