Krakenknight's Fandom and suggestions for new RPs

Started by krakenknight, August 30, 2012, 04:20:36 PM

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Hi all my name is Krakenknight and I'm a role player. I'm really trying to get back into things so I thought I'd like to put up My RP list in an easier to read formatl please note I love RP stories and as such I can go everywhere from light to kinky if I like the idea. I've been away for a while and I'm changing how I RP again, I mostly want to try going in with 1 longer form story than a bunch of shorter form stuff.


Boku no Tomodachi ga Sukenai:
I love the "good neighbours club and would want to explore how Sena and Yozura interact

I want to do something a little racey with aged up characters, maybe the digidestined developing complexes based on being heroes at a young age, or maybe one of them developing a messiah complex. I would prefer 02 or Tamers but Frontier could be fun if the characters incorporate digimon forms.
(Also have a Taikari fetish but that is odd enough to back seat)

Would want to do OCs here, maybe gym leaders like Sabrina. Maybe a story about growing older and changing gym challenge rewards.

New idea : Breeding the champion: Cynthia is captured and is either bred by a human rapist or alternatively is made into a breeding prepper for dragon Pokemon.
It has to have harem elements, maybe some sort of unintentional Mind control like a curse binding the girls to an older Negi or another char.

High school of the Dead
This is 1 where I would love to do it a bit like a harem with the whole group sort of turning to sex dependency to cope with the fall of society. I love HOTD's crazy art style and would love to do something in that vein, maybe looking at the depths people sink to when they are seemingly trapped.

Kampfer (But it needs to have more story than the actual Kampfer).
I want to explore how Natsuru adapts to femininity with more detail than cheesecakey jokes, maybe have Natsuru get a nasty shock from Shizuka as a girl and possibly be stuck that way for a while.

Final Fantasy VII
Cloud/Tifa or Cloud/Yuffie

Chrono Trigger
Lucca has some fun with her robotic friend only to find she may have given him the wrong idea.

Haruhi Suzumiya
Haruhi has decided to make a porno and the SOS dan have just become performers much to poor Kyon's horror. Based on a sadly no longer available fic on
Golden Sun
Rangiku Matsumoto needs more love than a single man can give
Rukia Kuchiki and Renji fluffy romance is also loved as well as Ishida.
Persona 3 / 4 / 5 universe
I only do OC stories. Chars from the main story can feature but only if there are more stories to tell.

Bamboo blade is also a cool thing for me.


Scenarios and Light RPS

I like these general ideas
Incest : (Siblings and het parental couplings mostly)
Succubus/human: There's something cool about the idea of corrupting a human.
Furries: love a good anthro tumble.
Best friends
Twu wuv bonding
Secret agent and his partner.

Disturbed (Possible MF)
A man awakens from a 3 week coma with a frightening vision, unless he can stop a young girl from visiting a Shrine in 10 days she will be brutally murdered and a demon will be let free upon the world. The problem is that the man lives in rural England and the girl lives in Urban Tokyo. It also doesn’t help that the girl, is the daughter of a Yakuza crime lord, or that she’s getting forced into an alliance marriage at the shrine

The Puppet made me do it (Romance M/F)
Joyce is a sweet woman who just joined the drama club as a stage hand. She is shy and innocent and hopelessly in love with the director of one of the College plays. One day she meets Philip a travelling puppeteer who is nice and his puppet Joey who is crass and brazen in his comments. Feeling spurred on she bizarrely finds this good natured duo her ticket to winning her chosen man’s heart only to realise the one she wants is the strange man and his felt friend who are already leaving.

Without a trace (Possible MM, MF or FF depending on characters)
A private detective with a mission arrives in Las Vegas, follow and determine if a husband is straying. However when his target is murdered he and the victims unfortunate lover must go on the run to stay ahead of a mysterious conspiracy out to get them.

The Beast Below (FF)
Before Jennifer met Cassandra she had never thought about girls that way. She was a brash class clown who couldn’t stop talking while Cassandra was the sly and sarcastic goth who sat at the back making snide remarks. Jennifer has a huge crush on Cassandra and when one night the two are accidentally locked in the PE storage room overnight she confesses and sparks fly.

Empowered (MF)
Lisa awakens one day to discover she can read the emotions of others. Using this skill she begins to manipulate the people around her into couples only to realise the ache she has to find a companion of her own and finds it in her well meaning science tutor.

The perfect man
In the 23rd century Raymond is a unique commodity among the hitchhikers of the universe, Raymond is an empathic metamorph a man who is completely able to become the perfect mate emotionally for any person just by touching their skin, prolonged exposure deepening the imprint. Therefore he is in quite a pickle when on his travels he encounters both the haughty and aggressive Lady Priscilla and her submissive maid Milly at the same time. What will happen to Raymond’s fragile psyche when two diametrically opposed women are shifting his personality to suit their will at the same time?


Incest and warped family Values

Daddy’s little princess
A girl returns from college with a new relaxed sense of dressing and her widower father is being slowly tortured by her low cut tops and cutoff jeans. After a month of apparently unintentional teasing he comes home early one day to find her masturbating to porn on his bedroom floor. The girl gives him a smile and says, “Why don’t you join me daddy”

My big sister (MF MFF incest, first time, non-consensual)
A sweet and innocent virgin girl discovers that her best friend has developed an unhealthy relationship with his elder sister who has been using him to relieve her sexual tension. Will the sweet girl succeed in saving her friend or will big sister pull her into the growing net of sexual perversion.

Keep it a secret (MF, FF. MMF, bukkake, gangbang)
A teen discovers that his mother was once a successful porn star about 20 years ago and has managed to hide it since then. Using a copy of her rare and highly collectable movie, her son blackmails the woman who founded the morality foundation into committing progressively more depraved acts for his own amusement culminating in a party where all his friends join him in taking her.

Sharing (Incest, FF, MFF)
Two sisters make an agreement, until they both find a partner they will share everything with one another even their bodies. When one sister finds a boyfriend, it turns out to be the boyfriend’s lucky day.

What if you woke up one morning and the rules of the universe had turned into the rules of an 80s exploitation porn flick? How would you react to a world where your day can start with a blowjob and end with a sexy cheerleader on each arm? What if you remember the old rules? Would you try and restore them Ive seen a few similar ideas to this on E and they're all gone too quick for me to get in on them

Romancing Mom and loving it: An older woman and her son start to realise they have more in common when he comes of age. slow building but very sexy. As mommy begins to really enjoy first teasing and then seducing the boy.


Transformation corruption and Transgender oh my!

Changes in lifestyle : A pair of friends play a game in which their subconscious fantasies transform each other. Basically one of them becomes more and more under the control of the other as they both keep changing, each day they become more twisted to their fantasies.

Corruption of champions based worlds.

We can reset things later: A pair of twisted brothers get ahold of Master PC and have a field day first with each other, then their sister. all under the idea that they reset things after 2 days. this will include furry and TG stuff as well as the incest

Lost girl : (Fantasy, MF, Romance, Corruption)
Shaehera is a young clergywoman of the Luanian church sent to spread the gospel of Lathlander to the natives of a foreign land. However when she encounters Caelin a young Warlock she makes a personal vow to save him from his infernal contract. Will she succeed in saving her new friend from the fire, or will his contracting devil pull her under with him?

It feels so good : (TF, Furry, Corruption)
A pair of lovers are lost in the woods and become the playthings of the lust spirit living there. The spirit tempts each of them winding them into a sexual frenzy all the while slowly changing them into various anthropomorphic animals to serve his perverted desires before finally making them beasts.

Something inspired by this story about people transformed by clothing at halloween

Held in : (non con, TF, MC, maybe TG)
A young girl just about to leave highschool is transformed into a busty librarian style hot girl. The girl in question is not very developed physically and a bit of a wallflower. She finds the slow changes in her libido and looks both alarming and secretly what she's always wanted as people suddenly take notice of her. Even her female friends.

Eaten (Clothing fetish, non-consensual)
A woman finds that the new jacket she bought at the shop is actually a telepathic shapeshifting alien who is slowly taking over her body.

Time release (MF, Time stop, Mind control, non-consensual)
A man discovers a magic stopwatch that allows him to stop time for those around him. Also anything he says while time is stopped is unconsciously processed by people who hear it when they wake up.

Mischief (TF TG BE Mind control)
During a thunderstorm a mischievous Kitsune is freed from an old stone idol and sets to work changing the people she encounters in the park to suit her own devilish sense of humour.

Contract with a god (Mind Control, Incest, multiple characters)
Jacob is a young man in a troubled family. One of his sisters is getting married to an arrogant weasel of a man, his other sister is slowly withdrawing into herself like a hermit crab and his parents are on the brink of divorce thanks to the revelation of his father's affair with his boss. But after the death of his much beloved grandmother Jacob discovers a box, inside the box is a contract with a god. Anything he desires in exchange for the deity taking one of his male offspring as his own page, but can Jacob trust Bacchus to keep his word, especially when the girl of his dreams is sleeping over with his sister the night he seals the deal.

Wishing (Pretty much anything barring the aforementioned nonos)
A woman is given a hideous lamp by an elderly relative. Too gracious to refuse the woman later accidentally knocks it over revealing a genie willing to grant her infinite wishes with unknown Faustian side effects.

The exhibition: artist Conrad Verner's work was always controversial, but his latest piece literally changes people into his exhibits of exhibitionism. Anyone who looks at "the eyes of the devil" is infused with a wild exhibitionist streak and totally stripped of moral limits. Can the lust be contained?

Shifter: Danny met "klio" in a chat room and was shocked to discover that her claims of changing her shape are true. This small pixie of a girl can change any part of her body of a whim and she has agreed to give Danny a camshow. It starts off small but as time goes on he gets bolder and more outlandish with his requests for her on camera changes. Until eventually the two agree to meet.

Good morning handsome: Yesterday he was given the supplement, today Eric Mantle has to deal with the fact that he has imprinted on his single mother and she'll do anything to get him.

A mystery worth solving: Cheryl McGinnis is a schoolgirl detective investigating a string of strange disappearances. On her investigation she discovers a trafficking ring that turns ordinary girls into obedient slaves and she is now a target.

Sparkly to darkly.
May made the wrong girl angry now she's turning into a sexy goth girl with a filthy mouthand mind

The City in the sky.
The City of Dunnmanifestin is the capital of the Goddess Gaia, in this world Angels and the demons of Oblivion live in an uneasy peace and the angels have become accustomed to the peace.

The city sits on top of a huge mountain wreathed by clouds and surrounded by a mix of elemental magi and steampunk technology.
Most of the community are highly moral but there are seedier elements on the fringes. What the angels don’t realise is that someone is spreading a new kind of insidious corruption, slowly turning these peaceful innocents. The characters are a pair of young engaged angels who are corrupting slower than average, noticing the growing depravity while fighting their own fall.

Alex in Wonderland: following a showgirl in white down a back alley was one thing but 16 year old Alex fell down a hole and finds himself in Wonderland, but its a corrupted version of the classic tale. Alex has always been androgynous but the first thing he eats turns him into a true girl. Now in order to reclaim his manhood and go home, Alex must please the mad hatmistress, and the attentions of a strange man named burton by becoming the greatest whore in wonderland, with the help of her catgirl friend chess.

Student exchange: (body swap group sex) my name is Ingrid sampson and not so long ago I was a professor, a few days ago I woke up in a strange bed in one of the student dorms to a face that wasn't mine. The problem is, the body I'm in belongs to Dana Saxon the biggest slut on campus and she's in mine, I know I have to fix this, but for now I have to live her life, getting forced into sex arrangements she made and listen as rumours about the deviancy she's comitting in my body. can I make it before she ruins my reputation, or will I end up succumbing to hers

Living with myself (Another open freeform anything goes.): I don't know how it happened but something changed a few weeks ago, everything I say about people comes true and I can't stop myself. I want my normal life back but I keep putting my foot in my mouth when I talk to people." The main character would essentially be trying to normalise his life after the initial events (Maybe calling a friend or family member something hurtful only for it to happen). Not an intentional corruptor he keeps making things worse for himself in sexy ways.

It doesn't take much (MF inc)
Life for the Roberts family changed immensely when the family moved to Beckett's crest in rural New Mexico. For you see they bought a house that had been built upon the lost temple of an ancient fertility goddess. When Mr and Mrs Roberts enjoy the priveleges of married life, the goddess awakens and after finding the town has turned into a quiet conservative community seeks to increase the population by any means necessary, starting with the 3 Roberts daughters. This is either for a group or single player with multiple characters like  Mischief

Flip the switch : A couple find themselves switching bodies and loving it, While originally worried they find they can get more pleasure this way and often switch and experiment in other ways.

Unleashed : Every night I change, during the day I'm a normal guy, by night... well I'm a monster, driven by my instincts. and lately those instincts are to breed. Why the hell is my kid sister visiting me now?
Basic premise is that the guy is a were and at night he changes and becomes feral, eventually getting out and raping his sis, maybe getting her pregnant.


Pictures my kinks Imgur



On the case: A young inexperienced policewoman is sent undercover to stop a group of molesters, only to fall victim to them. The policewoman is a closet exhibitionist who gets aroused by getting her picture taken.





Added a few small details. Looking for a Christmas season themed RP


Wasting your mind. A college girl gambles at a special casino where intellect and her body's appearance are the stakes after she loses at poker. It's a pity the house always wins.


Starting out on her own.

Based on the RPG Fleshcult.
A new succubus has escaped from hell, determined to make it out for herself. This succubus is going to start her own army and harem and corrupt the mortals of the world.


Back after a long absence and am bumping my topic. Dying for a corruption TF TG game.


Little shop of costumes

When a woman enters the costume emporium of one Miles Rune. They are looking for something fun for a costume. What they don't realise is that every costume in the shop carries a curse that slowly turns a person into a sexualised version of their costume.

Dying to try this one!



Added "breeding the champion" under Pokemon. Really in the mood to do an impregnating story, maybe one with a taboo twist.



A group of teens doing community service on an old and somewhat isolated homestead (Some are doing it willingly while others are doing it by as punishment) as a school project. The house's inhabitants mysteriously vanished 30 years ago and the current owners want the place turned into a community bed and breakfast. Most of the teens are social misfits (Freaks or geeks) and are not exactly the most cohesive unit to begin with, but when the teens and their teacher (An NPC) are trapped in the house basement by a powerful seasonal storm they discover the game.

The teacher, trying desperately to get his students to get along proposes that they try out the game, found secreted away behind a long forgotten shelf. Realising all too late that he has unleashed a game of erotic horror where people are changed and subjected to dark and erotic situations they would never have dreamed of.

Did this as a group, it fizzled. maybe as a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 it will make it to completion.


Bumping. Itching like heck to do a Pokémon story, maybe an AU journey or a Pokephile Gymleader.


Bumping after a long abscence. Really looking for a transformation/ Hypnosis based story at the moment.




Bumping the topic as I'm craving a sibling incest story


back after a long absence and bumping for 1 more RP



I've come back and I want only 1 play by post for now, aiming to write something multi paragraph and more character focused than my old stuff, A story with 2 character and maybe a small pool of shared NPCs.


Added Family home transformation to my list as my current craving.


Bumping this to see if there are any interested parties most of these ideas could still be fun


Are you happy to have questions and suggestions posted here or would you prefer a PM?