Steambox in Forum Games

Started by Maeven, May 22, 2008, 11:23:07 PM

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I noticed that the Steambox has been moved to Forum Games which I don't necessarily disagree with.  I know that Vekseid has expressed interest in moving it somewhere else, but until today had not decided where. 

My concern is that the Forum Games board is public and viewable to anyone who browses to the site.  The problem is two-fold. 

Some interesting things happen in the steambox that might give a uninformed internet user the wrong idea of Elliquiy. I do understand and acknowledge that more racy content is moved to the appropriate thread, but, in all honesty, we have many different definitions of what is [R] rated and what is not.   

The second problem is that some posts have been made in the Steambox by Elliquiy members with the understanding that they were only viewable by other Ellliquiy members. This second statement is, admittedly, self-serving but I can't imagine that I speak for only myself.

I would suggest that the Forum Games board be deemed non-public. It doesn't really serve any purpose other than a time killer and "coffee-shop" and I don't think that eliminating it from public display would have a detrimental effect on potential Elliquiy membership.
What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you. 

The Cardinal Rule


Perhaps a Board named: Socialize and stick ALL of those steamboxes there!!


Who said that?  *looking around, but unable to see anyone*

I think that's a pretty good idea :)
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


I may move it hidden, but I'm not making two 'junk' boards. I think one is enough and hopefully cuts down on activity >_>


One man's 'junk' is another man's 'treasure' ;)
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Well put it under general sexiness..but a new thread "Socialize"..throw all the steamboxxx(es?)..the original and I saw at least one more...there!!

Just away from on topic!


Quote from: moondazed on May 23, 2008, 07:52:24 AM
One man's 'junk' is another man's 'treasure' ;)

I vote we sell it on Ebay then.....*laughs*
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


I treasure my own Junk.  It's been good to me.  Some other men treasure the Junk of... well, other men.  I'm just not into that.


Now now, no need to get defensive ;)
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


I'd really love to see Steambox go somewhere that it is no longer public again. I know I've said some things I felt comfortable saying ... but not so much now that a google-search of my screen-name can turn up a link to SB for the world to see. I am fine with posts in it not counting towards the overall post count, it's the public nature of a thread that had been private that worries me a little. I know safety is a priority here, and I have to say that I would feel much safer if the Steambox were not public.
Lords, get to know me before you snuggle all over me. Sorry, but I get a little anxious! Ladies and Lieges, cuddles are always welcome, read my O/O for more detailed info.
"There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes me mad, is the one thing that I had. I knew, I knew, I'd lose you."


I thinnk it would be fine to just move the entire category "Forum Games" to General Sexiness, I can probably think up of a few non-pg-13 forum games to stick in there to also justify it (sicne wasnt the steam box created because the flirting and what not was viewable to public?)

Modify: ONE of the reasons it was created was because ofthe flirting, so it could be done in a Non-public place. Its by far not the ONLY reason, and not even the best reason..(The best reason I think was just so that there was more characters per post then the SB allowed)


Quote from: Sherona on May 27, 2008, 05:13:12 PM
I thinnk it would be fine to just move the entire category "Forum Games" to General Sexiness, I can probably think up of a few non-pg-13 forum games to stick in there to also justify it (sicne wasnt the steam box created because the flirting and what not was viewable to public?)

Modify: ONE of the reasons it was created was because ofthe flirting, so it could be done in a Non-public place. Its by far not the ONLY reason, and not even the best reason..(The best reason I think was just so that there was more characters per post then the SB allowed)

*nods* I was under the impression, as well, that the Steambox was created so that those who wished to be able to discuss more adult themes could do so freely without breaking our rules about the visible content of the site. So it does seem strange that now it's publicly viewable.
Lords, get to know me before you snuggle all over me. Sorry, but I get a little anxious! Ladies and Lieges, cuddles are always welcome, read my O/O for more detailed info.
"There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes me mad, is the one thing that I had. I knew, I knew, I'd lose you."


Everyone's will, every single person who has spoken on the out of character boards, in fact everyone who has made an introduction.

Moral is, if you don't want anything read on google then don't post anything in any forum at all that is open to the public.

As for the issue of the Steambox, I believe Vekseid moved it there simply because it was not being used for anything other than [R] rated things and chatter, after the introduction of Steamboxxx, so he placed it there to prevent it from 'blocking' other threads in 'on topic'.

There was a discussion about those intentions before he moved it, but I can't find it amongst everything else that has also been discussed.

The only thing that I myself could suggest, (especially as Vekseid is away), is that if you want to do or say anything, not suitable for that area, then take it to Steamboxxx instead.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


I believe her concern is that things were posted when it wasn't public, and now it is.  Her concern makes sense to me, if the Steambox was blocking things, then put it somewhere else... as long as it's not public.
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~

Captain Maltese

Since approximately 10.000 posts were done there in the belief that the content in them wasn't going to be publically accessible, I would not be averse to simply delete the thread and start it afresh. Then every future post there would be done being in the knowledge that it was available to everyone in the world with a browser.

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

O/O            Current stories


Seriously, I do see your point.
However, were it myself who was concerned over what was seen in the public threads, it wouldn't be who's neck I nibbled, but perhaps the things that I have placed in my own introduction and the introductions of others.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Quote from: Elvi on May 27, 2008, 05:25:38 PM
Everyone's will, every single person who has spoken on the out of character boards, in fact everyone who has made an introduction.

Moral is, if you don't want anything read on google then don't post anything in any forum at all that is open to the public.

As for the issue of the Steambox, I believe Vekseid moved it there simply because it was not being used for anything other than [R] rated things and chatter, after the introduction of Steamboxxx, so he placed it there to prevent it from 'blocking' other threads in 'on topic'.

There was a discussion about those intentions before he moved it, but I can't find it amongst everything else that has also been discussed.

The only thing that I myself could suggest, (especially as Vekseid is away), is that if you want to do or say anything, not suitable for that area, then take it to Steamboxxx instead.

I don't think that's particularly fair. For the reasons stated. If I knew that everything here would be suddenly thrown open to the public tomorrow, I may not be here at all. I think a good number of the members here would feel the same way. Posts were made in the Steambox with the understanding that the Steambox was private. I am not talking about sexual content. I'm talking about personal statements--not personal information--but things said in the company of friends. Personally, I don't want to take all my conversation to the Steamboxxx, as that was set up more for explicit sexual content than anything else. Because I do not engage in that particular aspect of the Steamboxxx, I don't really want to go there.

With that attitude, nothing should ever be said or written down at all. I think that something that was private should not suddenly become public. It was said in confidence. It is an issue of people feeling safe or unsafe.
Lords, get to know me before you snuggle all over me. Sorry, but I get a little anxious! Ladies and Lieges, cuddles are always welcome, read my O/O for more detailed info.
"There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes me mad, is the one thing that I had. I knew, I knew, I'd lose you."

Captain Maltese

Quote from: Elvi on May 27, 2008, 05:40:52 PM
Seriously, I do see your point.
However, were it myself who was concerned over what was seen in the public threads, it wouldn't be who's neck I nibbled, but perhaps the things that I have placed in my own introduction and the introductions of others.

This is a disgression as far as the Steambox goes, but raises a very important point. Should the intro archive really be publicly accessible at all?

Posting status:  25th December: Up To Date 5 of 9 : last month 2, this month 5, total 38 posts for 2023.

O/O            Current stories


Stori, I don't think that was directed at you personally?  I could be wrong, but that's not how I read it.
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Quote from: CptCalico on May 27, 2008, 05:49:12 PM
This is a disgression as far as the Steambox goes, but raises a very important point. Should the intro archive really be publicly accessible at all?

Have you raised these concerns with Elandra?  Have you raised yours, Stori?  The first place to go with concerns like these are to the admin or sirens, maybe look and see who's online?
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


I wasn't responding to it taking it personally. Forgive me if that's how it came across. I just wanted to make it clear that >MY< concern is not an issue of my not wanting sexual content I was engaged in to be seen--because I wasn't engaged in such content. It's more about the fact that I felt comfortable enough in the Steambox to say some things that I may not have said if I'd known it was going to suddenly be public. They weren't necessarily sexual, and I'm not the only person who does not use the Steamboxxx because I don't 'cyber' or whatever you want to call it. I just wanted to make it clear that this wasn't just about that, so taking it to the Steamboxxx with all that implies is not necessarily a viable solution.

I'm not overly worried at this point, I'm just expressing that I think it's reasonable to ask that the Steambox be allowed to reside somewhere where only members can see it. I think Vek will agree when he's had a chance to take a break and breathe for a while.

And I'm aware of Elandra already having received a PM on this issue. I probably shouldn't have gotten involved at all, I just wanted to weigh in on the issue.
Lords, get to know me before you snuggle all over me. Sorry, but I get a little anxious! Ladies and Lieges, cuddles are always welcome, read my O/O for more detailed info.
"There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes me mad, is the one thing that I had. I knew, I knew, I'd lose you."


I said at the end of my post, which you quoted:

QuoteThe only thing that I myself could suggest, (especially as Vekseid is away), is that if you want to do or say anything, not suitable for that area, then take it to Steamboxxx instead.

This was a suggestion as Vekseid was away, not a solution to the problem that you have with the Steambox being in the public view.

The rest of my post, apart from saying that anything on a public forum can be picked up by a search engine, was a 'report' as it were, of what I remembered being said, in a way of an explanation.
Don't shoot the messenger.

I also said in my next post:
QuoteSeriously, I do see your point.

Quote from: CptCalico on May 27, 2008, 05:49:12 PM
This is a disgression as far as the Steambox goes, but raises a very important point. Should the intro archive really be publicly accessible at all?

Yes another subject possibly for another thread, however I would say no.
Again, it's a case of 'if you don't want it viewed, then don't say it'.
We don't push applicants to say things that they aren't comfortable saying, they have the option of contacting the Sirens on a private board if they don't feel comfortable stating anything in public.
We members should simply only go as far as 'public' dictates, it's been stressed often enough.

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The reason for a steambox was due to the complaints of the content in the Shoutbox being public, Steambox being now public would thus signal that its alright to have such content within the Shoutbox again.


I believe that's a decision for the admins or the Sirens to make.  The content of the Shout Box should be PG-13, I haven't seen it noted anywhere that that rule has changed.
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~