Spartacus: War of the Damned (Started, Romans needed)

Started by Primarch, February 04, 2013, 04:09:27 PM

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Quote from: kckolbe on February 05, 2013, 06:53:05 PM
Ruby, I was wondering if you would be interested in a lesser patron as well, as I am thinking of playing an archer under Primarch's command.  Even if he were not a direct patron of hers, perhaps he visits one of her whores (maybe another PC), but she checks in on him to make sure he is happy, makes him feel welcome, and chats to see if he knows anything.

Primarch, how would you feel about my character being from a stronger family, but the soldier himself being less than impressive, perhaps only under Tigurius' command to strengthen his ties?  I was thinking of an archer, but am a bit flexible.

A patron has to bring something to the table so unless your from a good family and well important you won't get into my characters bed, but her brothel and prostitutes (men and women) are another story.

Sexy Firefly

I am so interested in this!!! I love the show...could call me a little Obessed ha ha and would love to join this! Making a character now to Show!


Can't wait to see her.  And he doesn't have to be an archer, just wanted to play someone who wasn't a particularly skilled fighter.  From what I read of military tribunes, though, any politician could end up in that role.  That would work for Primarch (since it was his idea) and make him more appealing to Deborah, since he would be more important.  I might make an archer as a minor NPC, though, if that's all right. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Quote from: kckolbe on February 05, 2013, 07:38:09 PM
Can't wait to see her.  And he doesn't have to be an archer, just wanted to play someone who wasn't a particularly skilled fighter.  From what I read of military tribunes, though, any politician could end up in that role.  That would work for Primarch (since it was his idea) and make him more appealing to Deborah, since he would be more important.  I might make an archer as a minor NPC, though, if that's all right. 

"To attain the position of tribune, one only needed to be a member of the ruling class — ability was not taken into account."

Sounds about right for your character! But an NPC Archer would be fine. We might also open up people having more then one character. I'd be likely to take up a rebel-slave myself. Perhaps a Celtic Gladiator.

Quote from: Sexy Firefly on February 05, 2013, 07:32:54 PM
I am so interested in this!!! I love the show...could call me a little Obessed ha ha and would love to join this! Making a character now to Show!

Ooh excellent~


I try to avoid playing two full time characters in any game.  I find I get overwhelmed doing that.  The archer, though, being unimportant, can kind of disappear when he isn't needed, so no pressure there.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread

Sexy Firefly

Name: Badb — (BIBE)
Faction: Rebel
Position Rebel Warrior/ Lead Huntress/Tracker
Nationality: Gaul


Personality:  Being from Gaul Badb is boorish and ill mannered, yet strong and reliable. Adventurous with the love of the chase branded into her from birth, Badb is a master huntress in both animal's and human flesh. She hungers for the chase and can be almost animalistic herself. Brutal and precise she lives for blood shed, favoring close range combat, she likes to see the life dim from the eyes of her victims.
Equipment: Two daggers that hang on her hips, and a finely crafted long bow.
Skills: Badb's skills include close range combat, archery, and tracking

Backstory: Badb was captured by Roman soldiers during the many battle raids in Gaul, she had been hunting near the battle field when they came upon her, she had mangaged to shoot one off his horse and gut him with her dagger before she found herself roped and dragged behind a second horse. She had been placed on a ship with fellow warriors headed for the slave block of Roma when the dock they had harbored at was seized by a band of rebels. From that day on she was loyal to the group that gave her back her freedom and was the main food source. Now growing to 50,000 strong, Badb hunts with a small army of others.

Sexy Firefly

I am willing to play more than one....Maybe a whore with in the Roman Camp....or a whore in ruby's brothel.


Well your first character looks good, although the Rebel forces are now about 50,000 strong so she might not single handedly bring in the main supply of food.

Sexy Firefly

I realized that so I put band...I can change that to small army! ha ha


Quote from: Sexy Firefly on February 05, 2013, 08:26:42 PM
I realized that so I put band...I can change that to small army! ha ha

Ah it'll be fine. I think we get the idea at this point. :P

Sexy Firefly

Ha ha good good! Just let me know if I should make another character!


Well the camp followers are under her employ, consider it a solid investment whores + lonely soldiers = $$$$

It should not be hard to find investors to back her up on this one.  ;D


Quote from: RubySlippers on February 05, 2013, 08:37:41 PM
Well the camp followers are under her employ, consider it a solid investment whores + lonely soldiers = $$$$

Just wait until we capture lots of those hot rebel chicks to bolster the numbers. Soldiers might pay extra for a chance to have a famous rebel spread leg.  ;D


I don't use slaves, its an offense to the one god of the jews. Unless you care to free them first?


Quote from: RubySlippers on February 05, 2013, 08:48:48 PM
I don't use slaves, its an offense to the one god of the jews. Unless you care to free them first?

Not slaves, prisoners being punished with prostitution! Like adulterers.


As long as they get a "fair" trial.  And no undo mistreatment well beaten up they are less marketable in the tents.


We need more testosterone in this game.


I'm curerntly rewatching the first season and so, of course, I am interested in the game. Before I make a character, I have a few questions:

What kind of content is desired in this roleplay? Are we talking more consensual encounters or is this rape, pillage and massacre roman style?

How do you plan to have encounters between chracters from the roman and rebel factions? Meeting in a field battle does not give room for much roleplay between sides. Also, if you are taking your clues from the series, I suppose everyone has to be ready for their characters to die.

Maybe we can have small units and groups of scouts skirmishing with each other to give room for more personal encounters (this might be a good place for kckolbe's archer)? Maybe with frequent capture, interrogation and escape thrown in so that characters from both sides can actually meet on several occassions?


PS: I don't remember The One God Of The Jews saying anything about not taking slaves. In fact, he seems to be all for it and has laid out numerous provisions who has to be killed when taking a town (grown men, mothers) and who can be taken a slave (children, virgins).


Quote from: SatanKlaus on February 06, 2013, 06:05:03 AM
I'm curerntly rewatching the first season and so, of course, I am interested in the game. Before I make a character, I have a few questions:

What kind of content is desired in this roleplay? Are we talking more consensual encounters or is this rape, pillage and massacre roman style?

How do you plan to have encounters between chracters from the roman and rebel factions? Meeting in a field battle does not give room for much roleplay between sides. Also, if you are taking your clues from the series, I suppose everyone has to be ready for their characters to die.

Maybe we can have small units and groups of scouts skirmishing with each other to give room for more personal encounters (this might be a good place for kckolbe's archer)? Maybe with frequent capture, interrogation and escape thrown in so that characters from both sides can actually meet on several occassions?


PS: I don't remember The One God Of The Jews saying anything about not taking slaves. In fact, he seems to be all for it and has laid out numerous provisions who has to be killed when taking a town (grown men, mothers) and who can be taken a slave (children, virgins).

There was a movement at the time who did call for no slave ownership based on how god reacted to the keeping of the Hebrews in Egypt and his wrath, among other contemporary at the time interpretations of the Torah. In fact the Essenes denounced the practice outright.

In her case its more she doesn't like it and needed an "excuse" the romans would accept as one for not owning slaves and well the Essenes teachings on this gave her the excuse, everyone knows the Jews at the time were peculiar in their faith. So they would likely go its her gods and faiths will, can't go wrong with that its odd but well her faith.


Quote from: SatanKlaus on February 06, 2013, 06:05:03 AM
What kind of content is desired in this roleplay? Are we talking more consensual encounters or is this rape, pillage and massacre roman style?
Considering the nature of the game, I imagine there shall be room for both.

QuoteHow do you plan to have encounters between chracters from the roman and rebel factions? Meeting in a field battle does not give room for much roleplay between sides. Also, if you are taking your clues from the series, I suppose everyone has to be ready for their characters to die.

Maybe we can have small units and groups of scouts skirmishing with each other to give room for more personal encounters (this might be a good place for kckolbe's archer)? Maybe with frequent capture, interrogation and escape thrown in so that characters from both sides can actually meet on several occassions?

Generally speaking you'll probably associate with members of your own faction more often, but I'd not be against something described above to allow the rivals to meet here and there. The game would probably end quickly enough if every battle had all forces jumping in to fight.

bubby and I discussed characters being killed off, and we feel we won't want a game where any character can just be killed off. Attached NPCs are certainly at risk, and if you decide to enter a battle, you'll certainly run the risk of being captured which may put one in the situation of being a prisoner, and a prisoner of the Romans will certainly risk being put back into the role of being a slave (unless liberated) and there would perhaps be the threat of rape. Ons-offs depending.

I can only imagine if my brave Legatus was captured Badb & Zia would want to rape him extensively with their mouths.


Name: Caius Tullius Constantius
Faction: Republic
Position: Tribune
Nationality: Roman


Personality: Despite the stern name, Laverius is best known as an affable man.  His upbringing (see below) has resulted in a sheltered, charmed life, and he tends to approach challenges casually, with a fearlessness often mistaken for bravery.  He goes out of his way for company, as he is accustomed to frequently entertaining guests.  While he knows that he knows nothing of military protocol or tactics, he still does not feel he is out of his league, and takes his command seriously when on duty, though can be fairly unconcerned when not in rotation.
Equipment: Armor, bow and arrows, gladius, no shield
Skills: Well-read, charm, novice swordsmanship and archery.  While not a skill, he is well-connected

Backstory: One could hardly ask for a more fortunate birth than his.  His family is wealthy, in good standing, and with generations of service in the senate.  Caius had a pleasant childhood, filled with good foods, a private tutor for academics and combat, and a complete lack of manual labor.  As was expected, he was appointed to the senate at a young age, and found it tedious.  He attended every meeting, and made a tolken effort to be fair, though was not known for stubborn resolve.  Other senators became fond of him for his fondness of social gatherings and his reluctance to speak ill of others.  When he expressed an interest in seeing the army in action, there was little disagreement in naming him a military tribune.

Question:  in the wikipedia article, it said that tribunes rotate command, with two of the six having command at any one time.  Does that mean that 2/3 of his time he will have no duties?
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Now you are of value to Deborah as a contact to cultivate. (drops her toga)


Coin first though and she is not cheap.  ;D

Seriously one thing she will like do is be a go between between the Jewish community and the Legate one obligation is they free Jewish slaves if they can when held by non-Jews. So even being immoral trash she has that obligation to and well can connect the Jews with coin to the Legate maybe through a certain soldier he could get coin and the Legate release the jewish rebel on condition they go outside of Rome to one of the border provinces like Palestine their holy land. Could be fun to roleplay out and give the soldier something to do be the Legates representative. Everyone win the Legate gets coin, the Jews a freed slave, Rome has one less enemy to fight in Italy and Deborah gets brownie points with her god and the Legate for making the purse heavier. She might even have the rebels find Jews and she could help get them out of Italy with the help of the Jewish community, should be easy to hide them and get them on ships or traveling by road North into Gaul.

Just ideas.

Sexy Firefly

He may not be able to handle the workings of Badb's mouth, but we shall see there may be some capturing yet on both sides. ;-)

Also I will be posting another character later today a whore in the following camp, she will be up for claiming as favored slave, or just a whore for anyone's sexual pleasure.....I will leave it to the males to decide.


Woohoo!  Right now I imagine that a whore would serve better, as RubySlippers only serves women, though I think Primarch wanted a personal slave.  I will start on my archer as well, though he will be a minor character.  If, for some reason, he becomes more prominent, then I will fade one of the two back, as I intend to only have one significant character.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Quote from: SatanKlaus on February 06, 2013, 06:05:03 AM
I'm curerntly rewatching the first season and so, of course, I am interested in the game. Before I make a character, I have a few questions:

What kind of content is desired in this roleplay? Are we talking more consensual encounters or is this rape, pillage and massacre roman style?

How do you plan to have encounters between chracters from the roman and rebel factions? Meeting in a field battle does not give room for much roleplay between sides. Also, if you are taking your clues from the series, I suppose everyone has to be ready for their characters to die.

Maybe we can have small units and groups of scouts skirmishing with each other to give room for more personal encounters (this might be a good place for kckolbe's archer)? Maybe with frequent capture, interrogation and escape thrown in so that characters from both sides can actually meet on several occassions?


PS: I don't remember The One God Of The Jews saying anything about not taking slaves. In fact, he seems to be all for it and has laid out numerous provisions who has to be killed when taking a town (grown men, mothers) and who can be taken a slave (children, virgins).

1) Anything non-con that might be actually desired with PC's must be talked out first with each other. Being a Roman-esque game, we can expect slaves especially to be ravaged, as well as any prisoners captured. However, that doesn't mean anyone can run around willy nilly and go all god-mode. PM's are a wonderful thing!
PM 1: " Hey, I want to capture your char, tie them up, bitch slap them around, and fuck them raw, can I?"
PM 2: " CAN you? PLEASE DO!"

....just sayin'.

2) Any NPC can die. As for PC's, we don't expect the char you made to be killed off. I do expect you to allow your char damage occasionally in like a wound of some kind when a skirmish happens... which brings me to..

3) YES. I plan on this. Though we're starting the game with having captured the City, the Romans will be out there, wanting in. The Rebels will need to go out to try and free slaves, as well as get food. Skirmishes will totally happen.