Angel's Multiple Personalities RP's (FxF)

Started by Angel Fire, October 24, 2012, 12:10:25 AM

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Angel Fire

Hiyas to everyone here!  I hope that whatever time that you see this that its going well for you.  i hope that it will get a little better after you see what I have to offer y'all.

For so long, I have been looking for a RP partner that can keep me interested in a RP.  With all of the RP partners that I have had in the past, here is the basic timelime of what has happened to me:  We discuss ideas, form characters and just about ready to start to RP... but when that magical time comes to start the RP out, I am left hanging in the dark for at most... a week at a time... and that completely loses my muse for the RP if all of that were to happen. 

I can understand that RL issues come up from time to time but what I am hoping for is for someone that can post AT LEAST once a day.  That can't be too much to ask for, can it?  If RL issues come up, I hope to hear from you saying, "Hey, I can't post today, my cat found its way into my dryer and she is tumbling around and being a complete hairball." (Thats a lil extreme but you get my point, ne? lol).

Anyhew, I am open to a LOT of ideas from a variety of realms.  My main ideas come from the Modern world and Sci-Fi... but I can get into the fantasy worlds if you can help me with creating the world and helping me to see your vision of it.  I can also add ideas from your own ideas as well if y'all would let me.

Down below, I have some picture ideas that I hope that can provide some sweet inspiration.

I only have three requests as I end this sweet message... that the RP be FxF only, that we have a LOT of communication (Especially after the initial discussion of the RP) and that you won't leave me behind without letting me know.  If you can accomplish all three of those things consistently, than I will love you to death!

I hope to hear from y'all soon.  Please feel free to send me a PM if this feels like something that you would fancy playing out!

One more thing that REALLY interests me... and I have been thinking about this for a VERY long time.  I REALLY want to play the story of the Incredible Hulk with all of the personalities of Bruce Banner through all of the comics.  From "Ms. Fixit (aka the Grey Hulk)" to' The Professor' (aka her having the intelligence of Banner but she is her own personality in Hulk form)" and beyond.

The main thing that I wish for is that I want my Bruce Banner to be to be female and to love her Betty Ross in the beginning... in other words, her core personality as ''Davina Banner" is that she is a lesbian and fighting her own battles within herself and her problems.  She is a romantic in her normal form but when she becomes the 'She Hulk', her personality changes.  How will my partner deal with that along with her fighting super criminals (Especially the first few seconds before Davina changes into the She Hulk when her  'Lover" has to try to calm Davinsa down)

I am seeing some action with this Rp if "Davina" gets angry but once my partner calms Davina down... my Rp partner could try to find a cure for Davina's "problem" once she explains what it is.

This is something that I am totally wanting to play out as Davina.  You can be any type of girl that you wish... from her 'Ricki Jones' (aka a friend to help with the She Hulk's journeys and lessons) or her Betty Ross or somewhere in between.

I hope this inspires more of y'all!

Another idea that I have is that I am a girl that walks into a bar of your choice.  At first glance, my girl is just a mild mannered girl with the small glasses... but once our girls get to talk with eachother than your girl notices that things will change with my girl once she is outside of the club.  This is the first time that my girl goes to a bar like this and your girl may either be 'protective' of my girl and want to talk to her to 'save her from the predators' of the other women.. or my girl could get into her dormant personality and take your girl to her hotel room to do whatever your girl dreams of my girl doing to her.

Hope that helps with some more inspiration! *Smiles*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?

Angel Fire

Added some picture ideas for some inspiration *Smiles in hope*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?

Angel Fire

Added an idea! *Smiles*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?