The Avatar Above Me--part 2

Started by Riastradh, October 16, 2010, 05:40:06 AM

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blue bunny sparkle

should pick her favorite, most naughty thing and we'll go from there


blue bunny sparkle


...doesn't look like a bunny. :P


is having a staring contest
Every thing I gave is wasted, and I'm the one whos suffocated.



Has an interesting tattoo.
Be the change you wish to see.


.. is, even if fully unaware, seriously willing these big hands of mine to slide a thoroughly slippery coat of bluenes all over that lovely skin. Who am I to deny such a beauty?
*See Pillory*


*smiling with a blush* welcome long as the slather is blueberry flavored or better yet like the everlasting gobstoppers..several flavors.
Be the change you wish to see.


Sparks these crazy blue dripping hands to lure a humming bundle of unpredictable shadow to swirl the slippery into a candy-coated mixture that will make that luscious skin of hers have many (extra) flavors (on top of her, I'm sure, already sweet assortment of delicious tastes), starting with wild blueberry.
*See Pillory*


...has a far-off look about him.


Should be surprised to see me, after all this time away. :P

Aaron Divine


Is very sweet, and sexy, making him have the ability to turn the girls heads here on E.

Aaron Divine

Has her head already turned, it seems. :P


Has been...I think working on turning my head all morning. ;D

Aaron Divine

I cannot turn heads, unless they want to turn them themselves. ;)


Is being quite modest, I have seen  him turn heads here on many occasions.

Aaron Divine

Perhaps only your head did the turning, and you mistook it for everyone else's? :P

'Sides, you've been turning not only heads but whole bodies your way on many occasions. ;)


No it was not only my head, I remember before my long absence  ;D

And I do my best, to spread some good cheer along my way as  I skip happily among the threads.

Adammair enjoying debating who's hotter with Aaron. ;D *waves to Summer*

Aaron Divine

Quote from: Adammair on June 20, 2012, 07:32:30 AM enjoying debating who's hotter with Aaron. ;D *waves to Summer*

I think he wants to join, but I know he'll side with me on this one. Summer is hotter. :P


It is indeed hot in summer....season.

*waves* to Adammair, glad to see you, and to play on the threads with you again.

Adammair indeed hotter than both Aaron and myself put together. :-)
