What are you wearing reprised.

Started by Beguile's Mistress, October 09, 2012, 11:34:45 AM

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An old  gray babydoll nightdress with a white lace trim. It's rather plain and, well, old, but its late and I've become rather attached to this thing.


Changed into a dark green Legend of the Five Rings dragon clan t-shirt. I think animal fur on the other one was getting at my allergies.

They don't have Walmart here but a lot of shops do that here too (have racks of discounted clothing). I do the coupons/sale thing as well. I'm always getting free delivery on groceries and money off. Combine that with discounted items, buy one get one frees, and that kind of thing, and you can get quite a bit of stuff for your money. We switched to supermarket brand drinks (sugar/diet/flavoured water) and it saves us about $1.50 per bottle. Considering how many we go through, it makes a real difference. That in itself might even be $100 a month difference.


Quote from: Beguile's Mistress on March 12, 2015, 07:12:07 PM
That's really great, Xandi.  I stalk the grocery store website and click all those online coupons that get tagged on my shopping and save about $20.00 a week.  I don't use man of the products advertised in the circulars but I'll save a few dollars there and on the shopper card savings from CVS. :-)

That is really great. I love those coupons they give you at the checkout. Those come in real handy.

Quote from: AmberStarfire on March 12, 2015, 07:40:24 PM
Changed into a dark green Legend of the Five Rings dragon clan t-shirt. I think animal fur on the other one was getting at my allergies.

They don't have Walmart here but a lot of shops do that here too (have racks of discounted clothing). I do the coupons/sale thing as well. I'm always getting free delivery on groceries and money off. Combine that with discounted items, buy one get one frees, and that kind of thing, and you can get quite a bit of stuff for your money. We switched to supermarket brand drinks (sugar/diet/flavoured water) and it saves us about $1.50 per bottle. Considering how many we go through, it makes a real difference. That in itself might even be $100 a month difference.

Wow that is great Amber. I figure every little bit helps and I try to save more than I spend. But it is my little habit/hobby. We don't drink soda but I have found the store brands are usually just as good in other things so I would imagine they are in soda too.

OT: huge tee shirt with leggings, this is what I am sleeping in tonight.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beguile's Mistress

Gray and white narrow striped long-sleeve blouse, black tulip skirt, sheer black stocking and black heels and all dressed up with a bright red belt. :-)


A short-sleeved black top with purple roses, long black silky slacks, and a light blue cardigan.

Beguile's Mistress

Flannel sleep shirt in a pale green and pink and navy plaid and white fuzzy socks.


Beautiful Mystery

Blue and green water colored striped maxi dress.
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


flowered pj bottoms and a huge tee shirt in blue.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beguile's Mistress

Charcoal gray coat dress with a chalky white pinstripe and dark gray buttons, a red scarf at the throat, sheer black stockings and black platform heels.


Black cami and shorts. I seem to wear my night stuff a lot when I'm on here, it seems.


A blue and brown floral top with attached black jacket (tied in a knot at the front), long black silky slacks and crystal earrings with a cherry design.


scrubs over boxers and blue t shirt - like working in pajamas~


a yellow tee shirt with mint green shorts
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beautiful Mystery

White, lace cotton sleep shorts and a t-shirt from my college.
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


Blue and white aztec printed pants, white tank top and dark grey hoodie.

O&O    A&A    Avatars

Beguile's Mistress

Red sleeveless dress splashed with white flowers, a short black jacket, beige stockings and black heels.


It was a pink dip-dyed fitted t-shirt and pink track pants, until I spilled some of the hot food (ow) I'm slow cooking on my shirt. Now same outfit, only with a red t-shirt since I changed.

Beguile's Mistress

A soft dotted-Swiss long-sleeved blouse with a slip type camisole under neath, a black pencil skirt, sheer black stockings and black heels.


A black 3/4 length jacket with a white floral print, black ribbed slacks, and a white fitted t-shirt with a b/w print. My hair's up in a ponytail.


Dark blue denim, a pullover and nice pair of leather shoes!

Beguile's Mistress

Long underwear with sweat  pants and a sweat shit and two pairs of fuzzy socks cause I havee chills that make me feel like I'm barefoot and out in the cold with hardly anything on.


(Typo there BeMi) ;)

I'm wearing a black nighty over black silky slacks I wore earlier (warmer that way).


I'm dressed pretty simply today. A long-sleeved blue-grey top, and grey leggings. My hair's up in a bun.

Beguile's Mistress

Black slacks and and olive green tunic top with black heels.