Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (interest check)

Started by lore, September 04, 2012, 08:45:02 PM

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For the most of you who are likely unfamiliar with the game, Arcanum was a blend of steam punk and high fantasy where magic was pitted against technology. Gnomes forcibly breed orcs with humans to create halfbreed bodyguards and dwarves found themselves displaced by human steam technology.
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura E3 2000 Trailer try not to have your mind blown by these graphics

I'm interested in telling an original story in this setting - the (mis)adventures of a band of unlikely heroes (felons, failed businessmen, crackpots, beggars, prostitutes, fools, aged heroes fallen from their fallen glory, etc). 

The first story will be The Battle for Blackroot. Should there be enough interest, more chapters can follow, but this one will place the group at the heart of struggle for Blackroot's loyalties, presently wavering between Tarrant (large technology driven port city) and Cumbria (crumbling magical kingdom). The groups actions will also have an impact on good/evil and the prevalence of magic/technology.

For those of us who are in the original rounds of posts, we'll be starting in and around the Derholm pits - a wretched and violent underground prison in the Capitol of Cumbria. You can be a prisoner, bystander, or guard bored out of his skull.

|Technological Disciplines
|Equipment database (I don't expect people to detail their inventories. The equipment database is more so there for inspiration/information for those unfamiliar with the game. If you want to have some super cool original artifacts, however, I'd appreciate it if you mentioned it in your app.)


[b]Race[/b] - Human, Halfling, Halfbreed, Orc, Elf, Troll, Goblin etc....
[b]Alignment[/b] - Good, Evil, or Indifferent?
[b]Aptitude [/b]- Tech or Magic?
[b]Spells[/b] - Teleportation, Fire college, Water college etc....?
[b]Skills[/b] - Lockpick, prowl, pickpocket etc...?
[b]Weapon(s)[/b] Used - Bow and Arrow, Firearms, Axe, Venemous Sword?
[b]Age[/b] - Old, young?
[b]Physical Description[/b] - Tall, short, hair colour, eyes...
[b]Alliance[/b] - Tarant, Cumbria, other
[b]Bio[/b] (just a quick sketch of their history)

Malista Gwethel Elf rogue/healer
Abessinia Kent Human/Halfling Rogue
Johnathan Fitzpatrick Human Technologist Gunner
Keldrik Ironfist Dwarf technologist Melee
Alaric Athelas Elf magic Healer
Allan Brassbridge Human melee/Magic (earth/force)



I remember playing and enjoying it but I never got very far. I remember it being kinda hard.


Yep well I am a nerd :P I loved the story so much I muscled through the game play. Who am i kidding? I even liked a lot of the game play. I might have also hard a crush on Virgil... but I was young!

Huge familiarity with the game isn't all that important - especially not if you're making a thug or idiot. A well educated individual might be more tricky, but I can write a laymen's intro/have a lot of what needs to be known integrated in to GM posts

Speaking of GMs, if there were any fellow Arcanum nerds out there, or just someone who happens to be interested in co-gming this me, I'd be interested in hearing from you too.


I like the concept for this game, though I'm not familiar with the setting except for what you mentioned and reading the wikipedia article on the computer game just now.

I have an idea for a character, an elven archer who is good with stealth and possibly knows a little magic (though I don't know what sort of spells exist in the setting). She was once a military officer for Qintarra but was exiled after an important civilian official was killed in her patrol territory. Since then she has wandered in human lands, working as a mercenary and selling her body to get by. If this concept sounds good I can make a character sheet and go into more detail. :)


oh ho ho - I like!

This is a great resource for magick and all things arcanum :
And some info on races here

I definitely recommend taking advantage of the natural magickal abilities that come with elf blood.

I will also be making a application template lickity split


Oh, also forgot to ask if this game is going to be freeform or if there is some system? I prefer freeform, though of course I'm fine with using the computer game to inform what sort of abilities my character would have.



I'll only step in if someone is performing feats of godly proportions.

I don't expect people to detail their inventories either. The equipment database is more so there for inspiration/information for those unfamiliar with the game.

If you want to have some super cool original artifacts, however, I'd appreciate it if you mentioned it in your app.


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Name – Malista Gwethel
Race – Elf
Alignment – Good
Aptitude – Magic
Spells – Conveyance
Skills – Bow, Dodge, Prowling, Spot Trap, Heal
Weapons – Bow and Arrow, Sword, Buckler
Age – 108 (actual), ~16 (appearance)
Alliance – None

Physical Description

Mal is a strikingly beautiful and pale-skinned young woman. Her long, dark hair is usually worn up and she has brown, almond-shaped eyes. She is short and slender though physically fit. Normally she wears practical and unremarkable human clothing, though when selling her body she will either choose something more revealing or try to pass herself off as an innocent elven maiden.


Malista was born in the elven city of Qintarra to loving parents and a seemingly idyllic life. As the youngest of five there was no shortage of siblings to watch out for her. Mal was an intelligent and well-adjusted girl, and when she came of age she decided to join the military in order to protect her people. She proved to be brave and skillful in battle, and even by elven standards she had remarkable aptitude for the bow. She learned much of small unit, asymmetric tactics and how to use stealth and terrain to her advantage. The young soldier also studied Conveyance magic in order to keep foes at a distance, and was taught how to perform first aid on battlefield wounds.

Over the course of several years Mal rose to the rank of Ranger-Captain, with her own unit to lead and portion of the forest to patrol. One day an arrogant young elf named Vandris Deledren, one of the civilian officials who oversaw the military, demanded an inspection and tour of Mal’s sector. He annoyed her so badly that she sent one of her lieutenant’s squads to escort him instead of doing so personally—this was not unheard of but was technically against the rules for such a high ranking official. This decision would be Mal’s undoing when Vandris and the squad were found killed by unknown invaders. The young soldier was held personally responsible for the deaths and sentenced to exile by a tribunal. Her immediate family and most of the soldiers in her unit wished to stand by her, but the elf did not want to cause any trouble for them and left without any protest.

Since her exile almost two years ago Mal has wandered throughout human lands, struggling with feelings of homesickness and resentment. She has done some mercenary work, but her insistence on only supporting causes she considers ethical means she has also been forced to turn to prostitution to survive.


Quote from: MzHyde on September 04, 2012, 08:54:36 PM
I remember playing and enjoying it but I never got very far. I remember it being kinda hard.

Ditto, and the graphics weren't bad for when the game came out.  :P

Interested, but following for now.  See if I have room to pick up the game.

Zaer Darkwail

I played some distance in game but not through it but got familiar with mechanics (and how hard it is a life as full blown elf mage; needed always rent special cart in trains so I do not nuke train steam engine with my presence alone).

Anyways voice interest and note for Joslyn; I got mission where I had to escort a 90 old female elf to another city. She was teenager in sugar drunk state and hyper and quite bit childish (as responsible elf I refused let such inmature elf into hands of humans, into city which has even brothel which runs with elves). So I would advice increase the real age to somewhere past 100 but appearance being 16-18 in category visually speaking :).

Anyways thinked play a half-elf who is into tech stuff thanks his human sided parent; kind forsaking his elven roots and lean to magic but has interest in natural sciences (like biology) and like outdoor activity.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 05, 2012, 02:42:00 AM
Anyways voice interest and note for Joslyn; I got mission where I had to escort a 90 old female elf to another city. She was teenager in sugar drunk state and hyper and quite bit childish (as responsible elf I refused let such inmature elf into hands of humans, into city which has even brothel which runs with elves). So I would advice increase the real age to somewhere past 100 but appearance being 16-18 in category visually speaking :).

Weird, it seems like a lot of roleplaying games copy the idea from dungeons & dragons that elves don't reach maturity until they are like one hundred or something, despite it being the most absurd idea in all of d&d. Anyway, if lore decides to keep that setting detail in I'll change the sheet but I'm hoping not as it kills my suspension of disbelief. >.< lol

Zaer Darkwail

Well, the hundred year could be 'elf standard' but in Dark Elf trilogy it was mentioned drows, who are elves like surface cousins, mature lot quicker in mental department also but only because their brutal raising environment pushes it. So elf could reach full mental maturity in same time as body does if raised by humans I believe (when thinking DnD standards for elf maturity). Up to GM/ST decide do we keep it canon in this game the age.


Ironically, 4e did away with it, and elves reach adolescence at the same age as humans.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I'm interested as well. I managed to play and beat the game several times, enjoying it all along the way; I'm even such a geek that I went mucking around and creating my own backgrounds and the like.  8-)

I'd be interested in playing a technologist, if that's alright.

By the way, is their going to be an overarching storyline, something that unites and brings our characters together on a mission, or is it going to be more like a sandbox environment, where we just sort of wander around and do whatever?

Edit: I need to not let my enthusiasm blind me to what is mentioned in the opening post. Disregard my question, I will have a sheet up later tonight.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Sorry Joslyn!

But I do remember the plot Zaer mentioned, and would like to keep that consistency. I hope I haven't fractured your disbelief beyond repair.

Technologists are more then welcome. I'll be making a neutral thief type.

I very much look forward to your app :)


Zaer: Don't forget that Half-elves in game had a -1 penalty to their tech rolls. If I remember correctly, it's because they have a latent bit of magic in themselves, and tech doesn't like it.

Character sheet:
Name Johnathan Fitzpatrick

Race - Human
Alignment - Indifferent, leaning towards good
Aptitude - Technologist
Spells - N/A
Skills - Electric (Assistant), Gunsmithy (Engineer), Explosives (assistant), Mechanical (Assistant) Firearms (Expert)
Weapon(s)  Fine Revolver, 1 explosive grenade, 1 flash grenade
Age - 24
Physical Description Five foot nine inches tall, and weighing in at 200 pounds. He has brown hair with blond highlights, and a big, black, bushy beard that is well-maintained.
Alliance - Tarant
Bio Johnathan has always been a staunch lover of technology, ever since he was a wee lad accidentally shocking himself on things he did not fully understand. He is something of a natural when it comes to handling technology, understanding it on a very intuittive level. It is no shock, then, to anyone that knew him as a child, that he would become a technologist one day; it seemed a foregone conclusion.

He has always wanted to move to Tarant where he could find greater acceptance for his skills and intellect, and be amongst others like him; however, when the chance presents itself to turn his home into a haven of technological awesomeness, how could he possibly pass up the opportunity to further spread techunology, and all the wonderful things it can accomplish?

Items: Weapons mentioned above, sixty bullets, shoes, suede jacket, charged ring (2x)
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Very Nice. I'm a huge fan of the name too.

But what makes John unexceptional, or a bit of a misfit, or failure?

Does his zealousness for technology as he stutters to explain the wonders of his imagination give the impression of madness to magic-minded people? Did his gnome business partner steal the rights to his patents out from under him and make away with his fortunes? Did a rival inventor frame him for a power outrage that took out all of Tarant for a week?


This is awsome, i loved this game since i saw orcs flying bi-planes.  I would love to join if there is room.  I like the idea of an older war hero, who is now possibly a drunk.

If you have room for me ill try and get a sheet up by tonight


Quote from: lore on September 05, 2012, 07:46:38 PM
Does his zealousness for technology as he stutters to explain the wonders of his imagination give the impression of madness to magic-minded people?
This, this, a thousand times this.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!

Drake Valentine

Maybe, but I never beat the game since it did still had a few bad glitches in it at certain locations. I believe I got stuck in this maze area after the prison incident in the game. >.> *Was so mad.*

Or there was another point where the prison would force you to get stuck as well on that island or whatever it was...

Any who, bookmarking for now.

Oh, and my favorite part of the game was
Blue Bunny?
The blue bunneh thing when you encounter it for real and attack it, turned into that monster.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Abessinia Kent
Race - Human with unknown quantities of halfling blood
Alignment - Good (well, she tries)
Aptitude - Mild Tech, she tries to walk a mid-ground
Spells - None
Skills - Lockpick, prowl, pickpocket, back-stab, spot/disarm traps, doge, persuasion
Weapon(s) Used - Bow and Arrow, Firearms, dagger
Age - looks 19, is 28
Physical Description -

A human looking girl of runt stature with wild near-white hair and alabaster skin. She has large expressive blue eyes, small lips, and a thin wrinkle to the right of her mouth from perpetually smirking. Her body bares the signs of a hard life - rough hands with short, chipped nails and the occasional scar littering her forearms. Her wiry body is wrapped in form fitting furs and rags. She looks every part the weathered street urchin and smells of fires and leather. 
Alliance - other
Bio Sketch Born and bred in the Bolye. Abby wanted to be good, she truly did. Unfortunately a life of dashing heroism is hard to come by in Tarrant's crime-controlled slums. Of muddied blood and no means, the girl spent her youth as a messenger for underworld crime lords, eventually graduating to more dangerous and challenging tasks. Five years ago she went on the run, unable to kill a mark assigned her. There's been a generous bounty on her head ever since. With few legitimate skills and no friends or family to speak of, she became a drifter taking from those who could afford it and moving from town to town.

She will be getting arrested in my starting post.

And that's one of my favorite parts too!


I want to play it too! I just LOOOVE Arcanum.

I'm making a pledge of interest, and will soon cook a Wheel Clan character!



The party has officially started.

Started a roster. So far we have:

Malista Gwethel Elf rogue/healer
Abessinia Kent Human/Halfling Rogue
Johnathan Fitzpatrick Human Technologist

This guy makes me think of Johnathan
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Although these images are much more interesting! I think I will add then to resources