Any Conservatives on E?

Started by Mr Self Destruct, October 04, 2012, 12:42:36 AM

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Mr Self Destruct

So here I stand, surrounded by liberal bias and hate directed against anyone that decries Obama as a leftist and Anti-American.  Everywhere I turn, I see left leaning members of E expressing their hatred of everything that's being done to turn this country around from the cliff it's speedily headed toward.  I'll's a little lonely over here on the Conservative Right.

So, the question goes many more Conservatives are members on this forum?  Come on out, don't be afraid of the finger pointing and biting that we see as common place among the Democrats and their supporters.  I've been called racist, old-fashioned, and hopeless, but I won't give up.  This is my son's future at stake.  This is personal.

So come on out, fellow Conservatives.  Make your voices heard so that we can show our fellows we're not alone!


Obama's a centrist actually. If he was a leftist, he'd be a socialist or communist. The GOP has moved to the radical right, and the Democrats have expanded to fill the centrist void the Republicans abandoned. Also, Obama's just as American as Romney. He just has different ideas of where the country should go.

Also, I used to be a Republican. I think I'll bow out of this thread now. Enjoy. ;)
O/O   A/A

Mr Self Destruct

Feel better? Good. Goodbye then.


"You're asking if a board full of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, pansexual, poly, and friends of all of the above; has supporters of a policy of hating said people? Yeah, probably a few, just based on statistics, but on the whole... You probably know the answer."

"People here have children, too. Some of those people are likely homosexual or bisexual, and they want what's best for their kids, too."

"Sorry you don't feel you fit in, but outside of here, that's where most of us don't 'fit in'. I just can't feel good about saying, 'go ahead and have whatever opinion you like', when that opinion includes supporting the kind of people who would look at most of the people here as garbage."

"You're here for a reason, so I hope you don't hold that same opinion, because that would be pretty disappointing. I don't want to start a thing, but that 'son's future', passive-aggression, I'd say it's not a good way to make friends."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


There are many economic conservatives here. AndyZ, Zakharra, Zamdrist, Akiko, and others.

There are a number of military conservatives here. Even a few who believe the Iraq War was a good thing and are willing to state that.

Social conservatives either get converted or driven off.

There have been a lot of heated disagreements and I get chastised by staff about my language occasionally, and do hope to improve matters, but rehashing the same argument repeatedly is quite frustrating.

I do have to wonder where the 'line' is, though. What sort of talk needs to be tolerated to be considered 'non-partisan'? I routinely come across 'right wing' websites where open discussion of committing genocide against 'liberals' is tolerated and sometimes encouraged. Where should I draw the line to make things 'acceptable' to 'conservatives'?

Because it's demagoguery like calling Obama 'anti-American' that leads to such talk. Especially when it comes from people who put their political affiliation before their nation, and switch to a jingoistic frenzy when they have power.

Demagoguery is not conservative. It's an authoritarian tactic.

Anti-intellectualism is not conservative. It's an authoritarian tactic.

Conservatism is about caution.

People are making it into a platform of cowardice.

I am hopeful that the distinction will become a more mainstream concept and that we can return to some degree of sanity.

Miss Lilly

*waves her hand in the air*

I'm what you guys would consider a conservative, although our politics are slightly different from yours.  But, if I was over there, I'd be a Republican...I think.

Saying that, Ryuka, I'm none of the things you listed, and am a little confused as to why you would say that conservative = hatred of anyone who's not heterosexual. Is there something I'm missing?
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Quote from: Water Lilly on October 04, 2012, 03:52:45 AM
Saying that, Ryuka, I'm none of the things you listed, and am a little confused as to why you would say that conservative = hatred of anyone who's not heterosexual. Is there something I'm missing?

It's common here in the US for conservatives to be against everything that's not hetero-normative. Hell, a lot of them are against anyone that doesn't think that sex outside of marriage is abhorrent, and that divorce is somewhere between shameful and deeply sinful.

Not all conservatives feel this way of course. Social conservatives are the puritanical ones, and even they vary a great deal in how rabidly they believe or practice these tenants. Others are socially conservative on only selected issues (perhaps they believe that divorce is acceptable, but homosexuality is sinful).

Others aren't socially conservative at all, but conservative in other ways, so they vote with the Republicans. It's one of the flaws of a two party system like we have in the US. Most people end up with a party that doesn't truly represent them, and just have to pick the one that comes closest to representing them. Or some stay independent, and swing both ways, depending on their whim, or who they think will do a better job. Others are purely single issue voters, but since most issues firmly belong as a "pro" in one party and as a "con" in the other, they pick the party based on that. There aren't a lot of issues where both parties agree, and usually it's an issue that's in a matter of flux. When one party switches from "pro" to "con", the other party will usually switch from "con" to "pro". It's an artifact of a two party system that can be expressed elegantly in Game Theory. If no one is "pro" on a given issue, it usually behooves one of the parties to come out to be "for" that thing to pick up the single issue voters.

Bah, here I am posting again in here. I'll try to stay out, or at least keep my presence to a minimum though, honest.
O/O   A/A


"Well, in America, it's pretty damn common for the two to be related issues. Mitt Romney, our current 'conservative' candidate, is definitely anti-nonheteronormative. The statement Dark Clown made about, 'his son's future' has to do clearly with the Mitt vs. Obama stuff in America currently. To me, voting for a man who can sit down with a war veteran and talk to him like a friend, right up until said vet reveals he's gay, then just walk away like that person isn't worth his time... That, to me, isn't even a human, much less a president."

"I could never be a conservative, because not a single government in all of history that I've ever known has been anything less than inexcusably broken."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.

Teo Torriatte

Actually, to be fair, the conservatives would probably agree with you. They believe in government that is so small, you could drown it in a bathtub...

...unless we are talking about social issues like gay marriage or legal abortion, then the government couldn't be big or intrusive enough.


"I believe in a government so small that it wouldn't exist... So... yeah."

EDIT: "But the topic isn't, 'So, how 'bout that anarchy?' I just felt the need, in my prior post, to respond to a question directly asked of me."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


Quote from: Luna on October 04, 2012, 05:29:35 AM
Actually, to be fair, the conservatives would probably agree with you. They believe in government that is so small, you could drown it in a bathtub...

...unless we are talking about social issues like gay marriage or legal abortion, then the government couldn't be big or intrusive enough.

It depends. To be fair, there is a branch of the GOP that champions gay rights, civil rights, privacy rights, and so forth. They're called Libertarians. Sometimes they go their own way or call themselves independents. At other times, they're part of the GOP. Some of them can be quite liberal on social issues. Sadly, the socially liberal ones running for office have mostly been driven off by the GOP purity tests.

And I'm utterly failing to stay out of this thread, aren't I?
O/O   A/A


*raises hand*

I'm a conservative...but I'm not going to discuss it. My political and religious views don't matter here on E for the reasons I come here. *shrugs and heads back out of the thread*

Devilyn Sydhe

*raises hand*

I guess in a lot of ways I'd be more libertarian, but I am fiscally conservative in that I dont believe we should be spending money we dont have, regardless of party.  I believe in the free market system in as much as anyone who is able should work for what they have, not wait for the government to decide your fair share.  It's not for the government to decide who you sleep with anymore than they should decide what you drive, what you eat or what temperature your home should be.  I dont like big, oppressive government in any form and that is exactly what we now have with Obama.  I cant say with certainty that Romney will be vastly better,  but I do have an idea the trouble Obama is leading us into in a second term where he would be nearly untouchable.

As far as social or religious conservatism, I personally am in no way religious but I refuse to condemn those who do have faith as if I'm somehow so much wiser.   It does strike me, however, how some religions can be ridiculed to no end, can have every despicable thing in the world said about them, and others can not be poked at all.  Freedom of speech exists for everyone, not just the politically correct.  As far as insults from the right go, please, really?  I lived through the Bush years, anyone claiming a hostile tone only began under Obama's presidency is dealing in revisionist history.  There is nothing under the global warming sun that Republicans havent been called over the years.  We just rub some dirt on it and get back into the game.

I guess I'm also a conservative when it comes to the military as I do believe the only way to truly keep the peace is to regain a strong front.  We've spent the last few years apologizing, downplaying America's importance in the world, and look now where the world is heading.  I'm not saying wars are the answer either, but if we dont keep America strong fiscally and militarily, who will be there the next time a dictator rises up or a disaster strikes another country? The U.N.?  Who here is really in favor of a one world government?  And please dont say its not our job, or its none of our business as we cant really wall ourselves off from the rest of the world.

So yeah, I'm a small government conservative, not Democrat or Republican when both parties just want to be in your lives one way or another.  I'm voting for Romney because I've watched Obama inherit a mess and only make it worse by nearly all objective standards.  I could not expect him to have everything fixed in four years, though he himself said he should be a one term president if he didnt, but I would expect things to be showing improvement.  Gas prices, food prices, energy prices, deficits, unemployment, housing, they all would add up to running any Republican president out of office and Obama should get no special treatment.  He's proven he cant fix the problem and, if Romney can't at least show improvement in 4 years, he'll be out on his ass too.  As far as gay marriage or homosexuals in the military goes, you do know who signed Dont ask, dont tell into law right?  And Obama really only became friendly toward gay marriage when it became politically expedient.  Obama is a career community organizer with no real idea how to manage a business or a country and this November I'll definitely be hoping for a real change.

Callie Del Noire

Define conservative. 

Do you mean Neo-conservative, ie the socially conservatives who currently rule the GOP and are revising everything to justify their extreme agenda...

Or a Modern Conservative, like Barry Goldwater or to a lesser extent Ronald Reagan? Who are for the most part socially moderate and trend towards small or right sized government?

You'll have to be more specific. But I'm sure you'll see damned few Neo-conservatives on this board. Almost everyone here, by the general tolerance and understand of the board, would be ostracized by them.

Me? I'm MOSTLY Modern Conservative but that means I'm a person without a party these days.

The big thing I think is that 'small government' isn't automatically best. Look at the bank issues or agribusiness issues of the last 10 years. Who here honestly thinks it wise to let them 'self regulate'?

I've been called a 'Pinko' because I refuse to let fear rule my decisions and honestly feel that things like the Patriot act and this years NDAA atrocity dismiss all our freedoms in ways that would terrify the founding fathers. 

I have watched GOP leadership come out and say that their goal during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression was to ensure the president didn't get reflected. TWO years of obstructionism and partisan Tom foolery rather than statesmanship. I've seen a party that USED to talk, change the rules of order to ensure the other side couldn't debate.  I watched the old men in charge, of the party not our elected officials, sell the soul of the GOP to keep control rather tha give it up to younger men. Of course one of those younger men was my brother who tried to run for office 'above his place' in the party. (The words of a party officer who tried for TEN years to get him to run for a lower office)


Yeah there's conservatives about just have to look harder because Libs like to be loud and after Romney creamed Obama in the debates last night it looks like we may win  :P

Devilyn Sydhe

Conservatives have to be extremely careful these next 30 days or so as the full weight of the left wing media will be aimed at Romney now that he made their messiah look bad.  Watch now how every trick in the book will be unleashed to try to cover for Obama.  It does make me wish the election was soon because I do think that right now Romney would win.  It also makes me look forward to that Ryan/Biden debate even more.  Now that could be embarassing :D


My name was mentioned above as a conservative and so I feel compelled to raise my hand and confirm that. Yes, I'm an economic conservative as well as a military one. My conservatism however doesn't come by way of religion and so social issues like gay marriage for example don't get me excited.

Bottom line for me is, conservative goals can be met through smaller government, and it should be the focus. Conservative and Republican politicians too often get lost in the woods when it comes to social issues. Keep your eye on the ball, the ball being smaller, more efficient and streamlined federal government.

Whenever presented with any particular problem or issue, look for a local solution first. The first knee-jerk reaction shouldn't be to punt the problem up to Washington. Look local first. Localism is something I hope both sides could come closest to agreement on.


Quote from: Dark Clown on October 04, 2012, 12:42:36 AM
So here I stand, surrounded by liberal bias and hate directed against anyone that decries Obama as a leftist and Anti-American.  Everywhere I turn, I see left leaning members of E expressing their hatred of everything that's being done to turn this country around from the cliff it's speedily headed toward.  I'll's a little lonely over here on the Conservative Right.

So, the question goes many more Conservatives are members on this forum?  Come on out, don't be afraid of the finger pointing and biting that we see as common place among the Democrats and their supporters.  I've been called racist, old-fashioned, and hopeless, but I won't give up.  This is my son's future at stake.  This is personal.

So come on out, fellow Conservatives.  Make your voices heard so that we can show our fellows we're not alone!
You might also want to bear in mind that disagreement with your positions does not equal hate.  So far all the disagreement here has been quite civil, so I would suggest that throwing around words like 'hate' and implying that all Democrats do nothing but throw blame around isn't the best way to continue on that civil path.  There are obviously other people here who at least lean conservative and aren't afraid to speak up.  Reasonable debate is always welcome here.

You say this is personal.  Well, it's personal for everyone, including those who disagree with you.  Please bear that in mind when you post in these boards.

Quote from: Elias on October 04, 2012, 08:21:56 AM
Yeah there's conservatives about just have to look harder because Libs like to be loud and after Romney creamed Obama in the debates last night it looks like we may win  :P
And again, there seems to be a good deal of overgeneralizing going on here.  Please tone that down and keep things civil, all right?
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Yes Social conservatives (In the media) Make me cringe. However the average social conservative I defend to the hilt because I have seen them to be some of the finest people imaginable. That being said I am an atheist conservative at worst, agnostic at best. I am a small business man, I despise liberal regulation, believe in small business and feel that Liberals hand out benefits to the undeserving while people like my fiance with MS who actually deserves treatment gets left out in the cold (Yeah all Obamas big talk and she just lost another $200) I am for the little guy my ass.

Avis habilis

Quote from: Zeitgeist on October 04, 2012, 08:31:23 AM
Look local first. Localism is something I hope both sides could come closest to agreement on.

True that. I'm an actual pinko, but I agree that the feds are sometimes something you have to work around, not rely on.

Devilyn Sydhe

Quote from: Valerian on October 04, 2012, 08:36:28 AM
You might also want to bear in mind that disagreement with your positions does not equal hate.  So far all the disagreement here has been quite civil, so I would suggest that throwing around words like 'hate' and implying that all Democrats do nothing but throw blame around isn't the best way to continue on that civil path.  There are obviously other people here who at least lean conservative and aren't afraid to speak up.  Reasonable debate is always welcome here.

I would like to totally agree with your statements.  Just because someone disagrees with another's point of view does not make them hateful.  Far too often, the conservative right is considered nothing but haters or right wing nuts simply for diverging from what is considered 'politically correct' whether it be a belief in God to a disbelief in man made global warming.  So many people, on both sides, take their own opinion as fact and anything which contradicts is close minded hatred or uninformed following.  I am always open to reasonable civil debate even if I do have my own set opinions on issues.

Miss Lilly

Can someone explain 'pinko' to me??
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Devilyn Sydhe

It is a slang term for Communist, Lilly, I'm sure its a play off the color red representing communism, but not sure if 'pinko' is supposed to represent a lighter form i.e. socialism

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: KalebHyde on October 04, 2012, 09:29:55 AM
It is a slang term for Communist, Lilly, I'm sure its a play off the color red representing communism, but not sure if 'pinko' is supposed to represent a lighter form i.e. socialism

It was a very bad thing for a sailor with a clearance to be called by a chief petty officer. He TRIED to have my clearance pulled because of that, and had he won that fight.. I'd have been finished as a avionics tech. Without a clearance I couldn't work on much of anything in my rating. Had he not had a full on rant in front of the Maintenance Master Chief and Maintenance Officer, he might have gotten away with it.

That and the fact I was one of three petty officers who knew how to maintain and frequency sweep one particular system.

Miss Lilly

Thanks, Kaleb...

What's the opposite of pink? Cos that's me! ;)
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