The Avatar Above Me--part 2

Started by Riastradh, October 16, 2010, 05:40:06 AM

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Has rejoined after the day away
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Must be tired after switching 3 roles day in and out.


Must be hot and should meet me in the shower.  *grins*

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Had better make it a nice hot steamy shower. *grins*


Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


makes plenty of steam...if you ask me
O's and O's / A's and A's / Current Stories / Story Ideas / Posting Updates
Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding


Won't get hurt by a little steam
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...

Sel Nar

Is going to trip and break her neck with those platform boots she has on.

De h u m a n i z e Me

Seeking new role plays.
PM me for details.
What De Finds Delectable



In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...



Stares so intently. Makes you feel like looking down to make sure everything is in place. :P
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Don't worry. That's not my breath on the back of your neck! >.>

Slaven's O/Os and some RP ideas!


-looks down, pulls the sheer top in minute adjustments, is satisfied and continues posting- Is back to stalk the threads tonight early. :P
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


my submissive little soldier??

Awesome, can I have your gun then, Ang? ;-)
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Is back and like he'd never left. :)
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Don't worry. That's not my breath on the back of your neck! >.>

Slaven's O/Os and some RP ideas!

Kazuume take a really really cold shower....
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


Knows the meaning of really close going by avipic :P
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Don't worry. That's not my breath on the back of your neck! >.>

Slaven's O/Os and some RP ideas!


Can douse my fire anytime. -smirks and points to the sheets of water covering his body- ( :P )
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...

Undeniable Sin

Could totally become my personal stylist. ~Needs a few of your sexiness tips~
   My O/O's       Roleplay Ideas


(Aww, thank you. You're welcome to message.) Doesn't seem to need tips with that avipic. -smiles-
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...