The Avatar Above Me--part 2

Started by Riastradh, October 16, 2010, 05:40:06 AM

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Appears to have a different type of cigar they are definitely wanting lit in a much more pleasant way.
*See Pillory*


Seems to like to get his hands dirty.


"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash Williams
O/O's - Under Construction


Looks kinda scary...but in a good way!

Amy Liz

Is about to get into a lovely gentle kiss.


Has left her blue behind but is still adorable.. maybe even more so.
*See Pillory*


Has missed a spot, for something other then blue can be seen.

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


has her hands nicely positioned - can I have a squeeze? ;)
Hello! :) Might consider rps again, mainly vanilla/light bdsm, might consider taboos eg uncle/neice, teacher/student, etc

Mr Bigglesworth

Should ask the avatar above him to move her hands.


Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Is as beautiful as ever, just like the woman behind it
I've taken the Oath of The Drake for Group RPs!

"This is Life. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath."

Bloody Rose

Would love to be on my knees besides his throne


Sees something in her mouth, but it not saying anything about it.  :)


Has a very lovely set of breasts that i can't help but yearn to touch.

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


Looks like she would do better with an old fashioned joystick xD

( I'm assuming thats a game controller in her lap ? xD )


Has some extra equipment tucked in her lacey shorts.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Is fantasizing about sex :)


*laughs*  Totally true.

Is about to rock someone's world.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Is waiting on someone to bring her coffee.


Makes me crave apples, and apple-flavored treats~
Updates coming soon!


Would make a good lap kitty
I've taken the Oath of The Drake for Group RPs!

"This is Life. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath."


Looks like he wants a good lap kitty! =^.^=
Updates coming soon!


Makes me wonder if tickling her will get her to stand and lift her pretty face to show the world O:)
Yes pleases and no thank yous (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 What I'm currently craving (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 Where has your favorite little Dream Dancer been? (Updated 6/20/2013)

"Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved"


Appears to be witness to some kind of trippy cosmic event. I'm jealous. *sniffs*
*See Pillory*


Looks like he need some help getting that cigar lit. Shall I cup my hands over yours?