Interest check: Yu-gi-oh Academy rp

Started by Silk, September 14, 2012, 08:49:00 PM

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I've been thinking about a different variety of games I played in the past and I am thinking of GMing a new Yu-Gi-Oh duel academy roleplay. But I don't want to take it much further until I have a rough idea on the ammount of interest.
For the game itself I would personally prefer to keep it upto 5d's grade cards, (Synchros and alike) mostly due to not being very farmilliar with the new series and systems. Also given the time frame 5d's cards are possible.

The games themselves can either be done via roleplay (prefered) But I would settle for Dueling network games as long as both parties involved let me know who the winner was if one of the two duelists is short on time.

Any takers? :)

Laughing Hyena

*Throws dueling disk into the ring* You got your first man.


If-a-if if if yah wanna duel me, it's gonna make me stronger, I need you to play a card now, cause I'm can't wait much longer, my deck's like totally gonna beat yah, you may think your harder, but just wait for when I make my next move, when Winged-Kuribo's commin at'cha!

Jaden Yuki- Stronger (Abridged Movie Version)

If that doesn't say I'm interested I don't know what does.
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


I am interested, but I've only seen Duel Monsters and pieces of GX and 5Ds. I am going to have to do a lot of research. *nods and smiles*
"the whispers in the dark...*

Ons and Offs

My Absences and Apologies


GX is the main one story wise, but knowing the mechanics of 5d does help :) Xecel isnt going to factor in much unless people really want cyber space games


hehe Call me in! I have a yugioh GX Character that woudl fit perfectly! Her deck and everything.

Latooni Subota

Seeing as how the last what? Three GMs for YGO rp poofed on us? My duel monsters need has not been sated yet! I'm in. :x
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


I know lattoni, its why I've decided instead of waiting for the next one, I would run the next one :) Also I'm thinking that this rp will be less plot based via gm and more player advanced, although if things get stagnant, I will push things forward, but if people want to do their own little story arcs, just pass it by me and your more than welcome to do so :)


havn't played this card game in years so i only just know a few of the sync monsters but what the hell i'm in


Theres decks that make little to no use of synchro monsters, one in particular I will probs use is fortune ladies unless someone else wants


don't worry, i'm sticking to my dragons


I've got a more spellcaster deck myself. My girly is best with it ^^


Cool :) with this much interest I'll try and get the bare bones and character sheets set up within the next 24 hours <3


I have three decks made, Destiny of Hours, Alpha-Bot, and Dragons of S.O.L. ('anti-syncro' swarm deck)
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


*Stands on a hologram holding duel disk in the air.

I'm in, my dark deck has yet to be satisfied.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


Ok, going to have an option but I would like the players input on this. For those just starting at duel academy, what would you say to having 2 games prior to arriving, if you don't win any, your a slifer, if you win one, your a ra, if you win both, your a obelisk. This is also a potential option for players that have been in the academy for a year+ if you wish to rate which area your in rather than picking.


I think thats a great idea, although i must say we will need to set starting life points low so that duels dont last forever


Either that, or add in potential "Time trial" games, where say you have 10/15 turns, the person with the highest life points at the end wins. Although this is more of a optional mode than mandatory,


Time trial could work but then its easier to use the show as a refrence and have say 4000 or even 2000 life points each

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Silk on September 16, 2012, 08:40:53 AM
Ok, going to have an option but I would like the players input on this. For those just starting at duel academy, what would you say to having 2 games prior to arriving, if you don't win any, your a slifer, if you win one, your a ra, if you win both, your a obelisk. This is also a potential option for players that have been in the academy for a year+ if you wish to rate which area your in rather than picking.

Also I'd suggest we try and not conform to building a character around a deck but the deck around the characters personality. Also makes it a lot more easier for Silk to challenge us with villains also. That's probably the game killer for most beyond lack of story direction. But that's my two cents, either way it is a good idea Silk.


Well, minor spoiler but I'm eventually hoping to have a bit more PvP going on plot wise :)


I dont think the decks should effect the character at all, villans can be selected via either deck or personality but the character should be as the player chooses, i'm using dragons but my character could be timid and wimpy if i wanted


Well having some kind of personality aspect to the deck helps, example azz, you might be timid and whimpy, so you use a dragon deck to try and compensate for that and give you some confidence.


Well that wasn't what i'm actualy doing for my character but i see your point


If the 2 duel rating is optional, I say 8000 LP and/or a 20 turn limit would suffice. Unless someone has a deck that realizes on stalling the duels shouldn't last longer then 20 turns.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627