The Avatar Above Me--part 2

Started by Riastradh, October 16, 2010, 05:40:06 AM

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Thinks I need candy to be sweet and tempting.
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


should get along with proving that claim with me ;)
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Seems to watch over others.

Miss Lilly

Is, I have recently discovered, a cowboy!
Want to get wild in the west?
Visit Lola's!


Reminds me of pillow forts and closet mishaps!
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's

Miss Lilly

Is awfully fond of slumber parties! ;D
Want to get wild in the west?
Visit Lola's!


Makes pillow forts very interesting.

Seduction is merely hypnosis with desire!


Dirty old man in training!
Sneaky Little Bastard!

Miss Lilly

Is an expert in making things interesting!
Want to get wild in the west?
Visit Lola's!


Throws the best slumber parties!
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's

Miss Lilly

Want to get wild in the west?
Visit Lola's!


knows how to wear that corset ^_~


Really is made of pure candy!

Check for nice insight :)


Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


Looks rather delicious *Runs my tongue over sharp fangs*
I've taken the Oath of The Drake for Group RPs!

"This is Life. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath."


Is seductive looking, while nonchalantly looking over his chair, making me feel week in the knees...
Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


has this beautiful aura around her and makes me feel like I can feel the open sky and freedom itself in her hair...
Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


wants her always to smile as I run my fingers through her hair, feeling the wind on our faces
Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


has the sexiest little skimpy top I've seen in a while


ses and observes the same of hers but so much more feminine! 
Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


Makes me want to lick things. ;p


Makes me intrigued about this licking...  >:)
I've taken the Oath of The Drake for Group RPs!

"This is Life. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath."


Makes me open up my licking to either gender. :D


has a very "invitational" look about herself... Hawtt :D
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.