Looking for Someone to play a Male Character

Started by AlphaWolfQuin, October 03, 2012, 06:51:53 PM

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OK so normally I like to play the male role in and RP but right now I want to play the female role. I have some pairing ideas but no real plots for any of the pairings but I would love to work out a plot with anyone interested in RPing with me. Alright so on to the pairings.

Real Life
Co Workers
Rich Man,Woman/Poor Man,Woman

Fandom Pairings

Wade Barrett/OC
Randy Orton/OC
Shawn Micheals/OC
Dolph Ziggler/OC

Escape From NY/LA
Snake Plissken/OC

That's all I can really think of that I'd like to do right now but if anyone has an idea or plot that they want to do PM and we can discuss things. I'm pretty open to a lot of things right now and will listen to ideas.
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash