New Forum Descriptions

Started by Vekseid, May 10, 2008, 12:14:38 PM

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Please give your suggestions here, organized by category. You don't need to do them all (Thus this thread). Please keep descriptions to 255 characters or less (about 40-50 words).

Thank you.



Oh!  Sorry, I forgot about this *blush* Thanks for the nudge :)
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Yep! I'd planned on it last night... or maybe the night before... summer break does that to me about time.

It's on the list for tonight. Now to see how much of said list I can get done!


Following the Literary descriptions would make sense.
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


I was thinking of being a bit more verbose than those, but I'd definitely want the liberary defs to be the same as the category defs when we're done.


Okies... Here's my first pass on descriptions, roughly based on the literature discussion definitions:

(Note: whatever is used, I will update the descriptions in the literature discussion instructions to match the final, approved wording as closely as possible).

Play-By-Post: Normal Sex
This category involves consensual sex without bondage or the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Human Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve consensual sex without bondage or strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Human Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts involving consensual sex without bondage or strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) that use multiple threads and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Exotic Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve consensual sex without bondage or strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts involving consensual sex without bondage or strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) that use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Normal Sex Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards involving consensual sex without bondage or strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Play-By-Post: Bondage
This category involves consensual sex with bondage but without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Human Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve consensual sex with bondage but without strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Human Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts involving consensual sex with bondage but without strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) that use multiple threads and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Exotic Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve consensual sex with bondage but without strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts involving consensual sex with bondage but without strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) that use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Bondage Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards involving consensual sex with bondage but without strong fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Play-By-Post: Non-Con Human
This category involves non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and features humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-Freeform Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-Freeform Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system, use multiple threads and feature humans or things close humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-Freeform Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system, use multiple threads and feature humans or things close humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-System Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system and feature humans or things close to humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-System Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system, use multiple threads and feature humans or things close humans, like elves or vampires.

Human-System Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system, use multiple threads and feature humans or things close humans, like elves or vampires.

Play-By-Post: Non-Con Exotic
This category involves non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore) and includes nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-Freeform Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-Freeform Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system, use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-Freeform Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played without a rules system, use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-System Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-System Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system, use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Exotic-System Big Games
Games of 1000+ posts housed on sub-boards that involve non-consensual sex without the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore), are played with a rules system, use multiple threads and include nonhumans such as furries, animals or monsters.

Play-By-Post: Extreme
This category involves sex that may include any and all topics allowed on the site, including exotic creatures, bondage, non-consensual actions and the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Extreme Single Threads
Games encompassed in a single thread involving sex that may include any and all topics allowed on the site, including exotic creatures, bondage, non-consensual actions and the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

Extreme Small Games
Games of less than 1000 posts involving sex that may include any and all topics allowed on the site, including exotic creatures, bondage, non-consensual actions and the stronger fetishes (bodily wastes or gore).

> fixed a typo (missed an 's')


My first thought was that I wonder if people who haven't done PbP will understand what 'single thread' means?  I'm not coming up with anything more clear, at the moment... I'll think on it :) 

Also... is there anything that can replace 'normal'? :)  Vanilla comes to mind, but that has too many BDSM connotations.  Unkinky? *giggle*  No... that won't work...  Straight?  No, too much non-homosexual/bisexual connotation...

Is the Play-by-Post before each category name necessary?

Strong fetishes... hmmm... again, at a loss for a word with less negative connotation... maybe I should wait until later in the day to try to think!  If the category is going to be called 'extreme', then maybe extreme should be used everywhere those types of fetishes are mentioned?

I hadn't previously noticed that the freeform/system distinction isn't made in each category.  I'd guess that's because all of the categories don't have enough threads to warrant the differentiation? 

Thank you for tackling that, NightBird :)  I said I'd help and then got caught up in one of my game threads *giggle*
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Quote from: moondazed on May 14, 2008, 08:31:53 AM
My first thought was that I wonder if people who haven't done PbP will understand what 'single thread' means?  I'm not coming up with anything more clear, at the moment... I'll think on it :) 

At some point, we're just going to have to rely on people being helpful :-p

QuoteAlso... is there anything that can replace 'normal'? :)  Vanilla comes to mind, but that has too many BDSM connotations.  Unkinky? *giggle*  No... that won't work...  Straight?  No, too much non-homosexual/bisexual connotation...

What is wrong with vanilla? Since it's supposed to stand opposite of BDSM.

Is the Play-by-Post before each category name necessary?

I can change it to something else, but yes, there needs to be something that I can group all of the PBP categories under.

QuoteStrong fetishes... hmmm... again, at a loss for a word with less negative connotation... maybe I should wait until later in the day to try to think!  If the category is going to be called 'extreme', then maybe extreme should be used everywhere those types of fetishes are mentioned?

I hadn't previously noticed that the freeform/system distinction isn't made in each category.  I'd guess that's because all of the categories don't have enough threads to warrant the differentiation? 

Right. It's largely to 'balance out' the forums because Elliquiy has so many non-con games.

QuoteThank you for tackling that, NightBird :)  I said I'd help and then got caught up in one of my game threads *giggle*

Yes, thank you Nightbird : )

Anyone have ideas for the left column?


Everything in bold is taken from the existing titles, just as an FYI. I just realized that I didn't specify that in my post last night. The underlined bold text represents a category, the plain bold represents a forum/board within the category immediately above it.

Nomenclature on a BBS isn't my strong point, but I can't think of anything better than 'thread,' either! :P

Perhaps just call that top category 'Consensual'? We're being straightforward about bondage and non-con, so why not just say consensual in the title? I agree with you about the connotations of 'normal' offering an implication that anything outside that top category is, from its separation into another category, 'abnormal.'

'Play-By-Post' I think should stay because it's specifying that games there will be played there, via posts, rather than through IRC or planning an IM.

As for strong/extreme, how about replacing both usages with 'intense'?  ( That may be getting closer to a word that implies it's not a category for the squeamish without as much potential for negative connotations to the term used.

On the freeform/system division only in Non-Con, I believe that it is because of size.

You're welcome - you two and everybody else on the site! I think, though, I'm going to do IC tonight. Been neglecting it to help out with the Mentor program and such.


I think using consensual is a great idea, as well as intense :)  Eloquence is truly an art ;)

I see what you're saying about Play-by-Post being in the title, thank you.

Hmmm... the left column... *wandering off to take a look*
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Nightbird, instead of the phrase “things close to humans” would you consider using the word “humanoid” for it does encompass close human aliens species as well as your examples listed. It may make the definition of the terms more precise.
Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing
~Dorothy Parker



I used 'human' because people tend not to discriminate against say, elves, but going much further may still be humanoid but bother people.


Wouldn't including examples in the description clear up what types of character belonged there?  Not that you could list them all :)
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


I initially suggested 'Humanoid' when discussing the board reorganization, to which the response was that it would include robot and cyborg sorts of creatures and thus wouldn't work.

In actually writing the descriptions, I was constantly struck by the limitations of staying under 255 characters. Several of mine come very close just with the basic description I used. I'm not saying they're perfect, but I agree with Vekseid that the mouseover text needs to be brief, a reminder rather than a comprehensive description. The comprehensive description that resides in the rules can elaborate much more expansively than mouseover text should, at least from everything I've ever read, studied or considered in terms of website design.

I would also suggest two things:
     1) It is highly likely that people are going to examine whatever list of descriptions and organizational structures are posted far more than they ever will the result.
     2) It is impossible to structure the site so that no one will ever have something they don't like in the same category as something they do.

In general, then, it seems reasonable to try some poll threads, offer a few combinations, and see which get the clicks.  Urk... that overlapped into structure, didn't it?  :P


Ahhh... *smacking my forehead*... for some reason I had it stuck in my head that the descriptions would be text, not mouseovers. 

I believe one person took issue with humanoid... or did I miss something?
~*~ Sexual Orientation: bi ~*~ BDSM Orientation: switch ~*~ Ons and Offs ~*~ Active Stories ~*~


Could have been just one. I mainly just remember that there was objection, so I tried to look in other directions for terminology, and I just accepted the forum titles as they are right now. Obviously, if category contents change, the mouseover descriptions would have to change.

In the description of each category in the rules, I think a list of examples for each board would be great.


Quote from: Elvi on May 10, 2008, 04:24:02 PM
Could you define humanoid please?

To me that means anything that is upright on two legs and 'speaks/thinks' and cyborgs or 'robots are referred to as humanoid too.

Wouldn't that confuse Exotic?

One person did not 'take issue' or 'object' to the use of 'humanoid', one person asked for a deffinition.

I personally think that the 'normal' and 'exotic' tags are most apt.
Normal being people, exotic covering anthro's, elves, deamons, aliens and whatever else is not 'human'.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Quote from: Elvi on May 15, 2008, 06:28:00 AM
One person did not 'take issue' or 'object' to the use of 'humanoid', one person asked for a deffinition.

I personally think that the 'normal' and 'exotic' tags are most apt.
Normal being people, exotic covering anthro's, elves, deamons, aliens and whatever else is not 'human'.

Elliquiy began with Elven Maiden in NCNF... For that reason alone, there it will stay, I think. Not many people get a stick up their butt about pointy ears.


Category contents are one thing. I have my own opinion about the dividing lines on body form, but that's an issue for the other thread. I'd not thought that titles were up for discussion again. I just used what's currently on the boards. I was offering potential content for the descriptions visible on mouseover, and not much has been said about that.

I'm hesitant to offer much more on descriptions, though, until we iron out what contents belong in which forum, but that's the other thread...


pointy ears.....:P

Really I dont think that content was too much in dispute? Scat, Vore, Necrophillia, things that was once against the rules butisnt now go in extreme, thats the only change right? Beastiality was never against the rules, just no pictorial depictions of said acts I believe..


I just made that suggestion because it isn't necessarily non-con but that's where it currently goes.


I thought bestiality was 'Exotic' since it wasn't a 'normal' 'human'...


I agree..beastiality is not really extreme..unless of course the beast devours the human after?


Quote from: NightBird on May 15, 2008, 06:14:55 PM
I thought bestiality was 'Exotic' since it wasn't a 'normal' 'human'...

Well it might be exotic, but dont think it goes in extreme. I am not a fan of beastiality (give me intelligence like were-wolf or such stuff and I am fine) but I dont think it would have to be relegated to extreme...It doesnt ahve to go in Non-con etiher, just unless someone rapes/blackmails (and even blackmail might not be too non-con since they are technically willingly doing the stuff, even if it is only to avoid somethng else but thats just a discussion for something else :P) either the anthro, were, or human counter point.
