Assassin's Creed: Legacy [interest check/recruitment]

Started by apygoos, November 27, 2012, 12:10:16 PM

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OOC Thread up! -

I've had an urge for a group game set in the Assassins Creed Universe. So far my idea for a plot would take place specifically in the setting of ACII/Brotherhoood/Revelations. The group of Assassins that Ezio has trained are getting better and better, eventually getting inducted into the brotherhood. They take on various task, continuing the fight the good fight and seek to end the Templar plot

To start this RP we obviously need a group of Assassins [male and female welcome] as every ones primary character. I would imagine that various Assassins have various storng suits, i.e. one may be good with swordplay, while another may be good with knives. maybe some are good with a musket, others with poison. If enough interest peaks up ill make a character sheet for people to fill out. People may also take on a secondary character be they a thief, a concubine, or even a common citizen.

should the game have a solid enough of a base, i will then start looking if people are interested in playing Templars which could be part of the plot down the line. But as I already said, Assassins and others first. (feel free to express interest in Templars though for later use)

GM update 1: Character sheets!)

Character Sheet
Name:[include any nicknames here as well]


sexual prefrence:

"Absolute no's":[things that you wil lnot play your character to, most often your 100% offs from you O/O pages]

Appearance: [Picture and or detailed description: pretty sure not all of the assassins wore that lovely hood. bonus internets for multiple pictures that may depict you in gear and out, if there is a difference ;)]

Role:[Assassin's would be the primary needed role, later on other roles like thief, concubine, citizen and Templar will open if the game gets big enough/people want to play more characters]

Specialty:[are you a master swordsman? maybe youre good at vanishing from the scene of the crime, or maybe its picking a lock? put your best skill here]

Bio:[give us some backstory, write as much as you like, but please not too little either.]

please feel free to share your Bios here, as well as PM them to me!

GM Update 2: "Non-con" and communication
I will likely be posting the RP threads in the Non-con section. This means that Non-Con may apply to the plot/scenes overall, but ANY action of that nature should be discussed via PM between the parties of interest.

This leads me to Stressing that everyone must communicate. That way issues are discussed, thought out, and most importantly, on here for people to see and know PMs work nicely for this, as well as the OOC, once i get it up


“You may my glories and my state depose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.”

ON's and OFF's || Plots and Ideas || A/A's and Owed Posts [Updated 02/12! Please see.]


awesome, interest in the first thirty minutes, hope this is the first of many


Hey all I'm property of the U.S government and as such I may randomly disappear for a day or two.  I apologize in advance but I'll get back to you ASAP



okay! 4 people interested! this warrants me getting a character sheet template together, ill try to have it up ASAP


character sheet is up, write em up and post them here to share as well as send them to me please.


Possibly interested. Would enjoy seeing a few sheets to know what everyone else is intending first, however.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


very understandable, I should probably get a sheet up for Ezio when i get the time as an example. Ezio will be in this, but almost strictly as an NPC/quest giver[if the game ends up looking for full on quest that is]


Name: Passero Cellini

Age: 22

sexual preference: He prefers men to women, though has been known to enjoy the fairer sex on occasion.

"Absolute no's": None, but please consult me before anything non-con or up is turned on my character

Appearance: Sharp features. Dark red, jaw length hair. Pale green eyes. A deep, vicious scar that goes from the left corner of his mouth, up his cheek towards his ear. He is short and lithe, with great upper body strength. He has dozens of small burn scars all over his body. (I'll image hunt if/when the game starts, as finding the right face takes forever for me >_<) 

Role: Assassin

Speciality: Agility, stealth, marksmanship

Bio: Passero's childhood was wonderfully normal, and largely uneventful. His father was a fisher on the coast, and he was the third child. He had two older sisters, and a younger brother. They were not rich, but it was nothing less than perfect while it lasted. When he was twelve, Passero's brother-in-law, his oldest sister's husband, sent them a letter, telling of an apprenticeship that would suit Passero well, as it would give him an education and a trade. Passero's father was reluctant to let him go, but eventually allowed it, and Passero went to his sister in Florence.

His new master was a goldsmith, and had several other apprentices. The change of lifestyle was a shock to Passero, going from loved first son to little more than a drudge to a close knit group of arrogant city boys. He was given menial work, the least food, the coldest corner to sleep in, and suffered abuse from the older apprentices. He stayed there for a year and a half, until there was a fire that destroyed the smithy and killed two of the apprentices. He was accused of starting it, but fled before anyone could grab him. He struggled to find work, and ended up thieving.

He survived and thrived in those years, though because of his rather eye-catching colouring wasn't able to keep anonymous. He became quite a notorious cat burglar in his late teens, focusing his arts on the wealthy nobility. His bolthole was discovered by the city guard, by chance or foul play, and was in the midst of being apprehended when a man dropped from the rooftops and killed the guards with swift efficiency. Once he was done, he asked Passero if he would like to join the Assassins, to which Passero agreed.   



Name: Rosaria LaColumbina. (People usually refer to her as Rosa)
Age: 20
Sexual preference: Bisexual with male preference.
Absolute nos: All listed in my offs.
In gear:
Out of gear:
Theme: Lady GaGa - Alejandro
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Stealth, flexibility and poison.
Bio: Rosaria was the youngest child of a wealthy silk merchant. She grew up fairly happy, well educated and wanting for nothing, until she was 14, which is when an apothecary asked her father that she marry his son. After negotiations it was arranged and once she was 16 she married his son. Although she had expected the worst and her husband to be abusive, he was actually just a few years older than her, very respectful and treated her like a person not an object or property, unlike the other men her sisters were married to.

After she had settled into her new home Rosaria was slowly introduced to the trade. She was shown how to make things that both healed and hurt people and where all the ingredients came from. At one point she even began to assist her husband in the making of some of the potions and helping his mother deliver them. However, just as she had adjusted to her new family and life it was all taken away.

Rosaria and her husband were fetching some wine for his mother but on their way home they saw their home had been set a light. Instead of trying to save their family and the house he ran away into the night with her. Once her husband felt they were safe he revealed to her that the very poisons she had been helping make were being made for an order of assassins and that an organisation known as the Templars had most likely caught onto what they had been doing so decided to end them. 

They weren't on the run for long before the Templars caught up with them. However, Rosaria managed to get away and took refuge in the arms of one of her family's customers. She didn't realize that the very women who she grew up with, who gave her advice and who she looked up to were actually whores in a well maintained bordello. From there she was looked after and simply worked in the kitchens once she was deemed fit enough.

She later found out the Templars had not just killed her husbands family but her own family. Rosaria was caught in the middle and full of conflict. She wanted to die yet wanted revenge, both she felt were out of her react until she was approached by Ezio. He told her of the connections her husbands family had to his order and that he knew who was responsible for both families' deaths'. He also told her that if she were to join them she could get revenge on those who had left her without husband, family and a place to call home. From there she agreed and became an assassin. 


Hope this is ok?


Looks good!  considering [in this RP] they got their training from Ezio, among others, don't be shy to say that it was Ezio that found her if you like, unless you had ideas for the nameless assassin that approached her for personal plot.




Are we to assume  Ezio is the one that recruited us all? I admit I've only played the first game...but I loved it.


yes, starting in brotherhood you see that the protagonist is able to bring in and train new recruits, this was a group trained by Ezio himself before he goes out on his quest for Altair's library


BAH this is so bad, as I write this character I have two more forming in my head. :P I blame you apygoos hehe.


im not opposed to players having more than one character, just as long as it doesn't get hectic from right out of the gate.


Ill set to work making my sheet tonight or tomorrow. Though I do have a question about the "special skil". Are you looking for weapons, or something more broad like whats been done so far?

*Edit - Er, "specialty". My bad.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


the more specific you are the more viable some "specialized" moves you may try to make become I.E. Ezio's would be the double hidden blade. Therefor, if Ezio didnt have the rank of "Master Assassin", so to say, his skill i nboth combat and assassination would be highest with that weapon. on occasion, the more specific you are, the more people have a clear picture of your character both before the game, and when theyre trying to envision the scene in their heads.

Like if someone named their specialty was in Parkour, id personally[dunno about anyone else] would find it easier to escape perusing foes, making those sick moves across the rooftops become more believable. Depending on how teh players go, there may be a TON of combat scenes, or there may not be. also just remembered something that im about to put in the main post as GM update 2, regarding  "non-con" scenes


Greetings! Is this still open for recruits? I'd like to join if there is room.
