Violent Delights (M/M Contemporary Gladiator-Slaves)

Started by Nadir, September 07, 2012, 07:54:53 PM

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These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Which, as they kiss, consume


Slaves were the foundation of civilisation. Their strength paired with their skill let great cities rise. Their pliancy and humility served their masters in times of peace and their blood and effort defended them in times of war. On their backs, the ancient empire swelled and swallowed all it set its eyes upon, growing with each generation. For a thousand years, that was the way of it.

Gradually, the world shifted. Rebellions became more common as the freeborn fought against slavers taking without restriction and nothing would satisfy them, until a law was thought up, desperate and extreme. A law that would not allow any freeman to be made a slave. There could be only breed slaves, with their lines carefully documented so they could be sold without hindrance, and to be sure they were not crossbred. Freemen took up the slack as the uses of slaves were restricted to domestic duties, or the more dangerous or tedious work. The number of slaves diminished over the following centuries until only the rich could claim to have them. The Slave Age was ended, the empire continued to prosper. What was once a tool was turned to decoration.

Among the rich, one pastime has carried down the centuries. Gladiator slaves are highly prized, the breeding of them as selective and controlled as that of a pedigree dog or a prestigious thoroughbred. The fights are vastly popular, drawing large crowds to the arenas and with a massive viewership on television. Not all fights are so public, the owners enjoying pitting their slaves in smaller arenas on their own property. The end results are usually more graphic than the public fights ever are.


Two friends have freshly finished their training, just as their master has cause to sell a large part of his stable. One youth (or both) are auctioned off. Not really set on what happens to them, very open to discussion.

No ‘fresh slave’ characters, please. These guys know no other life, and have very little chance of being freed. And yes, all the slaves wear ankle length skirts in public. Because of reasons.

Edit - I forgot to add a note about my posting speed. Which is glacial.