Battle of the Sexes: Round One (read the RULES before posting)

Started by Oreo, November 21, 2012, 02:25:36 PM

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~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21



*gives Bre a soft kiss on the cheek in return* Thank you for protecting me.  :-)


*Runs in and kisses Fiona on the lips*
*Fist pumps the air*    WHOOO HOOOO!

Runs out laughing....Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Breathless Intent

Gah! Damn that Fal! *throws a stale biscuit at his retreating back* Poor Fiona...*HUG*



~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21




*giggles* You're absolutely adorable you know that Fiona?


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21



Whoa, it smells like fresh biscuits and sex in here...



*looks down and smiles shyly* How nice of you to say... :)


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."



~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

Breathless Intent



Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."

Breathless Intent


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21



Breathless Intent

*grins and offers a cookie to Duke* To take the sting off



~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21



Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."