To be a Star. (TBB and Sherona)

Started by Sherona, May 17, 2008, 02:19:30 PM

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Jenna Morgan leans against the chain-linked fence that surrounded the football field. Her almond shaped eyes scanning the players with a keen and knowledgable eye. One could even describe her gaze as wieghing, measuring, perhaps even liken it to someone in a butchers shop sizing up a side of beef.

Her black hair was cut short, swinging along her jawline, her asian descent very apparent even though her father was caucasian. Small of stature, Jenna fought her way all her life. Past stereotypical roles that many tried to place her in, both because she was asian and a woman, past her own limitations. Now she worked for the University of Oklahoma, rising faster through the ranks and today she hoped to score a nice little bonus for herself. Recruiting was aprofitable job, a nice cushy one as well when all one had to do was go scout and speak to players, convince them that OU was the best school to go to.

That was what she was doing now, so far away from Norman Oklahoma -her home-, watching a high school football team throw passes back and forth. The coach knew she was here, knew why she was here. She figured that the boy that she was sent to convince knew the reason as well. Here to talk to the Quarterback, and him alone, she ignored the adolescent attention these boys tried to give her.

The Baron

Immersed in his drill, Frank's young mind was completely ignorant of the conversation between his Head Coach and the intriguing young woman. Dropping back to pass he knew, just somehow knew, that someone had gotten free of his line, without any warning he spun quickly to his left and to the back, deftly evading one of the scout team line backers, sending him hurdling to the ground. Cocking his arm he nails the wide open Tight End streaking across the field. Grinning arrogantly down at the sophomore on the ground, he shrugs his broad shoulders, "Better luck next time mate." He laughs as the player grunts and heads back to his own huddle.

Laughing with his friends on the varisty squad he tilts his head to the side as he hears the short, sharp whistle that his Coach uses when he wants Frank's attention. Shrugging his shoulders yet again, he trots over. Taking off his helmet, his jet black hair shining in the fading sun. Running a hand through it he smiles politely, if impatiently over at to you and inclines his head, "Miss."

Turning to the bear of a man, his coach, "Yes, sir?" His expression curious as to when the recruiter would be showing up.


Jenna watches the young man with a keen eye, she had seen players all season, knew what to watch for and what not to watch for. Knew when bad habits, such as a extra step taken during the sack, or the 'tells' that show when the quarterback was going to run it rather then pass, could be broken or when they wouldn't be. She was quite impressed by this Frank's performance, and she allowed it to show on her face.

As he walks towards her, she tilts her head to the side, one brow raising when he addresses her as Miss. "Mrs. actually, Jenna Morgan." The dismissiveness of his reply irks her lightly, but she is used to that response. "I am from Oklahoma University..."