Once Upon a RP ((Searching for a Rumplestiltskin))

Started by Litzi, October 20, 2012, 12:21:52 AM

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I believe this might sound rather odd, it certainly does to me...I digress though, I am currently very obsessed with the show, Once Upon a Time...To the point, I'd love to roleplay my favorite characters, specifically Rumplestiltskin and Belle.  ((If you've seen Robert Carlyle act, you certainly know why!))

You would most definitely have to have seen the show to grasp how the characters act.  I wouldn't want to be replaying what was on the television, but more so working with the canon and expanding upon it.  Allow me to give you a description of the show:

It is the tale of all your favorite fairy tale characters suddenly being forced into a world without magic, our world.  It was a curse that brought them to our world, enacted by the Evil Queen.  It is only when "The Savior" comes to town that the town begins to reawaken from the magical slumber it seemed to be in....

That's how I describe it anyways :)  If you are male or female, and are willing to play Rumplestiltskin to my Belle, please let me know! Thank you so much * curtsy*