What is that thing? (F seeking M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, August 12, 2012, 03:45:53 AM

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Sampais Wrath

Oh how science has advanced. A large company has secretly been working on a new project. The creation of artificial life. They've made things like dogs and cats but never tried a human before. After a few tweaks to the system the company scientists tried to create one but it ultimately died before it got the chance to live. More tweaks were made and they began to try again. The company's owner who by now was quite rich planned to give the creation his son for his birthday. What better gift could he give after all?

A problem arose with the new one creation. As it would turn out it would not be ready by the son's birthday. Instead on the son's birthday he was brought into the lab and shown the project. At the moment it was just a large tank with a strange ball inside it. He was told that if he were to come into the lab each day and see the project develop until it was finished he would receive the being that was created. Of course he was not told what the creation would be but the father had a feeling he would enjoy it.

Looking for someone to play the son. PM me if interested. Things are negotiable.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
Current request thread:
Boop Here

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thats interesting. how many days would this undertake?

Sampais Wrath

I was thinking a couple weeks for the being inside the tank to grow until it's ready to survive on its own. Obviously that would get quite boring just playing that for a few weeks worth of game time which is why time jumps were invented!
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
Current request thread:
Boop Here

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there


hmmm its interesting. obviously whats going to be grown? a human female or like some kind of hybrid?

Sampais Wrath

I didn't really think of hybrids when I was writing this but it's possible. I was thinking more of a human.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
Current request thread:
Boop Here

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there


hmmm ok i can try this. would you create? and would this be light, more bondage, or worse?

Sampais Wrath

I can certainly start it. I don't mind any bondage or anything. It can be included if you want or we can start in light and if there is the urge for bondage or worse we can have it moved.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
Current request thread:
Boop Here

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there


meh lets just have it in bondage. if it goes light than its all good. ;3 will you make it than. ill reply to it as soon as i see it.

Sampais Wrath

I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
Almost always interested in new games.
Current request thread:
Boop Here

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there