What are you wearing reprised.

Started by Beguile's Mistress, October 09, 2012, 11:34:45 AM

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Beguile's Mistress, I must say I enjoy your posts in this thread. Do you make a point to dress sexy, or does it just happen?

O/T:  Blue jeans, black Guinness t-shirt, and gym shoes.
Random PM's welcome.
Available for the right story.
O/Os Updated story ideas. May/9/2021


a sleeveless turtleneck short dress.... yes, for once I'm clothed.... if only for the reason I don't think showing up in the airport in my birthday suit is a good idea....


Why not, I'm sure you're very attractive, therefore, a good idea.

Shorts and an open flannel shirt, it's actually warm in here all of a sudden o,O

Beguile's Mistress

Black tulip skirt and emerald green long-sleeved silk blouse, sheer black stockings and black platform heels.


White shirt, blue jeans and bare feet at the moment. There was a sweater, jacket and boots earlier when I was out in the snow.


Black stretchy pants, a maroon t-shirt with a golden heart on it and a grey zip up jumper.


Black athletic shorts.

It's cold outside, but hot in here.
Random PM's welcome.
Available for the right story.
O/Os Updated story ideas. May/9/2021

Observing Trifles

A Batman shirt, beach pants, and socks.
|| the hunt ||

.you make my crooked heart do freaky little flips.

Night Stalker

Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker

Beguile's Mistress

Navy business suit with a straight skirt and a fitted jacket that buttons down one side, sheer navy stockings and navy heels.


A light blue short-sleeved top, grey pinstripe trousers and a purple cardigan with rose buttons.

Beguile's Mistress

A long gray and blue paid wool skirt and a white sleeveless pullover with a matching cardigan and high black boots that zipper along the insides of my calves and have 3-inch heels.


^^Always dressed to kill!

White shirt and grey trousers, black leather shoes,  no jacket needed indoors!

Caith Sidhe

Since I'm lazy and haven't left bed yet I'm wearing a oversized white t-shirt, black silk boxers I stole from and ex, and a pair of socks cause my feet got cold.

The Lioness

Black leggings and long black socks tucked into knee-high black boots with 3" heel, black tank top with beige polka-dots, and a long beige sweater with a thin black leather belt.
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A pair of bright silky green panties with only fishnet in the back, knee-high black nylon stockings with black ribbons at the top (in the front obviously lol). and an overlarge, dowdy shirt/nightgown in a kind of watered down pollen yellow color. I do what I want, yo! :)

Beguile's Mistress

Dark gray business suit with a pale blue long sleeved blouse, pencil skirt and fitted jacket, sheer black stockings and black pumps.

Observing Trifles

Pajamas, a New Orleans tank top, and a gray hoodie.
|| the hunt ||

.you make my crooked heart do freaky little flips.



The Lioness

Chunky pink sweater, grey plaid dress pants, and black shoes
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Beguile's Mistress

Dark blue straight skirt and electric blue long-sleeved blouse, sheer smokey gray stockings and navy heels.


Just a blanket and my blue fuzzy socks!

The Lioness

Red v-neck sweater, dark blue jeans, black flats, and red lipstick.
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Dark blue off-shoulder t-shirt and grey yoga pants.

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Night Stalker

Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker