Harry Potter Mafia Game: Rules/Roles and OOC Thread

Started by Sarena, November 21, 2012, 12:53:42 AM

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Welcome to the Ministry of Magic

Years have passed since the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort. The wizarding community has rebuilt, everything has gone back to normal and magical artifacts have found their way into the hands of new, not-yet retired adventurers. As much as we’d like to say all is right in the world, it’s never quite that easy, is it?

With their former lord defeated, and many of their colleagues in Azkaban, the Death Eaters have once again taken to secrecy, rallying around a new leader in the shadows, closer to home than anyone would care to admit. Murmurs of a new leader have begun to circulate the ministry of magic and at the worst possible time, as the most prestigious names in wizarding have just gathered once more to select a new Minister of Magic.


Good Guys: 
--Dark Arts Expert equipped with the Invisibility Cloak and the Patronis spell ~  (night ability) Player gets to choose one player every night, including themselves, to protect from attack by the Death Eaters’ or the Dementor during the night.  Player may not protect the same person two nights in a row, but may protect the same person more than once.
--Seer ~  (night ability) Every night, player is able to scry one other player to find out their role.  If the Seer is attacked and they are not guarded by the DAE, they are killed and do not learn the role of the player they scried that night.
--Potions Master ~ (night ability) Able to eliminate two players during the course of the game.  If the player he/she chooses is protected by the Dark Arts Expert, their ability is wasted.  The player they choose to use their nightly ability against dies, regardless of whether they are a wizard or a death eater.
--Healer ~ (night ability) Is able to heal two players during the course of the game, including themselves, from the Death Eaters’ attack.  However, the healer may NOT heal a player from the Dementor’s Kiss. 
--Wizards ~ Players have no special roles or abilities; however, they may get the chance to perform a little magic during one of the special events to take place during the game!

Bad Guys: 
--The New Dark Lord/Lady ~ Able to convert one Wizard or Mudblood(?) to a Death Eater.  Every third night, the Dark Lord/Lady may choose a wizard to convert to a Death Eater with a 50% chance of success.
--Dementor ~ (night ability) Player my use the Dementor’s Kiss on two players during the course of the game.  This is separate from the Death Eater’s nightly attack.  If the player the Dementor attacks is protected by the Dark Arts Expert, their ability is wasted.
--The Impostor equipped with a store of Polyjuice Potion ~ Player is a Death Eater who scries as a wizard.  He/she is an imposter, using their potion to appear as a regular wizard.
--Death Eaters ~ By general consensus with their fellow cohorts (including special roles), may choose on player on the other side to attack every night.  If the player they attack is protected by the Dark Arts Expert or if the Healer chooses to save them, their attack is wasted for that night.

--Muggle ~ Are they under the spell of the Dark Lord/Lady or do they have a wizard in their family and that is where their loyalties lie?
--Mudblood equipped with the Maurauder’s Map~ Not looked at with the same disdain as in the old days, the Mudblood has the choice of who they align themselves with at the start of the game and once during the game, they may use the Maurauder’s Map to learn the identity of one special role on the other players’ side.


Periodically during the game, there will be special events that take place.  How many events will be determined by the number of players and how long the game runs; however, the number will range between two and five. There is a possibility that an event will be neutral to all parties or will benefit one side over the other, but every effort will be made to keep a balance in how the events are chosen and played out.   Below is a list of seven possible events that will be used during the game.  It is possible that all, none or some of them will be used.  It really all depends on how long the game runs and how much fun everyone is having.


1. Time Turner ~ The time turner is activated by a certain action in game and everything goes back in time one day.  Anyone attacked or lynched is brought back to life as if it never happened.
2. Quidditch World Cup ~ The Death Eaters have chosen this beloved event to strike once again.  During the game, there is another attack and the Death Eaters claim another victim.
3. Seance ~ The GM chooses one player on the wizards’ side by random draw.  That player is able to pick one dead player to ask a question of.  The player chosen by the GM will have a list of questions to choose from and may only ask one question.  The dead player chosen may not lie and answers will most likely be simple yes or no answers (or one word responses).
4. Two Lies and a Truth ~ A chance for one player to win immunity for one night/day cycle.  No matter what side they are on, they will not be eligible for attack or lynching.  A guest to the game (not a player) will post a question to the GM and the GM will answer with two lies and a truth in the game thread.  The question can be about anything except the game or who has what role.  Each player will be asked to PM the GM with their guess as to which are the lies and which is the truth.  The first person to get it correct will win immunity.
5. Back From the Dead ~ The players will get to vote on one player to bring back from the dead, majority rules, so make your vote count!  **Please note, if the seance has taken place, the dead player chosen for that event is not eligible for being brought back from the dead during this event.**
6. Fun with Potions ~ There has been a terrible accident in the potion master’s lab and for the duration of the next night/day cycle, players are required to speak in rhyme! This includes PMs as well as in game posts!  GM will announce when it is over. 
7. Reincarnation ~ Each side will get to chose one special role that they have lost to be reincarnated!  Each player will be asked to PM the GM with their choice of special role to bring back and it will be reassigned to an active player, majority vote on each side will determine the special role that gets assigned to an active player on each side.

I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


How does the game work?

The game is a strategy and sneaking game, not a role play. Though plenty of 'role playing' is done in the 'flavor text', the primary point of the game is to discover the Death Eaters or to kill off the wizards, depending on your alignment. The players are each assigned a role before the game begins, with Wizards, Death Eaters and Special Roles. The goal for either side is to eliminate the opposite. Feel free to make descriptions of what you are doing, have fun with it, etc, but these will not affect the game-play, only the voting truly affects the game.

After receiving roles, the game begins by electing a new Minister of Magic to be the 'law' of. The Minister will make deciding votes if there is a tie in a lynch vote. If the voting for the Minister is tied, the GM will roll dice to decide who will become Minister. If the Minister dies, a new Minister will be voted in on the next day before the lynch.

Night will fall after the Minister is elected. The Death Eaters will learn who their colleagues are, and they will decide on one wizard to kill during the night. Some of the special roles can stop a wizards from dying (see the Roles below). All roles that work at night will have their abilities used or left for another night before morning comes. When morning comes, a post will be made outlining what had happened during the night (if someone died, or if they didn't).

When a person dies, by assassination or by lynching, their role is revealed. When there are killing roles other than the Death Eaters, no distinction to why someone died during the night will be made.

When day comes, the wizards will gather and vote on someone to lynch, someone who they think must pay for the deaths of the others. Everyone will vote, and eventually the person with the most votes will be taken away to their death.  Night will fall, and the cycle of night-day will repeat.

How do you win?

>>The goal of the wizards is to try and find out who the Death Eaters are and to eliminate them before they kill more innocents. The wizards win when the last Death Eaters is eliminated.
>>The goal of the Death Eaters is to kill the innocents before their identities are discovered. The Death Eaters win when their numbers equal or outweigh the numbers of the wizards.


-Once the game has started, no new players can join unless requested by the GM to replace a member who had to leave.
-You must have access to PMs to play this game. I'm sorry unapproved members.
-The game decides your alignment, not your friendships.
-Your role will be PMd to you before the game begins. Approximately 1/4 of the players will have Death Eaters roles.
-The Death Eaters are made aware of who the other Death Eaters are, after the Minister is chosen.
-You are required to vote. You may not vote for yourself. If you do not vote for several rounds, the GM may take you out of the game to keep it running smoothly.
-Campaigning for votes (for Minister) is not necessary.
-Death Eaters may not attack other Death Eaters.
-If someone is attacked and kept alive by a special role, they must be a wizard. (Use this to your advantage specials - you know those people are on your side. Speak to them!)
-The game is a game of lies and deception. Lying about your role, motivation and what others have said/done in private is encouraged.
-Wizards are encouraged to talk among each other in private. Please use forum PMs, and add Sarena to any messages sent.
-Remember that everything you hear could be a lie... who can you really trust?
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


Rules for the Forum Games

Dead characters don't talk. If/When you die, you should not post in the active game thread until the game has ended. Do not discuss the game with anyone of the living players, and do not discuss the game where living players can see it. This applies especially to the OOC threads. You can always chat with your fellow ghosts, and with the GM, but make sure no one living can read it.

There's no copy machine. You cannot directly quote/copy anything game related that was told to you anywhere other than in the active game. For example, you can tell others what role you received (and lie about it), but you cannot actually quote the text stating your role. Likewise, you can tell others what people told you (and make stuff up), but you can't actually quote what they said to you. You can of course quote anything said in the game thread, since everyone can read it. For clarification, copying someone's text without using the board quote tags is still quoting and still against the rules.

Monitor the game, not the players. Do not go check the Who's Online often to see what players are doing. Do not go check when each player was last online right after a certain action occured. Base your opinions on what players are saying, not on outside elements!

The game decides the team. If you're a bad guy, and your best buddy is not, then so be it. You are still supposed to kill each other. Do not tell anyone your role, just because they're a friend of you.

Games are for fun. This is a game, and it's supposed to be fun. Keep this in mind when playing, and don't try to think anything bad about the other players. See them as enemies or suspects in the game, but friends outside the game!

Keep the GM entertained. Whenever you send another player a PM regarding the game, send it to me as well. I'd like to read up on the discussion between players :)

Rules for Voting

Voting is mandatory. You cannot abstain from voting. After all, a major part of the game is based on deducting the voting pattern of other players. Preferably, everyone should vote as fast as possible, but of course people also have other things on their mind, so it's impractical to force people to vote within a certain time limit. However, if you have time to reply to the thread, you also have time to post your vote. (Your first post should contain a vote, when applicable).

Please do not hold back your vote until there are more votes in. If everyone starts thinking like that, then eventually nobody would vote anymore. Just bring out a random vote, and change your vote at a later time, if you found a more suitable target.

Votes can always be changed. Until a "Final Lynch Vote" tally is posted, you may change your vote as many times and as often as you like.

Please do not consider the person that votes first a 'bad guy', simply for the reason that they voted first. That person just happens to be the person to check the thread first, and if everyone always accuses the person first to vote, then nobody will vote first anymore, meaning nobody will vote anymore.

Do not vote based on game experience. Just because LadySky plays in every game, or Saffron is the GM in most games, that doesn't make them a target. The point of the game is to play well, and I will not accept votes based on "Well they're a strong player... we should take them out first." (This applies to lynching and assassinations).

Vote in bold. Whenever you cast a vote on someone, be sure to put the name in [ b ]bold[ /b ], so I can easily check who is being voted on.

You cannot vote on yourself (for both the Minister election and the lynch). You can only vote on others. Of course, two wizards can make a deal to vote on each other.

No need to run for election. You can be elected to Minister against your will, if you happen to receive the most votes.

Do not edit your posts. If you change your opinion, make a new post with your new vote. Everything that's said in the thread should be visible at all times.
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


And it is officially open.  The game will be starting no earlier than Monday, November 26th and no later than December 1st (depending on if there is enough interested players!  Please post your interest here in this thread!

Thanks so much y'all! I am looking forward to this.  ;D


Beguile's Mistress
James Moriarty
Mr Bigglesworth

I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!

Galactic Druid


You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


I'll try my luck at this one. If that's alright. :)
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Teo Torriatte

James Moriarty




Sweet!  I'm really looking forward to this, guys.  Thanks for signing up to play.  :D
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


Quote from: Sarena on November 21, 2012, 07:34:43 PM
Sweet!  I'm really looking forward to this, guys.  Thanks for signing up to play.  :D

I'm excited too. I love Harry Potter. Here's hoping I get to play longer in this game than VI... *crosses fingers* Almost all my RPs are inactive and so I have too much free time... :(
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Add me too!! *waves to Nifers and blows a smooch to ThatRPGuy*

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!




I'm in, just as soon as I finish reading this week's issue of the Daily Prophet.


I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


As one of the Overlord's of HAF, I submit my interest in this game!  >:)

Beguile's Mistress


I'll be adding the events to the placeholder up there in the first post this evening and/or tomorrow, so y'all be sure to check it out!   ;D

Thank you guys.  I'm really looking forward to this.  *hugs Aiden* Haven't seen you in forever, glad to see you here, hon.
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!

desert ashes

make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
· accepting new stories ·
 ·· · ideas & cravings ·· ons & offs ·· poetry ·· a/a ·· stories · ··

let there be beauty born from ashes


O&O    A&A    Avatars

Mr Bigglesworth


This sounds awesome ...... such an addiction to these . I think they need a warning label ....

Count me in ....
