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Error in Wiki hosted image? (solved)

Started by Saerrael, January 21, 2013, 10:58:05 PM

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I just saw an image not coming up, so I went to check if something was wrong and I get

The image cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

Any explanations...?

Autumn Sativus

Shows up fine for me.

Try Shift+Refresh or CTRL+Refresh?
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Will that work on the wiki? Because that's where I saw the error *blinks*

( I can see it now, though, but.. what the heck? )


Happens if there's been a corruption during download.


That doesn't tell me a lot, but thank you anyway.
Will keep an eye on said image and maybe re-up it if it keeps giving problems.


It's just something that can happen on occasion, it's what clearing cache is in part for. Some bits go missing or get flipped and stuff gets confuzzled.


Aaah.. Must be rare, I've not seen it before. The error, I mean. Pictures failing to load, I have seen.


There's a rather small window in which things can go bad that still confuse your browser, and hopefully getting smaller. it's the same sort of problem as the other threads where javascript doesn't load properly so the formatting buttons don't show up.


I actually had that a lot in FF 18 (.something!). Kicked it out when I read what a screw cluster it apparently was. Am on 16, now, and was kind of hoping to not see as many bugs, now >.>


Really shouldn't be browser dependent, just a matter of the browser being smart enough to try again or not.


I skimmed over my bug report, to be honest, but I saw something about loops and memory leaks and what not and read that FF 18 and flash wasn't doing so well. Saw images be a problem everywhere, not just here. Slowed down quite a bit, too.
I think 18 just needs a lot of work still.

Elli is normally very well behaved unless there is a problem on my side. Or.. when someone forgets to feed the hamsters, of course.


We need new hamsters. Our four are running just as strong as ever, but four hamsters can only do so much, and were made to only run so fast. : (


You either need to breed them or get a better breed of hamster.
*imagines servers breeding and pauses*
Ehm.. you know what I mean.


Thank you, I've found it somewhere on the internet, hosted on photobucket. I've contacted the artist and will await the response.


Yeah, that's happened to me a few times too :( Too bad the original re-poster didn't just respect the artists wishes in the first lace.
    {{A/As updated 5/8}}           


I normally don't bother with images on dA that have such a clear sign of DO NOT USE OR ELSE!, but once or twice I have contacted the artist to ask if I could use it anyhow if in a closed environment / not commercially and they normally give permission, then. I'll keep the image I 'shopped out of posts for now and just link to the dA submission.


I got permission ♥

Thread can be locked. (I keep forgetting I can't lock threads >.<!)