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Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror

Started by RubySlippers, June 05, 2008, 04:40:15 PM

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Its the alternate universe, the resistance and the Alliance have just started fighting and you lucky people are on the independent mercenary ship (insert name here) lucky enough to have some freedom and well not have overly pissed off the Alliance. They always need some other sorts to do some jobs and missions a proper ship can't do. And you can trade and make some honest money. But with the outset of a rebellion and those hiding in the Badlands and war underway you can make opportunity knock. If nothing else forge opportunity form failure.

Some guidelines this is the Mirror Universe DS9 period so Cardassians, Klingions and Bajorans are pretty much running things with the Klingons in charge. Humans and most other races save the Romulans are under them and humans are generally the white trash of the Alliance with some exceptions. But you will have a modestly armed and equiped vessel, some freedom due to a high Alliance grade and have a fairly well trained crew as in for scoundrels and rogues be capable.

Rules will be used once I find ,or create, a set simple enough to use to handle the big things like combat and major and minor skills.

Right now I'm looking for a five players a captain and the rest crew you will have some versatility in roles, just think if you were a private ship in that situation what would you want people to do. Races must be fairly canon and all but if its in the Star Trek Universe and reasonable I'll consider it. But I expect you to role-play those roles and remember most non-Alliance are slaves or if not slaves are tolerated if they behave.

If your interested post.


It just so happens that DS9 was my favorite Star Trek series and Sisko was my favorite Captain. I'm in for the role of the Captain if you will have me. What type/model ship will we be using for the mercenary ship?

The Great Triangle

Would rentagade Borg be within cannon for the mirror universe?

Or, because it's the mirror universe, would the borg collective be fundamentally different?
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Well the ship will be a modified small courier ship so will have some armor, shields and weapons with modest free space, so you will have some chance to add things as you go along. You basically took your crew and after slipping into a Alliance supported salvage yard borrowed what you could to refit her and slipped out. Kira caught you and arranged the papers to make you a privateer in the the Alliance, for some work for the Alliance from time to time. It was that or a long time at a Alliance Penal Planet.

Independent Borg, nope, they at the point in the game weren't encountered since the Enterprise never went into the Delta Quadrant to expose the Alpha Quadrant. So they never arrived and aren't due for at least a century or two.

Also no androids there are only two sentient androids Data and Lore.

Betazoids are also highly restricted either they work for Alliance intelligence and most are to honorable to do that or they are kept on Betazede surounded by deadly battle stations, half-Betazoids who are not telepathic can leave. So any Betazoids either must be half-breeds and Empathic or be in the intelligence service. After extensive conditioning and programming to be assured of their loyalty. And most of those are children taken before they reach the point of getting telepathy.


I was always a fan of the Mirror Universe, but one question.  I can't remember what happened to the Romulans.  Can you clarify on the fate of the Romulans, because I was thinking on being one.


Some info yes they are around and apparently strong enough to secure their borders, I would assume they might be more benevolent since its the Mirror Universe. As for being one they are not Alliance citizens of any rank so it would be odd but a criminal or the like might be around, but would have little status even a Terran might be treated better. Especially if they enter the war later on you would very likely be deemed a security threat.


Well seeing that not much is known about the Romulans, I am thinking that their government is probably not like the way it is in the Original Universe, where they acted like the Roman Empire:  They had a Senate and some sort of ruling executive.  I am thinking that maybe they are more like a Soviet based government now.  That could be wrong, but that is what I am thinking.  Another one could be that they are more like the Federation.

Either way, I am thinking that I am going to create a Romulan who is going to be pretty much a spy for the entire Romulan Government.


Actually I've decided they have a militaristic monarchy structure AKA similar to Czarist Russia, and scary enough to hurl back the Alliance if they tried to invade. So they might have spies in the Alliance I would suggest though belong to the Orion Syndicate they are fairly independent and have enough ties to every side to let you have some protection.

I need to come up with a few rules though and am still looking on-line for something basic and covers enough to use.


Alright, I'll do that.  Thanks for the info.:)  Just let me know when you are ready for me to post a background and everything.  I am definitely going to play in this game.;)



Your going to be above average so will get 150 cps (character points), if you take any races with special abilities let me know.

As for skills its simple if its a big area where there are many little subskills like Captain (which includes leadership, having the proper papers, piloting and navigation and being able to do other tasks) its major. Same with any other position ships engineer would be good at all the areas of engineering or the like.

Generally you will be flexible so everyone should have one skill at a little that is Small Ship Crewmemeber sort of a jack of all trades but you won't know specific things like you might know enough engineering to seal a hull breech or repair a basic problem, but your not scotty. Same with pilot you can do it under normal no biggy cases if your under fire your in trouble. So at least take that at 0 so you can use it.

Don't abuse advantages and disadvantages however I suggest take them to mee t racial or background aspects and check with me for points, google your race if you have to for inspiration.


Okay, give me a week or two to look over the rules, and the way it is ran, and it should be done.:)


Ok I'm not waiting that long to get started lol.

I'll use RISUS they even have character advancement although its tricky to advance as you get better. But its easy to use and twelve pages. You will get 10 Dice + 1 for a Hook and +1 for a modest long paragrah or two of a history. And I can give your ship a chiche' set as an NPC character.

Just temember a cliche' covers what effectively is a class or something not ONE skill so have fun be the Agent of the Crown Skulking Around Alliance Space or the Scoundrel Captain of a Ship Trying to Get By...

Your race can be one if unusual like Half-Betazoids have Empathy and should have traits for that and their culture. And yes the more dice in one the better but no higher than 4 Dice.

And I'll be using a hit point system some people came up with different ones so I'll post some house rules for that here.

I still suggest a a major cliche' that covers a shipboard duty to cover those extra skills each cliche' will get four aspects that are positive like the Agent of the Crown might have Conceal Motives, Academy Trained, Fit, Espionage at 4 Dice the second could cover lots of basic skills that could be used in a pinch but not at a professional level.

The Great Triangle

How catastrophically homicidal does the idea of a renegade member of the Q continuum make you?

Basically, he'd have the cliche "sufficiently advanced alien" at 1d100.  He's capable of incredible effects, but he's also a horrifyingly bad fighter and sometimes his actions don't cause nearly as impressive of an effect as would be expected.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs



Using super duper Gamemaster powers he bitch slaps the Q out of the known universe...


Oooh, thats gotta hurt.  Character should be done by Tuesday alright.:)


Risus is really easy to use, if you noted the shift to the lighter and far simpler rules above.

And I have the Hit Point system everyone gets 6 and will add 1 for every two dice gained in cliche's over twelve dice. They will be lost at 1 Hit Point for losing a fighting challenge, 2 Hit Points for losing one by more than a 10 difference in the rolls...if using energy weapons on kill those are doubled.

Ship combat will be similar.

We will start with you slipping into a large Alliance space junkyard to put a ship together and will get to role-play out looting ships and hiding from the infrequent checks. The Captain will have a set of Papers of Marque to be a privateer but no ship, found on a dead messenger with no name on the papers. Signed by Kira Neyse the Intendant of Bajor. So he needs a ship.

The ship will get dice just like a character that will be 10 dice plus extra for role-playing and depending on what you do. But you can get enough assured spare parts for a ship to move and fight at a basic level. And it will have 10 Hit Points that will apply for ship to ship fighting. Extra for cliche's for the ship that could cover defenses you can also design a ship that is fast and agile so is harder to hit, depending on your wishes.

The Great Triangle

Okay, time for a serious concept!

Tre'Gok of the house of Kiosan     

Hook: Honorable and monogomous, he gets really angry when  people engage in underhanded behavior around him.

Dishonored Honorable Warrior 4
Engineer 4
Tramp Freighter Crewman 2
Gambler 1

Tre'Gok was an honorable klingon, before he got drummed out of the alliance for an illicit interspecies relationship.  He signed on as ship's engineer, and has since then taken to losing large portions of his pay in the weekly poker games.  He really wishes that the ship could just have a Bat'leth tournament like sane people, but pays his way into the card game every week regardless.  Something about "honor."
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


I'm kinda tempted to play a nasty Klingon myself. Possibly a mirror version of a long running Klingon character I've played in other ST sims. He would not be a nice person, so something of a change from my usual characters.

What positions are open on the ship?
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.

The Great Triangle

I think all of them except engineer actually.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


I'd probably look tactical then, or whatever is close to that.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Its a private mercenary ship think people that will do anything to get buy and not into prision that can include attacks on civilian targets if they want you to, or lose your charter. It won't be often but expect to get sucked into a job once in a while.

Also READ THE CLICHES in the Risus Rules they are not individual skills each one should be considered in game think a class, race or serious background. Example Bat'leth fighter 2 is not a cliche' but Honorable Warrior can be but would have several things inside of it as areas of focus or skills he knows. Honorable Warror should also be fleshed out like Honorable Klingon Warrior Who is Forced to Serve on an Unhonorable Ship (Klingon, Fight with Klingon Weapons, Fit, Code of Honor, Conveniently Ignore Dishonorable Actions Around Him) (4).

And with a hook and/or a background you get one or two extra dice for cliches and the higher the better anyone with a professional level should have at least 3 dice, 4 dice is better.

And please I pointed this out you should have one cliche' that covers general shipboard duty a Klingon could have Spent TIme in the Alliance Fleet before Injuries Forced Him Out or something so you can take some cliche' that will let you fill in anywhere at least in a pinch. This is not a fleet ship duties save Captain are usually flexible. You should at least know a little about working on ships in every role at least enough to do basic things.


I'll grab the rules tomorrow and have a read. I need to hit the hay now.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.

The Great Triangle

I made some changes to my cliches and added +1 die for a hook.  Should I add an extra +1 for background or do I need to write some more.

Also, Bat'leth fighter is a background, because Bat'leth is a sport.  It also includes mental discipline, knowing the winners of bat'leth tournaments, and physical agility learned from martial arts training.  I went ahead and switched it anyway though.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Gambler can go under ships crewman, kind of goes with the flow and raise TFC to (3) now flesh each out with some skills four or four and flavor ones that are not impacting in the game like Engineer what kind of engineer its a huge area I assume its ships engineer so skills should focus on that.

Again read the Cliches and think about your characters, if your a member of a race you must include that somewhere its a cliche', even if under another Cliche'. And one skill in that should be Klingon or Terran to cover all the things we all know they are as a race. I want the cliches fleshed out with a description that people when they see you will say ahah he is the Disgraced Yet Honorable Klingon Warrior Who Really Knows How to Swing a Batlethe (Born and Raised a Klingon, Klingon Warrior, Shipboard Experience, Won Tournaments with the Batlethe', Disgraced Klingon from a Fallen House, Sticks to Klingon Honor). Just think about your character and what people would know about them that stands out and where you can stick in vital diversity points, again just one needs some sort of training or experience on ships or would know a great deal, but that only needs a minor point. Its a there if you are forced to do it sort of skill.

If something like the above adds flavor to a skill like being great with the Batleth' is already covered under Klingon Warror its free a flavor to the character like Spock might have as character vulcan culture, skilled witht he vulcan lyre the second is assumed also under the first its free.

To be a Klingon a cliche' has to have some sort of Klingon aspect. Lets take another genre we all know Lord of the Rings, a warrior who is an elf would at least have to have Elven Warrior and in the cliche' skills have Raised an Elf among the others.

The Great Triangle

the warrior cliche covers being a klingon, and my Gambler cliche is to show that my character is Really Really bad at gambling. 

You're far too picky on how we assign our cliches.

Why don't you just read our character concepts and tell us what our cliches are?  Because I don't like playing a guessing game.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs