What is the Avatar Above You Thinking! (2.0)

Started by Moraline, October 03, 2012, 03:28:28 PM

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"Dear Great Pumkin!"

"Listen up you bastard!  I have been waiting in that effing pumpkin patch every year for the last fifty years!  I am sick of it!  I am done!  If I see your mangy ass flying in the sky I am taking a double barrel of buckshot to your sorry ass!"

"Sincerely,  Charlie Llama Brown."

Seduction is merely hypnosis with desire!


Dirty old man in training!
Sneaky Little Bastard!


Does this penis ghost make my butt look big?


I'm fascinated with big butts and I can not lie.
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

blue bunny sparkle


Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


I hope I did this right... I'll know soon enough.
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Hmm... nope... definitely not a black witch....


Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Those perverts... ogling on that cute foxgirl... *Staaaaare*



I am the darkness! I am the night! Fear me! Oooohhh nap time.
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Don't worry my dear, everything will be taken care of...just right.


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

Beguile's Mistress

I wonder what shade of lipstick she's wearing and if it would look good on me.


blue bunny sparkle


Seduction is merely hypnosis with desire!


Dirty old man in training!
Sneaky Little Bastard!

blue bunny sparkle

This ain't no Casper, the littlest ghost! pffft.


Seduction is merely hypnosis with desire!


Dirty old man in training!
Sneaky Little Bastard!


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Answer truthfully, my dear...does this eyeliner make my butt looketh large?


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

blue bunny sparkle

If only... I had a gas mask! If only....

