[[several ideas]]-F for M.

Started by sansa, December 13, 2012, 10:48:14 PM

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Twisted Disney plot pair ups:

Jasmine x Jafar (Aladdin)
Bell x Gaston (Beauty & The Beast)
Hades x Megera (Hercules)
Jane x Clayton (Tarzan)
Pochahontas x Kokoum (Pochahontas)
Pochahontas x Governor Ratcliffe (Pochahontas)
Esmeralda x Frollo

Open to more (:
If you do not know their story lines I will be explainign and update as soon as possible. I wanted to post my craving before bed!
Basically it will be more non-con & s/m sort of thing. I've always been drawn to getting the idea twisted where the bad guy wins and gets what/who he wants.
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)


Inspiration for Frollo & Esmeralda:
Link to video: http://youtu.be/RLbzeugtg7A

Jafar & Jasmine (not that ending though): haha
Link: http://youtu.be/uLKkjQcu928
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)


Cinderella x stepfather?
Rapunzel x hunter?
Snow white x evil king
Sleepin beauty x a powerful wizard?
Swan princess x wizard (that turned Odette into a swan)
Thumbalina x a prince
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)